Created by wperez274

Created on September 21, 2023

10.3 KB

A 3D game Potential.

This program was written the programmers at the Numworks offices. It it named “nuum” at their site.

I will try to make it a game, eventually…

…and of course post it here.


Bad Programmer “Wil”

from ion import *
from kandinsky import *
from math import *
from random import randint
from time import monotonic


FOV = pi / 3

ROTATION_SPEED = 2 * pi / 8


MAZES = [994639892451692017993627844655427188346119489096700102527510313302320457573868616417279,


def draw_sprite(rects, x, depth, xCenter, yCenter, scale, offset):
    invDepth = 1 / depth
    ratio = int(scale * invDepth)
    y = VIDEO_HALF_HEIGHT + offset * invDepth
    for (px, py, dx, dy, color) in rects:
        fill_rect(int(x + ratio * (px - xCenter)), int(y + ratio * (py - yCenter)), int(dx * ratio), int(dy * ratio), color)

def sprite_key(x, depth):
    rects = [(2, 0, 1, 9, (255, 181, 49)),
             (0, 9, 1, 3, (255, 181, 49)),
             (4, 9, 1, 3, (255, 181, 49)),
             (1, 9, 3, 1, (255, 181, 49)),
             (1, 11, 3, 1, (255, 181, 49)),
             (2, 1, 3, 3, (255, 181, 49))]
    draw_sprite(rects, x, depth, 2.5, 6, 5, 0)

KEY = (sprite_key, 13)

def sprite_pumpkin(x, depth):
    rects = [(2, 0, 6, 1, (204, 102, 51)),
             (2, 7, 6, 1, (204, 102, 51)),
             (0, 1, 10, 6, (204, 102, 51)),
             (8, 3, 1, 1, (51, 51, 51)),
             (3, 3, 1, 1, (51, 51, 51)),
             (4, 1, 1, 2, (51, 51, 51)),
             (4, 5, 1, 1, (51, 51, 51)),
             (5, 6, 1, 1, (51, 51, 51)),
             (3, 6, 1, 1, (51, 51, 51)),
             (2, 5, 1, 1, (51, 51, 51)),
             (6, 5, 1, 1, (51, 51, 51)),
             (7, 6, 1, 1, (51, 51, 51)),
             (8, 5, 1, 1, (51, 51, 51)),
             (7, 2, 1, 2, (51, 51, 51))]
    draw_sprite(rects, x, depth, 5, 4, 5, 50)

PUMPKIN = (sprite_pumpkin, 25)

SPRITES = [((MAZE_SIZE - 0.5, MAZE_SIZE - 1.5), KEY)]

def unit(x, y):
    n = sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
    return x/n, y/n

def rotate(x, y, angle):
    cosa, sina = cos(angle), sin(angle)
    return cosa * x - sina * y, sina * x + cosa * y

def buildLens(x, y, fov):
    ratio = tan(fov / 2.0)
    return (ratio * y, - ratio * x)

def blend(c1, c2, a=0.5):
    b = 1 - a
    return (a * c1[0] + b * c2[0], a * c1[1] + b * c2[1], a * c1[2] + b * c2[2])

def angle(x, y, x2, y2):
    res = atan2(y, x) - atan2(y2, x2)
    while res < pi:
        res += 2 * pi
    while res > pi:
        res -= 2 * pi
    return res

def nThBit(x, n):
    return (x >> n) & 1

def numberOfSprites():
    return len(SPRITES)

def spritePosition(index):
    return SPRITES[index][0]

def spriteImage(index):
    return SPRITES[index][1][0]

def spriteHalfWidth(index):
    return SPRITES[index][1][1]

def startingPosition():
    return (0.5, 1.5), (1, 0)

def wall(mapId, x, y):
    if nThBit(MAZES[mapId], x + MAZE_SIZE * y) == 0:
        return WALL_EMPTY
    if x % 3 == 0 and y % 3 == 0:
        return HIGHLIGHTS[mapId]
    return WALL_STANDARD

