Astronomy: Lunar (AL) v 0.1 Version 0.1 is a simple astronomy program showing orbital characteristics (circular simplified) using Turtle. It includes an animation of the light Comms delay to commemorate the anniversary of Apollo 11 in July. I am experienced, but this is my first Numworks script. There is a similar program by me on HP Prime. If your platform supports keyboard, change waittime to 0. (Numworks app has EXE key) Tested on Numworks 19.4.0 Tested on Numworks 20 3.2
"""Astronomy: Lunar (AL). This version shows orbital data (simplified to be circular). It animates light transfer time, to commemorate Apollo 11. """ __version__ = '0.1' from turtle import * from time import * #sleep try: from ion import * #keydown except: pass #use waittime instead waittime = 2 #seconds, or 0=keydown crid="""Astronomy: Lunar (AL) V""" +__version__ +""" © 2023 SteveG1CMZ""" #customise linesz=18 pixels=70 #radius of filled circle showme=True speedt=0 #0 ..10 or string unused pensz = 1 #normal pensize xscreen=int(318/2) yscreen=int(186/2) pbd='blue' #pale blue dot y=[254,234,0] #yellow #end custom stlunar = "Lunar Distance:" #physical data #relative values (circular simplified) earthrr=1 moonrr=0.2727 #0.2724 #0.2727 earthkm = 6371.0 #radius moonkm = 1737.4 #radius orbitalradiuskm=384400 orbitalradiust=1.27 #s stationarykm = 35876 earthdens = 5514 # kg/M3 moondens = 3344 #general functions def aboutme(): print( """Programmer seeks work. Email: at""") def fillcircle(N): """Fill a circle. Tech: uses pensize #N>140 memory fails (Numworks) """ pensize(round(N)) forward(1) #draw something pensize(pensz) def getkey(): while not( keydown(KEY_EXE)): pass def waiting(): if waittime: sleep(waittime) else: getkey() def more(): penup(); hideturtle() goto(-xscreen,-yscreen) if not(waittime): write("[press EXE to continue]") #end general functions def earth(): penup();hideturtle() st="Earth Radius: (1)\t{} km".format( round(earthkm)) goto(-xscreen,yscreen-2*linesz) write(st) goto(0,0) pendown() color(pbd) fillcircle(pixels) penup(); hideturtle() def moon(): penup();hideturtle() st="Moon Radius:({})\t{} km ".format( round(moonrr,3), round(moonkm)) goto(-xscreen,yscreen-3*linesz) write(st) goto(0,0) pendown() color(y) fillcircle(pixels*moonrr) def em(): #earth-moon penup(); hideturtle() goto(-xscreen,yscreen-0*linesz) st="Lunar Distance: {} km".format( round(orbitalradiuskm)) write(st) st="Lunar Distance: {} s".format( orbitalradiust) goto(-xscreen,yscreen-1*linesz) write(st) goto(0,0) color(pbd) pendown() circle(1) penup() goto(0,-pixels) color(y) pendown() circle(pixels) more() waiting() penup() goto(pixels,0) color('black') setheading(180) pendown() for X in range (pixels): forward(1) #this time is not counted yet sleep(orbitalradiust/pixels) penup() goto(-xscreen,-5*linesz) write(" That's one small step for a man") sleep(orbitalradiust) goto(-xscreen,-6*linesz) write(" one giant leap for mankind") sleep(orbitalradiust) def legend(): rrkm = getroche( earthkm,earthdens,moondens) if True: aboutme() print("Earth radius: km:",round(earthkm)) print("Moon radius: km:",moonkm) if True: print("Roche limit: km:",round(rrkm)) print("Geotationary orbit: km",stationarykm) print(stlunar,"km:",orbitalradiuskm) print(stlunar,"s:",orbitalradiust) def getroche(radius1,dens1,dens2): """Get (rigid) Roche limit in units of R1. Roche limit depends on: Radius of primary Relative density Expected: 9492 (A fluid moon would double that). """ rr= radius1 * (2*dens1/dens2)**(1 / 3.) return rr def main(): penup();hideturtle() goto(-xscreen,yscreen) write(crid) sleep(1) earth() goto(-xscreen,-yscreen) more() waiting() moon() penup(); hideturtle() goto(-xscreen,yscreen) waiting() reset() #clearscreen em() legend() if showme or __name__ == "__main__": print(crid) if not(waittime): try: inp=input("Wait time (s) or 0 (EXE)?") except: #not effective in Numworks inp="0" waittime=float(inp) main()