guide=””” [OK] = Set Shape [pi] = Sketch Mode On/ Off [7]89= “red”, “green, “blue” EXE = Exit & Print Data
Hold [shift] + [(][)][x]/] = Fast Increase, Decrease Width, Height
Length of my_shapes should be ≤ 6 for copy & paste ability. ( Numworks has limit if copy ) Use: from Kandinsky import fill_rect from Kandinsky import fill_rect as F
bg=(255,255,255) my_shapes =[ [x,y,w,h,c], [x,y,w,h,c],[x,y,w,h,c] ]
for i in my_shapes: F(*i)
Try different keys.. “””
from math import * from random import * from random import randint as R from kandinsky import * from kandinsky import fill_rect as F from ion import * from time import * guide=""" [OK] = Set Shape [pi] = Sketch Mode On/ Off [7]89= "red", "green, "blue" EXE = Exit & Print Data Hold [shift] + [(][)][x]/] = Fast Increase, Decrease Width, Height Length of my_shapes should be ≤ 6 for copy & paste ability. ( Numworks has limit if copy ) Use: from Kandinsky import fill_rect from Kandinsky import fill_rect as F #tuple = color = *white" bg=(255,255,255) my_shapes =[ [x,y,w,h,c], [x,y,w,h,c],[x,y,w,h,c] ] for i in my_shapes: F(*i) Try different keys.. """ my_shapes=[] x=140 y=100 w=20 h=20 c=(0,0,0) bg= (174, 204, 77) x_y=0 my_pix=[] my_pix_copy=[] def clear_screen(): F(0,0,322,222,bg) def redraw(): for i in my_shapes: F(*i) for i in my_pix_copy: F(*i) sketchmode=False mybgcolors=[] clear_screen() while not keydown(KEY_EXE): F(x,y,w,h,c) if keydown(KEY_LEFT): x-=2 if sketchmode==0: F(x+w+1,y-1,2,h+2,bg) redraw() if keydown(KEY_RIGHT): x+=2 if sketchmode==0: F(x-2,y-1,2,h+2,bg) redraw() if keydown(KEY_UP): y-=2 if sketchmode==0: F(x-1,y+h+1,w+2,2,bg) redraw() if keydown(KEY_DOWN): y+=2 if sketchmode==0: F(x-1,y-2,w+2,2,bg) redraw() if keydown(KEY_OK): sleep(0.2) my_shapes.append([x,y,w,h,c]) draw_string("Shapes:"+str(len(my_shapes)),1,1,(0,0,0),(0,255,255)) draw_string("Shape captured!",140,1) sleep(0.5) F(0,0,322,20,bg) if keydown(KEY_VAR): sleep(0.2) print([x,y]) x_y+=1 my_pix.append([x,y]) my_pix_copy.append([x,y,w,h,(0,0,200)]) draw_string("Pixel:"+str(x_y),1,1) draw_string("Pixel[x,y] Captured!",110,1,(0,0,140)) sleep(0.6) F(0,0,322,20,bg) if keydown(KEY_BACKSPACE): sleep(0.2) if len(my_shapes)>0: del my_shapes[-1] clear_screen() redraw() if my_shapes==[]: sleep(0.2) if len(my_pix_copy)>0: del my_pix_copy[-1] clear_screen() redraw() if keydown(KEY_POWER): sleep(0.2) if len(my_pix_copy)>0: del my_pix_copy[-1] redraw() if keydown(KEY_PI): sleep(0.2) c=(R(0,255),R(0,255),R(0,255)) if keydown(KEY_SHIFT): if keydown(KEY_BACKSPACE): sleep(0.2) clear_screen() my_shapes=[] if keydown(KEY_LEFTPARENTHESIS): sleep(0.01) w-=1 F(x+w+1,y,1,h,bg) if keydown(KEY_SHIFT): w-=5 F(x+w+1,y,5,h,bg) if keydown(KEY_RIGHTPARENTHESIS): sleep(0.01) w+=1 if keydown(KEY_SHIFT): w+=5 if keydown(KEY_MULTIPLICATION): sleep(0.01) h-=1 F(x,y+h+1,w+1,1,bg) if keydown(KEY_SHIFT): h-=5 F(x,y+h+1,w+1,5,bg) if keydown(KEY_DIVISION): sleep(0.01) h+=1 if keydown(KEY_SHIFT): h+=5 if keydown(KEY_IMAGINARY): sleep(0.2) bg=(R(0,255),R(0,255),R(0,255)) fill_rect(0,0,322,222,bg) if w<2: w=2 if h<2: h=2 if x<0: x=0 if x+w>322: x=322-w if y<0: y=0 if y+h>222: y=222-h if keydown(KEY_COMMA): sleep(0.2) bg=(R(0,255),R(0,255),R(0,255)) clear_screen() if keydown(KEY_ZERO): sleep(0.2) w=10 h=10 c=(0,255,255) clear_screen() redraw() if keydown(KEY_ONE): sleep(0.2) w=50 h=50 clear_screen() redraw() if keydown(KEY_TWO): sleep(0.2) w=100 h=100 clear_screen() redraw() if keydown(KEY_DOT): sleep(0.2) w=322 h=222 clear_screen() redraw() if keydown(KEY_SQRT): sleep(0.2) w=3 h=3 sketchmode+=1 if sketchmode: draw_string("[sketch on]",200,1,(0,)*3,(0,255,255)) if sketchmode>1: sketchmode=0 draw_string("[sketch on]",200,1,bg,bg) if keydown(KEY_FOUR): sleep(0.2) c='yellow' if keydown(KEY_FIVE): sleep(0.2) c='purple' if keydown(KEY_SIX): sleep(0.2) c='pink' if keydown(KEY_SEVEN): sleep(0.2) c='red' if keydown(KEY_EIGHT): sleep(0.2) c='green' if keydown(KEY_NINE): sleep(0.2) c='blue' if keydown(KEY_TOOLBOX): sleep(0.2) c=choice([ 'red','green','blue', 'yellow','brown','purple', 'pink','orange','gray', 'black','white','cyan' ]) if keydown(KEY_LOG): sleep(0.2) bg=choice([ (155, 217, 243), (152, 234, 229), (37, 83, 72), (255, 13, 213), (52, 190, 37), (110, 252, 242), (77, 39, 30), (233, 243, 13), (104, 154, 96), (174, 223, 163), (77, 118, 246), (90, 102, 98), (154, 231, 93), 'red','green','blue', 'yellow','brown','purple', 'pink','orange','gray', 'black','white','cyan' ]) clear_screen() if keydown(KEY_TANGENT): sleep(0.2) mybgcolors.append(bg) # print(bg) draw_string("bg captured!",100,1) sleep(0.5) draw_string("bg captured!",100,1,bg,bg) if keydown(KEY_BACKSPACE): if w>12: if len(my_shapes)<1: sleep(0.2) w=12 h=12 clear_screen() if w==322 and h==222: x=80 y=80 w=100 h=100 bg=c c=(R(0,255),R(0,255),R(0,255)) if bg==c: c=(R(0,255),R(0,255),R(0,255)) mybgcolors=list(set(mybgcolors)) draw_string("PRESS OK",100,150,(0,)*3,(0,255,255)) print("") print("-------------------------") print("mybgcolors=",mybgcolors) print("-------------------------") print("bg=",bg) print("-------------------------") print("w,h,c=[",w,",",h,",",c,"]") print("-------------------------") print("my_pix=",my_pix) print("-------------------------") print("my_shapes=",my_shapes)