Version monochrome du jeu BombRun. La version couleur est disponible ici.
from random import randint from kandinsky import get_pixel,draw_string,fill_rect from ion import * from time import sleep while 1: draw_string("EXE pour lancer une partie",30,100,(160,0,255)) while not (keydown(KEY_EXE) or keydown(KEY_OK)):True while keydown(KEY_EXE) or keydown(KEY_OK):True fill_rect(0,0,319,221,'white') for a in range(31+1): c=randint(1,12) for b in range(c+1): draw_string("œ",10*a,207-14*c+14*b,'blue') x=0 y=10 drop=False while y<10+14*14: x+=10 if x>310: x=0 y+=14 if (x<310 and sum(get_pixel(x+16,y+7)) < 248*3) or (x==310 and sum(get_pixel(0+5,y+14+7)) < 248*3): draw_string("C'est perdu, ça a touché !",30,80,"red") break draw_string(">",x,y-1,'green') k=0 for k in range(15): if (keydown(KEY_EXE) or keydown(KEY_OK)) and not drop: bx=x by=y drop=True sleep(0.01) if drop: draw_string(" ",bx,by) by+=14 if sum(get_pixel(bx+6,by+7)) < 248*3: #s'il y a un immeuble for etage in range(by,210,14): #alors on l'efface draw_string(" ",bx,etage) drop=False elif by<210: #sinon la bombe descend draw_string("°",bx-1,by,'red') else: drop=False if y>10+13*14: draw_string("C'est gagné, bravo !!",55,80) draw_string(" ",x,y-1)