def prompt(mapId, x, y):
    if (floor(x), floor(y)) == (MAZE_SIZE - 1, MAZE_SIZE - 2):
        return "Grab Key"
    return str(mapId) + "/4"

def interact(x, y):
    if (floor(x), floor(y)) == (MAZE_SIZE - 1, MAZE_SIZE - 2):
        return True
    return False

def randomSprites(mapId, n=5):
    res = []
    for i in range(n):
        x, y = 0, 0
        while nThBit(MAZES[mapId], x + MAZE_SIZE * y) == 1:
            x, y = randint(0, MAZE_SIZE - 1), randint(0, MAZE_SIZE - 1)
        res.append(((x + 0.5, y + 0.5), PUMPKIN))
    return res

def transparent(wallId):
    return wallId == WALL_EMPTY

def color(wallId):
    if wallId == CEILING:
        return (33, 33, 33)
    elif wallId == FLOOR:
        return (48, 48, 48)
    elif wallId == WALL_STANDARD:
        return (62, 62, 62)
    elif wallId == WALL_FANCY:
        return (190, 110, 50)
    elif wallId == WALL_SPECIAL_A:
        return (50, 0, 80)
    elif wallId == WALL_SPECIAL_B:
        return (90, 255, 0)
    elif wallId == WALL_SPECIAL_C:
        return (255, 0, 0)
    return (247, 16, 247)

def castingParameters(x, y, rayX, rayY):
    stepX, stepY = None, None
    if rayX == 0:
        stepX, stepY = 1, 0
    elif rayY == 0:
        stepX, stepY = 0, 1
        stepX, stepY = abs(1 / rayX), abs(1 / rayY)

    travelX, tileStepX = ((x % 1) * stepX, -1) if rayX < 0 else ((1 - x % 1) * stepX, 1)
    travelY, tileStepY = ((y % 1) * stepY, -1) if rayY < 0 else ((1 - y % 1) * stepY, 1)

    return (stepX, stepY), (tileStepX, tileStepY), (travelX, travelY)

def castRay(x, y, camX, camY, lensX, lensY, angle, mapId):
    rayX, rayY = camX + angle * lensX, camY + angle * lensY
    tileX, tileY = floor(x), floor(y)

    (stepX, stepY), (tileStepX, tileStepY), (travelX, travelY) = castingParameters(x, y, rayX, rayY)

    hit = False
    hitVertical = False
    while not hit:
        if travelX < travelY:
            travelX += stepX
            tileX += tileStepX
            hitVertical = True
            travelY += stepY
            tileY += tileStepY
            hitVertical = False
        hit = not (transparent(wall(mapId, tileX, tileY)))

    dist = ((tileX - x + (1 - tileStepX) / 2) * stepX) if hitVertical else (
            (tileY - y + (1 - tileStepY) / 2) * stepY)
    dist *= sqrt(camX ** 2 + camY ** 2)

    return (tileX, tileY), abs(dist), hitVertical

def fetchSprites(x, y, camX, camY, lensX, lensY, mapId):
    number = numberOfSprites()
    res = []
    for index in range(number):
        spriteX, spriteY = spritePosition(index)
        spriteX, spriteY = spriteX - x, spriteY - y
        invDet = 1 / (lensX * camY - lensY * camX)
        transformX, transformY = invDet * (camY * spriteX - camX * spriteY), invDet * (
                    lensX * spriteY - lensY * spriteX)
        if transformY > 0:
            spriteOnscreenX = int(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 * (1 + transformX / transformY))
            column = spriteOnscreenX // COLUMN_WIDTH
            if column >= 0 and column < NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS:
                lastColumnOfSprite = (
                            (spriteOnscreenX + spriteHalfWidth(index) / transformY) // COLUMN_WIDTH + 1)
                if lastColumnOfSprite >= NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS: lastColumnOfSprite = NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS - 1
                res.append((lastColumnOfSprite, transformY, spriteOnscreenX, column, index))
    return res

