CalcMarkdown is a python script that is able to read markdown documents and display them on your calculator with the markdown formating.
You can create issues and Pull requests on the github repository.
It supports basic mardown formating: - Titles - Titles 2 - Titles 3 - Bold text - Strike text
I will implement more syntax in the future.
The markdown parser is not perfectly acurate!
It is not currently able to process a lot of features such as lists, italic text or escaping formating characters.
The script has been tested on N0110 and it seems to crash on emulator.
You should not try to open the script directly on your calculator because It makes the code editor very buggy due to very looooong line.
Download the script on your calculator and create another Python script with the name of your choise.
In this file, type doc="""markdown"""
. Replace markdown
with you markdown document. You can use line returns.
Next, run and give the python file name as the document name (without the .py
) and your document is displayed!
import math import kandinsky import time import ion def draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, width, color): if x2 < x1: x1, y1, x2, y2, = x2, y2, x1, y1 xo = x2-x1 yo = y2-y1 y_error = yo/xo if xo != 0 else yo half_width = width/2 if xo == 0: if yo > 0: kandinsky.fill_rect(x1-int(half_width), int(y1-half_width), width, yo+width, color) else: kandinsky.fill_rect(x1-int(half_width), int(y2-half_width), width, -yo+width, color) return y_width = abs(math.ceil(y_error)) if abs(y_error) > width else width for i in range(xo+1): y = math.ceil(y1+i*y_error-half_width) ny_width = y_width if i == xo and y2 > y1: ny_width = width if i == 0 and y2 < y1 and y+y_width > y1: ny_width = width kandinsky.fill_rect(int(x1+i-half_width), y, width, ny_width, color) def draw_letter(l, x, y, size, weight, color=(0, 0, 0)): if l in letters: points = letters[l].split(".") for i in range(3, len(points), 4): draw_line(round(x+int(points[i-3], 16)/255*size), round(y+int(points[i-2], 16)/255*size), round(x+int(points[i-1], 16)/255*size), round(y+int(points[i], 16)/255*size), weight, color) def render_md_line(text, x, y, size, weight, spacing, allow_bold=False): active_bold = False active_strike = False render_cursor = 0 reading_cursor = 0 while reading_cursor < len(text): skip = False if allow_bold and text[reading_cursor] == "*" and text[reading_cursor+1] == "*": if active_bold: active_bold = False render_cursor -= 1 reading_cursor += 1 else: active_bold = True render_cursor -= 1 reading_cursor += 1 skip = True if text[reading_cursor] == "~" and text[reading_cursor+1] == "~": if active_strike: active_strike = False render_cursor -= 1 reading_cursor += 1 else: active_strike = True render_cursor -= 1 reading_cursor += 1 skip = True if not skip: draw_letter(text[reading_cursor], x+render_cursor*spacing, y, size, weight+1 if active_bold else weight) if active_strike: draw_line(x+render_cursor*spacing, y+size/2, x+render_cursor*spacing+spacing, y+size/2, 1, (0, 0, 0)) render_cursor += 1 reading_cursor += 1 return x+reading_cursor*spacing def parse_md_line(text, y, x_offset=0, color=(0, 0, 0)): if len(text)==0:return 15 words = text.split() if words[0] == "#": render_md_line(text[2:], x_offset+0, y, 50, 5, 18) draw_line(x_offset + 10, y+45, 310 - x_offset, y+45, 1, (200, 200, 200)) return 50 elif words[0] == "##": render_md_line(text[3:], x_offset+5, y, 35, 4, 