Awesome Level and Game Maker
from math import * from random import * from random import randint as R from kandinsky import * from kandinsky import fill_rect as F from ion import * from time import * guide=""" keys: Arrows = Move Shape [OK] = Set or Store Shape [Backspace] = Delete Last Piece [()],[)] = -(Width), +(Width) [x] ,[/] = -(Height), +(Height) [Toolbox] = Change Color of piece [6] = Change Color of piece [7] = Red [8] = Green [9] = Blue [0] = GUIDE Menu [Comma] = Change Color of Background Shift + Arrows = Move Fast [ln] = Load Data to Add to """ guide_x=0 guide_y=0 while not keydown(KEY_LEFT) and keydown(KEY_RIGHT):# and guide_y > -200: draw_string(str(guide),guide_x,guide_y) sleep(0.1) guide_y-=1 if guide_y < -200: guide_y=200 fill_rect(0,0,322,222,(255,)*3) draw_string("Press [Left] or [right] Arrow",40,100,(0,0,0),(0,255,255)) SW=322 SH=222 my_shapes=[] x=100 y=100 w=60 h=15 c=(0,0,0) bg=(255,)*3 x_y=0 my_pix=[] my_pix_copy=[] def draw_guide(): global guide,guide_x, guide_y draw_string(str(guide),guide_x,guide_y) sleep(0.1) guide_y-=1 if guide_y < -200: guide_y=200 fill_rect(0,0,322,222,(255,)*3) draw_string("Press [Left] or [right] Arrow",40,100,(0,0,0),(0,255,255)) def clear_screen(): F(0,0,322,222,bg) def redraw(): for i in my_shapes: F(*i) for i in my_pix_copy: F(*i) def data_print(): draw_string("Shapes:"+str(len(my_shapes)),140,1,(0,0,0),(0,255,255)) draw_string("Pixel x_y:"+str(x_y),1,1) sleep(0.5) F(0,0,322,20,bg) def show_grill(): global SW,SH,gray,red,green,black global white,cyan,grill_gap,grill_line_c,bg SW=322 SH=222 gray=(200,)*3 red=(255,0,0) green=(0,255,0) black=(0,0,0) white=(255,)*3 cyan=(0,255,255) grill_gap=20 #verticle lines, top to bottom for i in range(0,SW,grill_gap): F(i,0,1,SH,grill_line_c) #horizontal lines, left to right for j in range(0,SH,grill_gap): F(0,j,SW,1,grill_line_c) sprite_set=[] sprite_on=0 grill_line_c=(0,255,255) grill_on=0 def load_shapes(): bg= (135, 255, 250) my_saved_shapes= [[0, 164, 60, 15, (0, 0, 0)], [82, 98, 60, 15, (0, 0, 0)], [229, 105, 39, 117, (0, 0, 0)], [219, 97, 57, 9, (24, 134, 226)], [-29, 213, 351, 9, 'red']] for i in my_saved_shapes: F(*i) sketchmode=False mybgcolors=[] clear_screen() edit_mode_on=0 # Main Loop while not keydown(KEY_EXE): F(x,y,w,h,c) if keydown(KEY_LEFT): x-=2 if sketchmode==0: F(x+w+1,y-1,2,h+2,bg) redraw() if keydown(KEY_SQUARE): x-=6 if sketchmode==0: F(x+w+1,y-1,6,h+8,bg) if keydown(KEY_RIGHT): x+=2 if sketchmode==0: F(x-2,y-1,2,h+2,bg) redraw() if keydown(KEY_SQUARE): x+=6 if sketchmode==0: F(x-6,y-1,6,h+8,bg) if keydown(KEY_UP): y-=2 if sketchmode==0: F(x-1,y+h+1,w+2,2,bg) redraw() if keydown(KEY_SQUARE): y-=6 if sketchmode==0: F(x-1,y+h+1,w+2,6,bg) if keydown(KEY_DOWN): y+=2 if sketchmode==0: F(x-1,y-2,w+2,2,bg) redraw() if keydown(KEY_SQUARE): y+=6 if sketchmode==0: F(x-1,y-6,w+2,6,bg) if keydown(KEY_OK): sleep(0.2) my_shapes.append([x,y,w,h,c]) draw_string("Shapes:"+str(len(my_shapes)),1,1,(0,0,0),(0,255,255)) draw_string("Shape captured!",140,1) sleep(0.5) F(0,0,322,20,bg) if keydown(KEY_VAR): sleep(0.2) print([x,y]) x_y+=1 