Cool game for Numworks calculator. The goal is to destroy oncoming enemy spaceships and prevent them from reaching the left side of the screen (your Base).. Avoid the weird rectangles that keep getting in your way, and avoid getting destroyed by them. Gain energy by destroying spaceships and catching the random little squares that show up.
Key [Arrows] = Move, fly. Key [OK] = Shoot Key [Backspace] = Pause/ Resume game. ——————————————
Good luck!
from math import * from random import * from kandinsky import * from ion import * from time import * from kandinsky import fill_rect as F from kandinsky import draw_string as STR from ion import keydown as K from random import randint as R from random import choice as CH H=255 SW=322 SH=222 Mc=200 bg=(0,0,0) F(0,0,322,222,bg) F(0,0,322,50,(0,40,0)) F(0,170,322,70,(0,40,0)) F(0,48,322,2,(0,255,0)) F(0,170,322,2,(0,255,0)) while not K(KEY_EXE): STR("SPACE WAR",110,80,"cyan",bg) STR("( PRESS [OK] BUTTON TO START)",20,140,"white",bg) bg=(R(0,35),R(0,50),R(0,25)) startimer=0 #amount of stars nb=R(10,20) st = [0]*nb pr = [0]*nb #background maybe eraser NR="black" def point(): return [randrange(322),35,randrange(1,10)] for i in range(nb): st[i] = point() F(0,0,H,SH,NR) #color definitions via RGB Decimal BLACK=(0,)*3 RED=(H,0,0) DARK_RED=(125,0,0) WHITE=(H,)*3 BLUE=(0,0,H) YELLOW=(H,H,0) MAGENTA=(H,0,H) GREEN=(0,H,0) BLACK=(0,)*3 CYAN=(0,H,H) world=1 game=True psc=0 pl=3 pe=30 px=10 py=100 pw=9 ph=5 pc=WHITE foodx=R(300,500) foody=R(38,165) foodw=foodh=R(6,15) foodc=CYAN #dark matter mx=R(350,500) my=R(30,100) mw=R(20,30) mh=R(20,50) mc=(R(0,255),R(0,255),R(0,255)) enemies_destroyed=0 et=0 efast=False #enemy energy ee=5 ex=280 ey=100 ew=15 eh=15 ec=(R(0,H),R(0,H),R(0,H)) F(0,0,SW,SH,bg) F(0,0,SW,22,(0,0,0)) #main loop F(0,0,322,36,(R(0,255),R(0,255),R(0,255))) F(0,183,322,40,(R(0,255),R(0,255),R(0,255))) while game: foodc=(R(0,150),R(0,150),R(0,150)) #rects mx-=R(0,3) #enemy ex-=1 foodx-=2 STR(" World:"+str(world),128,2,YELLOW,BLACK) STR("Player[",5,0,CYAN,BLACK) STR("Enemy[",240,0,"green",BLACK) F(mx,my,mw,mh,mc) F(mx,my,2,mh,choice([DARK_RED,RED])) F(mx+mw-2,my,2,mh,choice([DARK_RED,RED])) F(mx,my,mw,2,choice([DARK_RED,RED])) F(mx,my+mh-2,mw,2,choice([DARK_RED,RED])) F(ex,ey,ew,eh,ec) F(ex+ew,ey,2,eh,bg) F(ex-5,ey+5,5,3,ec) F(ex,ey+10,5,3,ec) F(mx+mw+1,my,1,mh,bg) #erase spacecraft trail F(ex+6,ey,5,3,bg) F(ex+1,ey+5,5,3,bg) F(73,4,round(pe/3),11,"cyan") F(px,py,pw,ph,pc) F(px+4,py+1,4,2,CYAN) F(298,4,round(ee),11,RED) F(ex+6,ey+10,5,3,bg) F(ex-5,ey+5,5,3,"red") F(foodx,foody,foodw,foodh,foodc) F(foodx+foodw+1,foody,2,foodh,bg) #enemy random speedup et+=0.01 if et>R(2,5): et=0 efast=R(0,1) if py>=ey-3 and py<=ey+6: ey+=choice([R(-3,0),R(0,3)]) if ey<42:ey=42 if ey+eh>172:ey=172-eh #enemy reaches the gates if ex<-R(10,30): ee=R(3,8) F(258,4,round(ee)+10,11,BLACK) ex=R(250,400) ey=R(40,168) ew=R(6,30) ec=(R(0,H),R(0,H),R(0,H)) pe-=3 F(73+int(pe/3),4,2,11,BLACK) F(px,py,pw,ph,RED) #[0,0,1] is a CH list of True or False efast=CH([0,0,1]) et=0 #player shoots if