Astronomy: Lunar Eclipse Includes lunar eclipse and JDE/date conversion routines based on Jean Meeus and a one-year calendar routine.
Select edition1 or edition2 to choose appropriate constants.
Example: calendar(2023.75,0.5) or calendar(2023+9/12,0.5) will list a calendar of lunar eclipses for the school year 2023-24.
Key user functions: calendar : for 1 year real yyyy date: formatted as yyyy mm DD including decimals DTm: Date Time formatted to minutes lunar eclipse: near 1 date real yyyy
CAUTION: Chromebook displays incomplete source visually on long lines. Eg in phases_meanm01 JDE= misses several terms. It compiles ok and the missing source is shown when you inspect page source.
Results: Magu: Umbral magnitude of eclipse (fraction eclipsed). Gamma: How central the eclipse is. Mins: semidurations (total, partial, penumbral, rounded to minutes).. The date-time given is peak time (probably accurate to a couple of minutes UTC).
Note: This source is at the Numworks size limit.
See also my eclipse module, which calculates both lunar and solar eclipses:
#Version 0.1: Deprecated
#(typo in edition1 constants)
#Version 0.2: Latest