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Le célèbre jeu Pipe Mania (Pipe Dream) pour votre Numworks.
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pour passer au tour suivantfrom random import choice, randint from kandinsky import fill_rect as fr, draw_string as dt from ion import * from time import monotonic PIECES = 'gb,db,hb,gd,gdhb,gh,hd,d,g,h,b'.split(',') CASES = {'g': (0,1), 'd': (2,1), 'c' : (1,1), 'b': (1,2), 'h': (1,0)} COLORS = ((50, 50, 50), (75, 115, 153), (192, 192, 192), (255, 255, 0),(0,255,0), (255,0,0)) SENS = ((1,0), (-1,0), (0,-1), (0,1)) EAU_DEP = 8 def plateau(): fr(0, 0, 320, 222, COLORS[0]) [fr(x * 28 + 1, y * 28 + 1, 27, 27, COLORS[2]) for y in range(7) for x in range(10)] carre(COLORS[3]) change_score(0) def infos(): for i in range(5): piece(10, 5 - i, PIECES[suivants[i]], COLORS[1], 7) def change_score(n): global score score = max(score + n, 0) dt('score : ' + str(score) + ' ', 10, 200, COLORS[2], COLORS[0]) dt('dist : ' + str(dist) + ' ', 180, 200, COLORS[2], COLORS[0]) def depart(): global dx, dy, dep, grid dx, dy = randint(1, 8), randint(1, 5) dep = choice(range(4)) grid[dx][dy] = 7 + dep piece(dx, dy, PIECES[7 + dep], COLORS[4]) def piece(x, y, s, c, m = 0): fr(x * 28 + m + 1, y * 28 + 1, 27, 27, COLORS[2]) for a in s + 'c': [u, v] = CASES[a] fr(x * 28 + 9 * u + m + 1, y * 28 + 9 * v + 1, 9, 9, c) carre(COLORS[3]) def carre(col): (x, y) = (coo[0] * 28, coo[1] * 28) fr(x, y, 28, 1, col) fr(x, y + 28, 28, 1, col) fr(x, y + 1, 1, 27, col) fr(x + 28, y + 1, 1, 27, col) def cur(n): global key, coo vx, vy = SENS[n] if monotonic() - key['tps'] > 0.125: key['tps'] = monotonic() carre(COLORS[0]) coo[0] += vx coo[1] += vy carre(COLORS[3]) def remplir(x, y, u, v): fr(x * 28 + 9 * u + 1, y * 28 + 9 * v + 1, 9, 9, COLORS[4]) def inv(v): return {'g':'d', 'd':'g', 'h':'b', 'b':'h'}[v] def go(): global key, coo, suivants, grid, dx, dy, dep, score, dist game, score = 1, 0 while game: grid = [[-1 for x in range(7)] for y in range(10)] eau = {'delai': EAU_DEP, 'av': False, 'tps': monotonic()} key = {'rel': True, 'tps': monotonic()} coo = [0, 0] run = 1 dist = min(8 + game, 25) suivants = [choice(range(7)) for _ in range(5)] plateau() depart() infos() while run: if keydown(KEY_RIGHT) and coo[0] < 9: cur(0) elif keydown(KEY_LEFT) and coo[0] > 0: cur(1) elif keydown(KEY_UP) and coo[1] > 0: cur(2) elif keydown(KEY_DOWN) and coo[1] < 6: cur(3) elif keydown(KEY_PLUS) and eau['av']: eau['delai'] /= 1.5 key['tps'] = monotonic() elif keydown(KEY_BACK): run, game = 0, 0 elif keydown(KEY_EXE) and grid[coo[0]][coo[1]] < 7: if key['rel']: if grid[coo[0]][coo[1]] != -1: change_score(-50) grid[coo[0]][coo[1]] = suivants[0] key['rel'] = False piece(coo[0], coo[1], PIECES[suivants.pop(0)], COLORS[0]) suivants.append(choice(range(7))) infos() else: key['rel'] = True if monotonic() - eau['tps'] > eau['delai']: if eau['delai'] == EAU_DEP: eau['delai'] = 1 eau['tps'] = monotonic() if not(eau['av']): dx, dy = dx + SENS[dep][0], dy + SENS[dep][1] if 0 <= dx <= 9 and 0 <= dy < 7: vg = grid[dx][dy] % 100 dist = max(dist - 1, 0) if 0 <= vg < 7: t = PIECES[vg] grid[dx][dy] = vg + 100 d = 'gdbh'[dep] if d in t: if len(t) == 4: t = d + inv(d) elif d != t[0]: t = ''.join(list(reversed(t))) etape = 0 eau['av'] = True change_score(50) (u,v) = CASES[t[0]] remplir(dx, dy, u, v) else: run = 0 else: run = 0 else: run = 0 else: etape += 1 change_score(50) if etape == 1: remplir(dx, dy, 1, 1) else: (u,v) = CASES[t[1]] remplir(dx, dy, u, v) if etape == 2: dep = 'dghb'.index(t[1]) eau['av'] = False if dist == 0: change_score(1000) dt('TOUCHE OK', 100, 85) else: game = 0 dt('GAME OVER', 100, 85) while not(keydown(KEY_OK)): continue go()