K(KEY_OK): F(px+pw-2,py,2,ph,"red") F(px+pw,py+1,SW-px,3,(R(0,H),R(0,H),R(0,H))) sleep(0.001) F(px+pw,py+1,SW-px,3,bg) if K(KEY_LEFT): px-=2 F(px+pw,py,2,ph,bg) if K(KEY_RIGHT): px+=2 F(px-2,py,2,ph,bg) if K(KEY_UP): py-=2 F(px,py+ph,pw,2,bg) if K(KEY_DOWN): py+=2 F(px,py-2,pw,2,bg) #enemy is hit. if K(KEY_OK) and py+1 >= ey and py+1 <= ey+eh and px+pw<=ex+ew: F(298,2,25,15,BLACK) for i in range(R(2,10)): for j in range(R(2,10)): i=ex+R(0,7) j=ey+R(0,7) F(i,j,R(2,5),R(2,5),CH([CYAN,BLACK,bg,ec])) F(258,4,round(ee),11,BLACK) #enemy is hit ee-=0.06 psc+=R(0,2) pe+=0.02 ey+=choice([R(-2,0),R(0,2)]) #enemy destroyed if ee<1: ee=R(3,8) ex=R(250,400) ey=R(37,168) ew=R(6,30) ec=(R(0,H),R(0,H),R(0,H)) enemies_destroyed+=1 pe+=3 pc=(R(50,Mc),R(50,Mc),R(50,Mc)) psc+=R(10,20) if enemies_destroyed>R(3,8): world+=1 enemies_destroyed=0 ee=R(3,7) ex=R(250,400) ey=R(37,168) ew=R(6,30) ec=(R(0,H),R(0,H),R(0,H)) bg=(R(0,35),R(0,50),R(0,35)) F(0,23,SW,SH,bg) F(0,0,322,36,(R(0,255),R(0,255),R(0,255))) F(0,183,322,40,(R(0,255),R(0,255),R(0,255))) pe+=1 pc=(R(50,Mc),R(50,Mc),R(50,Mc)) psc+=R(10,20) #player crashes into ceiling if py<=36: py=36 pe-=0.2 F(px,py,pw,ph,RED) F(0,34,322,2,CYAN) #player crashes into ground if py+ph>180: py=182-ph pe-=0.2 F(px,py,pw,ph,RED) F(0,182,322,2,CYAN) if px<1: px=1 if px+pw>SW: px=SW-pw if pe<1: game=False #pause game if K(KEY_BACKSPACE): STR("(PAUSED)",110,100,(R(0,H),R(0,H),R(0,H)),bg) while K(KEY_BACKSPACE): pass while not K(KEY_BACKSPACE): pass while K(KEY_BACKSPACE): STR(" ",110,100,bg,bg) pass #player low on energy if pe<10: F(px,py+ph,1,1,CH([(120,0,0),(H,0,0),bg,BLACK])) F(px,py-1,pw,1,bg) py+=R(0,1) if efast: for i in range(R(1,2)): ex-=1 F(ex+ew,ey,2,eh,bg) startimer+=0.1 if startimer>R(3,7): startimer=0 for i in range(nb): st[i][1] += randrange(1,int(50/st[i][2])) z = st[i][2] Sx = st[i][0] Sy = min(240,st[i][1]) if Sy >= 170: st[i] = point() if pr[i] != 0: set_pixel(pr[i][0],pr[i][1],bg) pr[i] = [int(Sx),int(Sy)] r=R(0,Mc) g=R(0,Mc) b=R(0,Mc) set_pixel(pr[i][0],pr[i][1],color(r,g,b)) if mx+mw<0-R(10,20): mx=R(500,1000) mw=R(20,70) mh=R(20,70) my=R(40,180-mh) mc=(R(0,255),R(0,255),R(0,255)) F(0,36,322,144,bg) if px+pw>=mx and px<=mx and py+ph>=my and py<=my+mh: px-=1 pe-=0.5 F(0,0,SW,20,bg) F(px,py,pw,ph,"red") my+=R(-2,2) if my<36:my=36 if my+mh>180:my=180-mh if px>mx and px+pw<=mx+1 and py+ph>=my and py<=my+mh: px-=1 pe-=0.3 if px+pw>=mx and px<=mx+mw and py+ph>=my and py<=my+mh: F(px,py,pw,ph,RED) pe-=0.1 mw+=choice([0,0,1,-1]) mh+=choice([0,0,1,-1]) if foodx+foodw<-R(5,25): foodx=R(1000,2000) foody=R(38,165) foodw=foodh=R(6,15) if foodx+foodw>=px and foodx<=px+pw and foody+foodh>=py and foody<=py+ph: F(px,py,pw,ph,GREEN) F(foodx,foody,foodw,foodh,bg) foodx=R(1000,2000) foody=R(38,165) foodw=foodh=R(6,15) pe+=1+round(foodw/5) F(px-10,py+1,30,2,(R(0,255),R(0,255),R(0,255))) F(px+3,py-10,2,25,(R(0,255),R(0,255),R(0,255))) sleep(0.1) F(px-10,py+1,30,2,bg) F(px+3,py-10,2,25,bg) #game over sleep(0.5) F(0,0,322,222,(0,0,0)) STR("GAME OVER",100,100,RED,BLACK) sleep(1.4) STR("SCORE:",100,140,(R(150,255),R(150,255),R(150,255)),BLACK) sleep(1.5) STR(str(psc),170,140,"cyan",BLACK)