key [left/right] = move key [OK] = Pause/Resume key [Backspace] = Jump key [Toolbox] = Shoot
Good luck!
from math import * from random import * from kandinsky import * from ion import * from time import * from kandinsky import fill_rect as F from kandinsky import draw_string as STR from random import randint as R from ion import keydown as K #just plug in the RGB Tuples to save space H=255 CYAN=(0,H,H) RED=(H,0,0) DARKRED=(135,0,0) DARKGREEN=(0,135,0) WHITE=(H,H,H) BLACK=(0,0,0) GREEN=(0,H,0) BLUE=(0,0,H) SCRW=322 SCRH=222 world_count=0 world=1 game=True bg=(R(0,H),R(0,H),R(0,H)) #player pdir=0 psc=0 pe=9 pl=3 pc=(R(0,H),R(0,H),R(0,H)) dopen=False edash=False et=0 echase=False edir=0 #enemys energy ee=R(20,30) ex=R(300,400) ey=R(40,100) ew=R(15,30) eh=R(20,40) ec=(R(0,H),R(0,H),R(0,H)) #door dx=-10 dy=-10 dw=9 dh=20 dc=(35,20,0) def pause(): STR("(PAUSED)",110,100,(R(0,255),R(0,255),R(0,255)),bg) while K(KEY_OK): pass while not K(KEY_OK): pass while K(KEY_OK): STR(" ",110,100,bg,bg) pass jump,count,L_jump=False,0,[int(-0.4*(x/4)**2+70) for x in range(-52,52)]+[0] #side is the size or width side=17 #player x x=15 #grd height y_floor=R(140,200) #player height i guess.. #player y = height - side i guess? y=y_floor-side # just a counter for the rgb effect on the cube #clouds ccloud=(R(220,H),R(220,H),R(220,H)) F(0,0,322,222,bg) score=0 #variable for the square: length of each part c1=side//7 c2=side//12 c3=side-c1*2-c2*2 #player colors ccol_1=(R(0,H),R(0,H),R(0,H)) ccol_3=(R(0,H),R(0,H),R(0,H)) def show_square(): c1=side//7 c2=side//8 c3=side-c1*2-c2*2 F(x,y,side,side,pc) def wipe_out_previous_square(b): F(x-b,y-b,2*b+side,b,bg) F(x-b,y,b,side,bg) F(x+side,y,b,side,bg) F(x-b,y+side,2*b+side,y_floor-y-side,bg) L_bullets=[] #width and height of bullets w_bullet=8 h_bullet=6 #velocity of bullets v_bullet=4 offset=0 L_clouds=[[0]*9+[2,1,1]+[0]*9, [0,0,2,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,2,1,1,0,0,0], [0,2,0,0,2,1,1,1,1,0,2,1,1,1,1,0,0], [2,1,1,1,1,1,0,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,0]] h=R(5,10) l=R(15,25) def show_clouds(): global L_clouds,offset if offset==16: offset=0 L_clouds=[[i[-1]]+i[:-1]for i in L_clouds] else:offset+=1 for i,p in enumerate(L_clouds): for j,q in enumerate(p): if q==1: x_nuage,y_nuage=-1*l+offset+j*l,20+i*h F(x_nuage,y_nuage,l,h,ccloud) if q==2: x_nuage,y_nuage=-1*l+offset+j*l+15,20+i*h F(x_nuage,y_nuage,2,h,bg) #grd y_grd1=y_floor+(222-y_floor)//3 #grass on dirt y_grd2=215 #3 different colors for 3 different things cherbe=GREEN cgrd1=DARKGREEN cgrd2=BLACK #ground def show_grd(): F(0,y_floor,320,222-y_floor,cherbe) F(0,y_grd1,320,222-y_grd1,cgrd1) for i in range(80):#320 random = R(0,20) h =random*(y_grd2-y_grd1)//20 F(i*4,y_grd1,20,20,cherbe) for i in range(190):#190 xgrd,ygrd=R(0,320),R(y_grd2-4,222) F(xgrd,ygrd,3,3,cgrd2) L_col=[RED,DARKRED,BLACK] for i in range(320):#320 cgrd,xgrd,ygrd=L_col[R(0,2)],R(0,320),R(y_floor,y_grd1) F(xgrd,ygrd,2,2,cgrd) #grd random pattern grass show_grd() ccarre=BLACK #right