import kandinsky def mandelbrot(N_iteration): for x in range(320): for y in range(222): # Compute the mandelbrot sequence for the point c = (c_r, c_i) with start value z = (z_r, z_i) z = complex(0,0) # Rescale to fit the drawing screen 320x222 c = complex(3.5*x/319-2.5, -2.5*y/221+1.25) i = 0 while (i < N_iteration) and abs(z) < 2: i = i + 1 z = z*z+c # Choose the color of the dot from the Mandelbrot sequence rgb = int(255*i/N_iteration) col = kandinsky.color(int(rgb*0.81),int(rgb*0.13),int(rgb*0.18)) # Draw a pixel colored in 'col' at position (x,y) kandinsky.set_pixel(x,y,col)