16) draw_line(x_offset + 10, y+35, 310 - x_offset, y+35, 1, (200, 200, 200)) return 40 elif words[0] == "###": render_md_line(text[4:], x_offset+10, y, 25, 3, 15) return 30 elif words[0] == ">": height = parse_md_line(text[2:], y, x_offset+20) kandinsky.fill_rect(x_offset+15, y, 4, height, (200, 200, 200)) return height else: render_md_line(text, x_offset+5, y, 18, 2, 10, True) return 15 letters = {' ': '', '!': '', '"': '6e.27.6d.50.8f.25.8d.52', '#': '', '$': '9e.', '%': '', '&': '', "'": '7f.29.7f.50', '(': '', ')': '', '*': '5a.37.a3.5a.', '+': '7e.41.7e.96.52.70.a8.6f', ',': '84.a6.7c.b9.7c.b9.71.c6', '-': '', '.': '', '/': '95.24.65.b6', '0': '', '1': '5c.', '2': '5b.50.6c.32.6c.32.80.2b.80.2b.a2.38.a2.38.a7.5b.a7.5b.5a.b2.5a.b2.a4.b0', '3': '', '4': '90.b7.', '5': 'a6.', '6': '', '7': '', '8': '6c.', '9': '5a.98.73.b7.73.b7.8f.b6.8f.b6.a0.9a.a0.9a.a7.63.a7.63.9a.3a.9a.3a.80.2f.80.2f.', ':': '', ';': '7e.58.7e.5c.80.a6.7e.b7.7e.b7.74.c6', '<': 'ae.', '=': '50.5a.a5.5a.4e.85.a7.85', '>': '4e.47.a6.6f.a6.6f.50.99', '?': '', '@': '', 'A': '', 'B': '', 'C': 'b4.51.a9.38.a9.38.91.2b.91.2b.7b.2a.7b.2a.', 'D': '', 'E': '', 'F': '5c.b2.5c.2f.5c.2f.aa.2f.59.6f.a8.6f', 'G': '', 'H': '', 'I': '', 'J': '', 'K': '', 'L': '', 'M': '', 'N': '', 'O': '', 'P': '', 'Q': '', 'R': '', 'S': 'ac.4e.a2.37.9f.32.81.2c.7e.2c.5d.34.5d.', 'T': '', 'U': '', 'V': '', 'W': '', 'X': '', 'Y': '48.27.7f.78.7f.78.b8.2a.7d.77.7d.b5', 'Z': '', '[': '9b.2d.7b.2d.7b.2d.7b.d7.7b.d7.95.d7', '\\': '68.26.90.b2', ']': '68.2c.89.2c.89.2c.89.d6.89.d6.69.d6', '^': '5b.75.7e.2d.7e.2d.a4.74', '_': '43.d9.b2.d9', '`': '', 'a': '5a.6e.67.5a.67.5a.', 'b': '', 'c': 'a4.6d.9c.57.9c.', 'd': 'a1.28.a1.b1.', 'e': '', 'f': '', 'g': 'a3.51.a3.ce.a3.ce.8d.e1.8d.e1.72.e2.72.e2.61.dc.61.dc.5c.ce.', 'h': '', 'i': '', 'j': '83.2d.', 'k': '', 'l': '80.27.80.b0', 'm': '', 'n': '', 'o': '57.6e.57.9d.57.9d.6e.b0.6e.b0.8f.b2.8f.b2.aa.9c.aa.9c.aa.75.aa.75.9e.5f.9e.5f.', 'p': '', 'q': 'a1.50.a1.d5.a1.', 'r': '', 's': '', 't': '', 'u': '', 'v': '', 'w': '', 'x': 'a1.4f.5b.b2.59.50.a7.b6', 'y': 'a8.4f.76.da.76.da.65.df.58.49.82.a7', 'z': 'aa.b2.5b.b2.5b.b2.a4.59.a4.59.56.59', '{': '9d.29.8a.2e.8a.2e.', '|': '7f.26.7f.d7', '}': '', '~': '4c.'} file_n=input("doc name > ") try: f=__import__(file_n) f_valid=True except (ImportError, SyntaxError) as e: if isinstance(e,SyntaxError): print("Python syntax error in file") else: print("file not found!") f_valid=False if f_valid and not "doc" in dir(f): print("invalid file!") f_valid=False if f_valid: text = f.doc i=1 try: while i > len(text)-1: if (text[i-1]!="\n" and text[i]=="\n" and text[i+1]!="\n"): text=text[:i]+text[i+1:] i-=1 i+=1 text=text.replace("\n\n","\n") y_scroll=0 while True: y_level=y_scroll+10 total_height=0 for i in text.split("\n"): height=parse_md_line(i, y_level) y_level += height total_height+=height kandinsky.fill_rect(313,9,5,203,(200,200,200)) kandinsky.fill_rect(314,10+int(201*(-y_scroll)/total_height),3,round(201*(222/total_height)),(50,50,50)) kd=False ku=False while not (ku or kd): kd=ion.keydown(ion.KEY_DOWN) ku=ion.keydown(ion.KEY_UP) time.sleep(0.1) if kd: y_scroll-=50 if ku: y_scroll+=50 y_scroll=min(y_scroll,0) y_scroll=max(y_scroll,-total_height+222) # clear kandinsky.fill_rect(0,0,312,222,(255,255,255)) except KeyboardInterrupt: kandinsky.fill_rect(0,0,320,222,(255,255,255)) kandinsky.draw_string("Press [OK] or [Back] to close",10,10) print("goodbye!")