Direction=1 shoot=True for i in range(0,322): i+=1 lavay=R(200,220) F(i,lavay,4,40,(R(0,50),R(0,50),R(0,50))) #main loop while game: et+=0.1 STR("Lives:"+str(round(pl)),4,0,CYAN,bg) STR("Score:"+str(psc),90,0,GREEN,bg) STR("Energy:"+str(round(pe)),230,0,DARKRED,bg) F(ex,ey,ew,eh,ec) if et>R(8,12): et=0 echase=choice([0,1,1,]) #enemy moves if edir==1: ex-=1 F(ex+ew,ey,1,eh,bg) if edir==2: ex+=1 F(ex-1,ey,1,eh,bg) if edir==3: ey-=1 F(ex,ey+eh,ew,1,bg) if edir==4: ey+=1 F(ex,ey-1,ew,1,bg) if ey+eh>y_floor: ey=y_floor-eh #player energy loss if x+side>=ex and x<=ex+ew and y+side>=ey and y<=ey+eh: F(x,y,side,side,RED) F(0,0,322,20,bg) sleep(0.001) pe-=0.3 if pl<2: F(x,y,side,side,bg) if ee<10: F(ex,ey,ew,eh,RED) if pe<1: pe=9 pl-=1 F(0,0,322,20,bg) if pe>9: pe=1 pl+=1 F(0,0,322,20,bg) #game is over when plife < 1 if pl<1: game=False for i in range(100): for j in range(100): i=R(x,x+side) j=R(y,y+side) F(i,j,R(2,5),R(2,5),choice([BLACK,DARKRED,RED])) if keydown(KEY_OK): pause() precedent_y=y if keydown(KEY_LEFT): pdir=1 Direction=-1 if x>0: F(x+side-2,y,2,side,bg) x-=2 elif keydown(KEY_RIGHT): pdir=2 Direction=1 if x+side<=320: F(x,y,2,side,bg) x+=2 #jump if keydown(KEY_BACKSPACE): if y==y_floor-side: jump=True #player shoots if keydown(KEY_TOOLBOX): if shoot: shoot=False # 1 = right if len(L_bullets)<15: if Direction==1: L_bullets.append([x+side+3, y+4, 1,side//3,side//4]) else: L_bullets.append([x-3-w_bullet, y+4, -1,side//3,side//4]) elif not(keydown(KEY_TOOLBOX)): shoot=True #bullets fired (L_bullets) if len(L_bullets)!=0: for i in L_bullets: #bullets reach left or right if i[0]>320 or i[0]<0-i[3]: L_bullets.remove(i) else: if i[2]==1: x_eff_bullet=i[0] else: x_eff_bullet=i[0]+i[3]-v_bullet F(x_eff_bullet,i[1],v_bullet,i[4],bg) i[0]+=v_bullet*i[2] F(i[0],i[1],i[3], i[4], (0,0,0)) F(i[0]+(i[3]//6)+1,i[1]+(i[4]//6)+1,i[3]-(i[3]//6)*2-2,i[4]-(i[4]//6)*2-2, ccarre) if jump: y=y_floor-side-L_jump[count] count+=1 if count==len(L_jump): count=0 jump=False if precedent_y<y: F(x-2,y-4,side+4,4,bg) else: F(x-2,y+side,side+4,precedent_y-y,bg) show_square() show_square() show_clouds() if ey<22: ey=22 if ey+eh>200: ey=200-eh if echase: if y<ey: edir=3 if y>ey: edir=4 if ex+ew<-R(10,20): world+=1 ee=R(15,40) ew=R(15,60) eh=R(15,80) ex=R(250,400) ey=R(30,150) ec=(R(0,100),R(0,100),R(0,100)) psc+=R(25,100) pe+=2 bg=(R(0,H),R(0,H),R(0,H)) echase=False F(0,0,322,222,bg) F(ex,ey,ew,eh,ec) show_grd() show_clouds() for i in range(0,322): i+=1 lavay=R(200,220) F(i,lavay,4,40,(R(0,50),R(0,50),R(0,50))) ex-=1 F(ex+ew,ey,1,eh,bg) if keydown(KEY_TOOLBOX) and y+4>=ey and y+4<=ey+eh and x>ex and pdir==1: F(ex,ey,ew,eh,RED) psc+=1 pe+=0.02 F(0,0,322,20,bg) if keydown(KEY_TOOLBOX) and y+4>=ey and y+4<=ey+eh and x<ex and pdir==2: F(ex,ey,ew,eh,RED) psc+=1 pe+=0.02 F(0,0,322,20,bg) for i in range(50): for j in range(50): i=R(x,x+side) j=R(y,y+side) F(i,j,R(2,5),R(2,5),choice([BLACK,DARKRED,RED])) F(0,0,322,222,BLACK) STR("GAME OVER",100,100,WHITE,BLACK) STR("SCORE:"+str(psc),100,140,CYAN,BLACK)