
Created by wperez274

Created on September 09, 2023

7.34 KB

from kandinsky import *
from ion import *
from time import sleep
from random import randint, choice

# Constants
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)

# Player attributes
player_x = 50
player_y = 150
player_width = 15
player_height = 20
player_color = GREEN
player_jump = False
player_jump_height = 0
player_velocity = 2
player_max_jump_height = 40
player_outline_color = BLUE

# Critter monster attributes
critter_x = 200
critter_y = 170
critter_width = player_width * 2
critter_height = player_height * 2
critter_color = BLACK
critter_eye_color = RED
critter_eye_size = 2
critter_speed = 2  # Initial speed
critter_descending = False  # Flag to indicate if the critter is descending

# Small critter attributes
small_critter_x = 50
small_critter_y = 50
small_critter_size = 10
small_critter_color = BLACK
small_critter_speed = 1
small_critter_direction = choice([(1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1)])
small_critter_change_direction = randint(20, 100)
small_critter_approach_chance = 20  # Percentage chance to approach the player

# Energy attributes
player_energy = randint(25, 50)

# Gravity attributes
gravity = 2

# Platform attributes
platform_x = 0
platform_y = 180
platform_width = 320
platform_height = 10
platform_color = BLACK

# Screen boundaries
screen_width = 320
screen_height = 240

# Game variables

# Bullets attributes
bullet_color = BLACK
bullets = []

def create_bullet(x, y, width, height, color):
    bullets.append([x, y, width, height, color])

# Main game loop
while not GAME_OVER:
    # Clear the screen with the background color
    fill_rect(0, 0, screen_width, screen_height, (255,)*3)

    # Draw the platform on the screen
    fill_rect(platform_x, platform_y, platform_width, platform_height, platform_color)

    # Handle user input
    if keydown(KEY_LEFT) and player_x > 0:
        player_x -= player_velocity
    if keydown(KEY_RIGHT) and player_x + player_width < screen_width:
        player_x += player_velocity

    # Apply gravity
    if not player_jump and player_y + player_height < platform_y:
        player_y += gravity

    # Jumping
    if keydown(KEY_OK) and not player_jump and player_y + player_height == platform_y:
        player_jump = True
        player_jump_height = 0

    if player_jump:
        player_jump_height += gravity
        player_y -= gravity

        if player_jump_height >= player_max_jump_height:
            player_jump = False

    # Draw the player with eyes and blue outline
    fill_rect(player_x, player_y, player_width, player_height, player_color)
    fill_rect(player_x + 4, player_y + 4, 3, 3, WHITE)  # Left eye
    fill_rect(player_x + player_width - 7, player_y + 4, 3, 3, WHITE)  # Right eye
    fill_rect(player_x - 1, player_y - 1, player_width + 2, player_height + 2, player_outline_color)  # Outline

    # Move the critter monster
    if critter_descending:
        critter_y += critter_speed
        if critter_y + critter_height > screen_height:
            critter_descending = False
        critter_y -= critter_speed
        if critter_y < 0:
            critter_descending = True

    critter_x -= critter_speed

    # Reset critter monster position if it goes off-screen
    if critter_x + critter_width < 0:
        critter_x = screen_width
        critter_y = randint(50, 150)  # Randomize critter monster's vertical position
        critter_speed = randint(1, 5)  # Randomize critter monster's speed

    # Draw the critter monster with red eyes
    fill_rect(critter_x, critter_y, critter_width, critter_height, critter_color)
    fill_rect(critter_x + critter_width // 4, critter_y + critter_height // 4, critter_eye_size, critter_eye_size, critter_eye_color)  # Left eye
    fill_rect(critter_x + critter_width // 2 + critter_width // 4, critter_y + critter_height // 4, critter_eye_size, critter_eye_size, critter_eye_color)  # Right eye

    # Randomly approach the player
    if randint(1, 100) <= small_critter_approach_chance:
        if small_critter_x < player_x:
            small_critter_x += small_critter_speed * randint(1, 3)  # Fast approach
            small_critter_x -= small_critter_speed * randint(1, 3)  # Fast approach

        if small_critter_y < player_y:
            small_critter_y += small_critter_speed * randint(1, 3)  # Fast approach
            small_critter_y -= small_critter_speed * randint(1, 3)  # Fast approach

    # Draw the small critter
    fill_rect(small_critter_x, small_critter_y, small_critter_size, small_critter_size, small_critter_color)

    # Check for collisions with screen boundaries
    if player_x < 0:
        player_x = 0
    elif player_x + player_width > screen_width:
        player_x = screen_width - player_width

    if player_y < 0:
        player_y = 0
    elif player_y + player_height > screen_height:
        player_y = screen_height - player_height

    # Check for collisions with the platform
    if player_y + player_height > platform_y and player_x + player_width > platform_x and player_x < platform_x + platform_width:
        player_y = platform_y - player_height
        player_jump = False
        player_jump_height = 0

    # Check for collisions with the critter monster
    if (player_x + player_width > critter_x and player_x < critter_x + critter_width and
            player_y + player_height > critter_y and player_y < critter_y + critter_height):
        player_color = RED  # Player turns red
        player_energy -= randint(1, 2)  # Lose energy
        if player_energy < 0:
            GAME_OVER = True  # Player energy is less than zero, game over

    # Check for collisions with the small critter
    if (player_x + player_width > small_critter_x and player_x < small_critter_x + small_critter_size and
            player_y + player_height > small_critter_y and player_y < small_critter_y + small_critter_size):
        player_energy -= randint(1, 2)  # Lose energy
        if player_energy < 0:
            GAME_OVER = True  # Player energy is less than zero, game over

    # Update the energy bar at the top of the screen
    fill_rect(5, 5, player_energy * 2, 10, GREEN)  # Green energy bar
    fill_rect(5, 5, 50 * 2, 10, BLACK)  # Clear the energy bar background
    draw_string("Energy:", 5, 20, BLACK, WHITE)
    draw_string(str(player_energy), 80, 20, BLACK, WHITE)

    # Random bullet
    if randint(1, 100) <= 1:  # 1% chance to create a bullet
        create_bullet(screen_width, randint(50, 200), 10, 2, BLACK)

    # Update bullets
    for bullet in bullets:
        bullet[0] -= 3  # Move the bullet to the left
        fill_rect(bullet[0], bullet[1], bullet[2], bullet[3], bullet[4])  # Draw the bullet

        # Check for collisions with the player
        if (player_x + player_width > bullet[0] and player_x < bullet[0] + bullet[2] and
                player_y + player_height > bullet[1] and player_y < bullet[1] + bullet[3]):
            player_energy -= 1  # Lose energy
            if player_energy < 0:
                GAME_OVER = True  # Player energy is less than zero, game over

    # Remove bullets that go off-screen
    bullets = [bullet for bullet in bullets if bullet[0] > -bullet[2]]

    # Update the screen

# Game over screen
fill_rect(0, 0, screen_width, screen_height, (255,)*3)
draw_string("GAME OVER", 100, 80, RED, WHITE)
draw_string("Energy:", 100, 110, BLACK, WHITE)
draw_string(str(player_energy), 180, 110, BLACK, WHITE)

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