Slow script that filters images:
blur() and add() do pretty much the same thing, fast_add() too but is less good and faster.
contrast() lessen the number of colors by rounding their values.
b_w() turns black and white
col() adds the given color to the image
lin() create spaced lines.
from kandinsky import* def blur(): for x in range(321): for y in range(222): s=[0]*3 for i in range(9): v=get_pixel(x-1+i%3,y-1+i//3);c=2 if i!=0 else 1 for j in(0,1,2):s[j]+=c*v[j] set_pixel(x,y,(s[0]//17,s[1]//17,s[2]//17)) def contrast(): for x in range(321): for y in range(222): s=list(get_pixel(x,y)) for i in(0,1,2):s[i]=round(s[i]/15)*15 set_pixel(x,y,s) def add(): for x in range(321): for y in range(222): s=[0]*3 for i in range(9): v=get_pixel(x-1+i%3,y-1+i//3);c=4 if i==4 else 2 if i%3 else.65 for j in(0,1,2):s[j]+=c*v[j] set_pixel(x,y,(s[0]//17,s[1]//17,s[2]//17)) def fast_add(): for x in range(321): for y in range(222): s=[0]*3 for i in range(4): v=get_pixel(x+[0,-1,1][i%3],y+[0,1,-1][i%3==0+i==3]) for j in(0,1,2):s[j]+=v[j] set_pixel(x,y,(s[0]//4,s[1]//4,s[2]//4)) def b_w(): for x in range(321): for y in range(222): c=0;v=get_pixel(x,y) for j in(0,1,2):c+=v[j] set_pixel(x,y,(c//3,)*3) def col(d,i=0): for x in range(321): for y in range(222):v=get_pixel(x,y);c=v[i];set_pixel(x,y,(c//d[0],c//d[1],c//d[2])) def lin(w,d=0,c=(0,)*3): for p in range((222*(d==1)+320*(d==0))//int(w*2)):fill_rect(2*p*w*(d==0),2*p*w*(d==1),320*(d==1)+w*(d==0),222*(d==0)+w*(d==1),c)