Created by steveg1cmz

Created on October 15, 2023

176 Bytes

Astronomy: Eclipse Algorithms are based on Jean Meeus. Calculates eclipses (lunar eclipse and solar eclipse). Functions: DTm(JDE): JDE->Date-Time (rounded to minutes) eclipse(realyear,koff)->eclipse characteristics (or None) koff=0 for solar, -0.5 or 0.5 for lunar Example usage is in (calendar). PLATFORMS: Numworks : ok BBC microbit-serial: ok

Results: Itsa: eclipse type (string)

DT: Date and time (minutes may be rounded)

Magnitude: The fraction of diameter (note: not the obscuration, or brightnesss) 0<magnitude<1 indicates partial 1<=magnitude indicates total (but see versions). Accuracy: ~2 sig figs when valid (solar annular, total and hybrid should be disregarded).

Gamma: How central the eclipse is, Accuracy ~ 3 sig figs.

Angled: Several angles in degrees

JDE: accurate time of peak

mins: semidurations (add or subtract from peak time) time should be adjusted by deltaT (currently < 2mins) to give UTC.

# version 0.1: 
#Bug in calculation of solar time
# version 0.2: OK
#(but disregard magnitude of solar eclipses that are not  partial)
#see versions for details

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