Not my game.. Which is why the code is good… :-) My code is simple. This code is complex.
There are benefits to both simple and complex code.
from kandinsky import * from ion import * from time import * backColor=(0,0,0) plateforms_color=(0,255,0) death_color=(0,0,0) shoot_color=(255,255,255) trainee=False level=0 class Entity(): def __init__(self,x,y,width,height,speed,ma=True): self.x=x self.y=y self.width=width self.height=height self.speed=speed self.move_alone=ma self.chute=0 self.gx=self.x+int(self.width/2) self.dead=False self.drawing=[] self.shooting=None def set_drawing_inverse(self): self.drawing_inverse=[None,]*len(self.drawing) for i in range(len(self.drawing)): j=self.drawing[i] self.drawing_inverse[i]=[self.width-j[0]-j[2],j[1],j[2],j[3],j[4]] def contact(self,x1,y1,x2,y2): if self.x<=x1<=self.x+self.width or self.x<=x2<=self.x+self.width: if self.y<=y1<=self.y+self.height or self.y<=y2<=self.y+self.height: return True return False def step(self): x=self.x y=self.y self.move() if self.x!=x or self.y!=y or len(shoot): fill_rect(x,y,20,30,backColor) self.draw() if is_shooting: draw_shoot((0,)*3) def move(self): global level if is_shooting: draw_shoot(backColor) if self.chute: if self.chute>0: if self.tomber(): self.y+=self.chute self.chute+=1 else: self.y=plateforms[self.get_plateform()][1]-self.height if self.y>222: self.dead=True else: self.y+=self.chute self.chute+=1 if self.move_alone: self.x+=self.speed if self.tomber(): self.speed*=-1 self.x+=self.speed else: x=(keydown(3)-keydown(0)) if x: self.speed=abs(self.speed)*x self.x+=self.speed if keydown(KEY_UP) and not self.tomber(): self.y=plateforms[self.get_plateform()][1]-self.height self.chute=-10 if (not self.tomber()): if[1][0],points[1][1],points[1][0]+20,points[0][1]+5): level+=1 self.dead=True if self.tomber() and self.chute==0: self.chute=1 def tomber(self): self.gx=self.x+int(self.width/2) for i in plateforms: if<=i[1]< if i[0]<=self.gx<=i[0]+i[2]: return False return True def get_plateform(self): if not self.tomber(): for i in plateforms: if<=i[1]< if i[0]<=self.gx<=i[0]+i[2]: return plateforms.index(i) def draw(self): if self.speed<=0: for i in self.drawing: fill_rect(self.x+i[0],self.y+i[1],i[2],i[3],i[4]) else: for i in self.drawing_inverse: fill_rect(self.x+i[0],self.y+i[1],i[2],i[3],i[4]) #Plateforme def draw_all_plateforms(color): for i in plateforms: fill_rect(i[0],i[1],i[2],i[3],color) #Entites def draw_all_entities(): for i in entities: i.move() i.draw() #Shoot is_shooting=None shooting_direction=1 shoot=[] shooting_list=[] for i in range(20): shooting_list+=[[int((15**2-(i-10)**2)**0.5),i-10],] #def move_all_shoot(): # for i in shoot: # fill_rect(i[0]-5,i[1]-5,10,10,backColor) # for i in range(len(shoot)-1,-1,-1): # shoot[i][0]+=shoot[i][2] # shoot[i][1]+=shoot[i][3] # shoot[i][3]+=1 # if shoot[i][1]>222: # del shoot[i] def get_shoot(e,shooting): return [e.gx,e.y+8+10, shooting_list[shooting][0]*((e.speed>0)*2-1), shooting_list[shooting][1],0] def draw_shoot(color): c=get_shoot(avatar,is_shooting) fill_rect(c[0]+c[2]*2-5,c[1]+c[3]*2-2,10,10,color) #Dead animation def death_animation(): for y in range(11): for x in range(16): fill_rect(x*20,y*20,20,24,death_color) sleep(0.003) #points points=[] def draw_all_points(): fill_rect(points[0][0],points[0][1]-5,20,5,(255,150,100)) fill_rect(points[1][0],points[1][1]-5,20,5,(100,100,255)) #Spawn maps=[ #[spaw/end,monsters,plateforms(,txt)] [ [[10,200],[10,100]], [], [ [10,200,100,10], [140,200,100,10], [170,150,100,10], [10,100,100,10], ],"utilisez les