Only works on Omega, Upsilon and KhiCass.
Add a dot at beginning of all scripts names to hide them and automatically delete this script.
To show all scripts, just run exec(open(".show").read())
in the shell or in a new script.
This script is for single use, once run it will delete itself, so you will have to transfer the script again.
from os import * print('Hidener python script tool started! \n\nListing files ...') FILES = listdir() FILES.remove(__name__+'.py') print('Creating loader ...') with open('.show', 'w') as f: f.write(r'''from os import * print('Hidener python script tool started! \n\nShowing files ...') for i in {}: try: if i.startswith('.'): rename(i, i[1:]+'.py') else: rename('.'+i[:i.rindex('.')], i) except OSError: print('WARINNG: hidden version of \''+i+'\' not found, can\'t restore') print('Self deleting ...') if __name__ != '__main__': remove(__name__+'.py') remove('.show') print('All done!')'''.format(FILES)) f.close() print('Hiding files ...') for i in FILES: if not i.startswith('.'): rename(i, '.'+i[:i.rindex('.')]) print('Self deleting ...') remove(__name__+'.py') print('All done! \n\nTo unhide files, \nrun exec(open(\".show\").read()) in the shell')