my_pix.append([x,y]) my_pix_copy.append([x,y,w,h,(0,0,200)]) draw_string("Pixel:"+str(x_y),1,1) draw_string("Pixel[x,y] Captured!",110,1,(0,0,140)) sleep(0.6) F(0,0,322,20,bg) if keydown(KEY_BACKSPACE): sleep(0.2) if len(my_shapes)>0: del my_shapes[-1] clear_screen() redraw() if my_shapes==[]: sleep(0.2) if len(my_pix_copy)>0: del my_pix_copy[-1] clear_screen() redraw() if keydown(KEY_POWER): sleep(0.2) if len(my_pix_copy)>0: del my_pix_copy[-1] redraw() if keydown(KEY_SHIFT): if keydown(KEY_BACKSPACE): sleep(0.2) clear_screen() my_shapes=[] my_pix=[] if keydown(KEY_LEFTPARENTHESIS): sleep(0.01) w-=1 F(x+w+1,y,1,h,bg) if keydown(KEY_SHIFT): w-=5 F(x+w+1,y,5,h,bg) if keydown(KEY_RIGHTPARENTHESIS): sleep(0.01) w+=1 if keydown(KEY_SHIFT): w+=5 if keydown(KEY_MULTIPLICATION): sleep(0.01) h-=1 F(x,y+h+1,w+1,1,bg) if keydown(KEY_SHIFT): h-=5 F(x,y+h+1,w+1,5,bg) if keydown(KEY_DIVISION): sleep(0.01) h+=1 if keydown(KEY_SHIFT): h+=5 if keydown(KEY_IMAGINARY): sleep(0.2) bg=(R(0,255),R(0,255),R(0,255)) fill_rect(0,0,322,222,bg) if w<2: w=2 if h<2: h=2 if x<0: x=0 if x+w>322: x=322-w if y<0: y=0 if y+h>222: y=222-h if keydown(KEY_COMMA): sleep(0.2) bg=(R(0,255),R(0,255),R(0,255)) clear_screen() redraw() if keydown(KEY_PI): sleep(0.2) w=3 h=3 grill_line_c=choice([ 'green','blue','black', 'white','gray',(0,225,255) ]) grill_on+=1 if grill_on: show_grill() if grill_on>1: grill_on=0 clear_screen() if keydown(KEY_SQRT): sleep(0.2) w=3 h=3 sketchmode+=1 if sketchmode: draw_string("[sketch on]",200,1,(0,)*3,(0,255,255)) if sketchmode>1: sketchmode=0 draw_string("[sketch on]",200,1,bg,bg) if keydown(KEY_FOUR): sleep(0.2) c='yellow' if keydown(KEY_FIVE): sleep(0.2) c=(0,0,0) if keydown(KEY_SIX): sleep(0.2) c=(255,)*3 if keydown(KEY_SEVEN): sleep(0.2) c='red' if keydown(KEY_EIGHT): sleep(0.2) c='green' if keydown(KEY_NINE): sleep(0.2) c='blue' if keydown(KEY_TOOLBOX): sleep(0.2) c=(R(0,255),R(0,255),R(0,255)) if keydown(KEY_TANGENT): sleep(0.2) mybgcolors.append(bg) draw_string("bg captured!",100,1) sleep(0.5) draw_string("bg captured!",100,1,bg,bg) if keydown(KEY_BACKSPACE): if w>12: if len(my_shapes)<1: sleep(0.2) w=12 h=12 clear_screen() if w==322 and h==222: x=80 y=80 w=100 h=100 bg=c c=(R(0,255),R(0,255),R(0,255)) if bg==c: c=(R(0,255),R(0,255),R(0,255)) if keydown(KEY_COSINE): sleep(0.2) data_print() if keydown(KEY_LN): sleep(0.2) edit_mode_on+=1 if edit_mode_on>1: fill_rect(0,0,322,222,bg) edit_mode_on=0 if edit_mode_on==1: draw_string("edit_mode_on",5,1,(0,255,255),(0,0,0)) load_shapes() if keydown(KEY_LEFT) or keydown(KEY_RIGHT) or keydown(KEY_UP) or keydown(KEY_DOWN): load_shapes() if keydown(KEY_ZERO): sleep(0.2) while not keydown(KEY_LEFT) and not keydown(KEY_RIGHT): draw_guide() F(0,0,322,222,bg) mybgcolors=list(set(mybgcolors)) draw_string("PRESS OK",100,150,(0,)*3,(0,255,255)) print("") print("-------------------------") print("mybgcolors=",mybgcolors) print("-------------------------") print("bg=",bg) print("-------------------------") print("w,h,c=[",w,",",h,",",c,"]") print("-------------------------") print("my_pix=",my_pix) print("-------------------------") print("my_shapes=",my_shapes)