fleches\n pour vous deplacer, celle du\n haut pour sauter" ],[ [[0,120],[280,80]], [ [130,100,20,30,5], [160,100,20,30,5], [190,100,20,30,5], ],[ [0,120,50,10], [100,130,140,10], [200,80,100,10], ],"appuyez sur OK pour tirer,\n restez appuye pour viser" ], [[[20, 170], [280, 60]], [[60, 30, 20, 30, 5], [20, -10, 20, 30, 5]], [[10, 170, 40, 10], [60, 130, 20, 10], [20, 100, 20, 10], [60, 60, 20, 10], [20, 20, 20, 10], [260, 160, 20, 10], [290, 120, 20, 10], [230, 80, 20, 10], [280, 60, 20, 10]]], [[[30, 130], [290, 60]], [[100, 100, 20, 30, 5], [30, -50, 20, 30, 5], [100, -50, 20, 30, 5], [180, -140, 20, 30, 5]], [[20, 130, 40, 10], [110, 130, 10, 10], [190, 180, 10, 10], [310, 140, 10, 10], [260, 100, 10, 10], [290, 60, 20, 10]]], [[[20, 200], [260, 120]], [[160, 170, 20, 30, 5], [160, 170, 20, 30, 5], [160, 170, 20, 30, 5], [20, 0, 20, 30, 5], [100, -50, 20, 30, 5], [100, -90, 20, 30, 5], [240, -270, 20, 30, 5]], [[10, 200, 40, 10], [110, 170, 10, 10], [170, 200, 10, 10], [250, 200, 10, 10], [300, 160, 10, 10], [260, 120, 20, 10]]], [[[10, 180], [290, 100]], [[130, 180, 20, 30, 5], [130, 180, 20, 30, 5], [130, 180, 20, 30, 5], [150, 180, 20, 30, 5], [170, 180, 20, 30, 5], [10, 0, 20, 30, 5], [210, 0, 20, 30, 5], [260, 0, 20, 30, 5]], [[0, 180, 40, 10], [120, 210, 70, 10], [220, 210, 10, 10], [270, 170, 10, 10], [240, 130, 10, 10], [290, 100, 20, 10]]], [ [[10,200],[290,200]], [], [ [10,200,300,10], ],"Vous avez gagne !" ] ] def spawn(level): global avatar,entities,plateforms,shoot,points,txt fill_rect(0,0,320,222,backColor) shoot=[] if level==len(maps): print("Gagne !") print("Temps:") print(round(monotonic()-time_start,3)," s") raise BaseException('Le jeu est fini...') map=maps[level] points=map[0] plateforms=map[2] avatar=Entity(points[0][0],points[0][1]-30,20,30,10,False) avatar.drawing=[ (3,0,17,30,(255,0,0)), (0,3,12,10,(200,200,200)), ] avatar.set_drawing_inverse() entities=[avatar,] for i in map[1]: entities+=[Entity(i[0],i[1],i[2],i[3],i[4]),] entities[-1].drawing=[ (3,0,17,30,(0,255,0)), (0,3,12,10,(200,200,200)), ] entities[-1].set_drawing_inverse() if len(map)==4: draw_string(map[3],20,20,(150,)*3,backColor) avatar.draw() spawn(level) time_start=monotonic() while True: if avatar.dead: death_animation() spawn(level) for i in range(len(entities)-1,0,-1): for j in range(len(shoot)-1,-1,-1): if entities[i].contact(shoot[j][0]-5,shoot[j][1]-5,shoot[j][0]+5,shoot[j][1]+5): fill_rect(entities[i].x,entities[i].y,20,30,backColor) fill_rect(shoot[j][0]-5,shoot[j][1]-5,10,10,backColor) del entities[i] del shoot[j] break if keydown(KEY_OK) or is_shooting!=None: if keydown(KEY_OK): if is_shooting==None: is_shooting=1 draw_shoot(backColor) is_shooting+=shooting_direction if is_shooting==len(shooting_list)-1 or is_shooting==0: shooting_direction*=-1 elif is_shooting!=None: shoot+=[get_shoot(avatar,is_shooting),] shoot[-1][0]+=shoot[-1][2] shoot[-1][1]+=shoot[-1][3] draw_shoot(backColor) is_shooting=None for i in entities: i.step() if not trainee: for i in shoot: fill_rect(i[0]-5,i[1]-5,10,10,backColor) for i in range(len(shoot)-1,-1,-1): shoot[i][0]+=shoot[i][2] shoot[i][1]+=shoot[i][3] shoot[i][3]+=1 if shoot[i][1]>222: del shoot[i] continue fill_rect(shoot[i][0]-5,shoot[i][1]-5,10,10,shoot_color) for i in entities[1:]: if,avatar.y,avatar.x+avatar.width,avatar.y+avatar.height): avatar.dead=True draw_all_points() draw_all_plateforms(plateforms_color) sleep(0.025) #Everyone ! #You can change all features (go to top) #You can also create levels with (the same creator) and put #it at line 225