
Created by valmontechno

Created on January 07, 2024

1.27 KB

An example of using the sprites module.
View GitHub documentation.

from sprites import *
from ion import *
from time import sleep

sprites = [
bgColor = '#7892ff'
textColor = '#000000'
pallets = [

palletIndex = 0
keyPressed = True

draw_string('Sprites animation demo', 10, 5, textColor, bgColor)
draw_string('Press OK', 10, 25, textColor, bgColor)

while True:
    for i in range(3):
        if keydown(KEY_OK):
            if not keyPressed:
                palletIndex += 1
                if palletIndex >= len(pallets):
                    palletIndex = 0
                keyPressed = True
            keyPressed = False
        drawSprite(sprites[i], pallets[palletIndex], 70, 65, 10)