def drawSurfacesAndSprites(x, y, camX, camY, mapId):
    zBuffer = [None] * NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS
    lensX, lensY = buildLens(camX, camY, FOV)
    sprites = fetchSprites(x, y, camX, camY, lensX, lensY, mapId)
    nextSprite = 0
    for column in range(NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS):
        (wallX, wallY), distance, hasHitNS = castRay(x, y, camX, camY, lensX, lensY,
                                                     2 * column / (NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS - 1) - 1, mapId)
        height = min(int(WALL_HEIGHT / distance), VIDEO_HALF_HEIGHT) if distance > 0 else VIDEO_HALF_HEIGHT
        fill_rect(column * COLUMN_WIDTH, 0, COLUMN_WIDTH, VIDEO_HALF_HEIGHT - height, color(CEILING))
        fill_rect(column * COLUMN_WIDTH, VIDEO_HALF_HEIGHT + height, COLUMN_WIDTH, VIDEO_HALF_HEIGHT - height,
        wallColor = color(wall(mapId, wallX, wallY))
        if (hasHitNS):
            wallColor = blend(wallColor, (0, 0, 0), 0.9)
        fill_rect(column * COLUMN_WIDTH, VIDEO_HALF_HEIGHT - height, COLUMN_WIDTH, 2 * height, wallColor)
        zBuffer[column] = distance
        feed = True
        while nextSprite < len(sprites) and feed:
            lastCol, depth, screenX, midCol, index = sprites[nextSprite]
            if lastCol == column:
                if depth < zBuffer[midCol]:
                    spriteImage(index)(screenX, depth)
                nextSprite += 1
                feed = False

def drawPrompt(x, y, camX, camY, mapId):
    message = prompt(mapId, x, y)
    draw_string(message, SCREEN_WIDTH - (len(message) + 1) * 10, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 46, 'white', 'black')

def drawFrame(x, y, camX, camY, mapId):
    drawSurfacesAndSprites(x, y, camX, camY, mapId)
    drawPrompt(x, y, camX, camY, mapId)

def move(x, y, dirX, dirY, speed, mapId):
    dx, dy = unit(dirX, dirY)
    xNew, yNew = x + speed * dx, y + speed * dy
    if transparent(wall(mapId, floor(xNew), floor(yNew))):
        return xNew, yNew
    return x, y

def handleKeys(dt, mapId, x, y, camX, camY):
    redraw = False
    if keydown(KEY_LEFTPARENTHESIS):
        camX, camY = rotate(camX, camY, dt * ROTATION_SPEED)
        redraw = True
    elif keydown(KEY_RIGHTPARENTHESIS):
        camX, camY = rotate(camX, camY, -dt * ROTATION_SPEED)
        redraw = True

    if keydown(KEY_UP):
        x, y = move(x, y, camX, camY, dt * RUNNING_SPEED, mapId)
        redraw = True
    elif keydown(KEY_DOWN):
        x, y = move(x, y, camX, camY, -dt * RUNNING_SPEED, mapId)
        redraw = True
    if keydown(KEY_LEFT):
        x, y = move(x, y, camY, -camX, -dt * RUNNING_SPEED, mapId)
        redraw = True
    elif keydown(KEY_RIGHT):
        x, y = move(x, y, camY, -camX, dt * RUNNING_SPEED, mapId)
        redraw = True

    if keydown(KEY_OK):
        if interact(x, y):
            redraw, mapId, ((x, y), (camX, camY)) = True, (mapId + 1), startingPosition()
            del SPRITES[1:]
            if mapId < len(MAZES):

    return (redraw, x, y, camX, camY, mapId)

def main():
    game_map = 0
    (game_x, game_y), (game_camX, game_camY) = startingPosition()

    redraw = True
    time, dt = monotonic(), 0

    while game_map < len(MAZES):
        if redraw:
            drawFrame(game_x, game_y, game_camX, game_camY, game_map)
            redraw = False

        dt = monotonic() - time
        time += dt
        redraw, game_x, game_y, game_camX, game_camY, game_map = handleKeys(dt, game_map, game_x, game_y, game_camX, game_camY)

    draw_string("You escaped the labyrinth.", 30, 111, 'white', 'black')


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