Voici le célèbre jeu du pendu. Pour cela vous aurez besoin d’une autre personne qui tapera le mot ou la phrase secrète puis ce sera à vous de jouer.
Modifications possibles :
from random import * mot=["CHIEN","CHAT","CRAYON","FEUILLE"] secret = choice(mot)
| o /-+-/ | | / \
def eff(): for i in range(15):print() def question(txt): rep = "" while rep == "": rep = input(txt+" ? ") rep = rep.upper() if any([x<"A" or x>"Z" for x in rep]): print("Que des lettres !") rep = "" return rep def dessin(c): print("+--+") print("|/ |") for i in range(4): print("| ",end="") if i == 0 and c > 0: print(" o") elif i == 1 and c >= 2: if c <= 3: print([" |","/|"][c-2]) else: print("/|\\") elif i == 2 and c >= 5: if c == 5: print("/") else: print("/ \\") else: print("") print("="*5) return def go(): secret = question("Mot secret") coup = 0 tests = [] trouve = ["_"]*len(secret) eff() bon = 0 while True: lettre = question("Lettre")[0] ajout = True for (i,c) in enumerate(secret): if lettre == c: if trouve[i] != c: bon += 1 trouve[i] = c ajout = False if bon == len(secret): print("BRAVO pour",secret) print("En",coup,"coup(s) !") return eff() if ajout: coup += 1 dessin(coup) if ajout: tests.append(lettre) tests = sorted(tests) if coup == 6: print("PERDU !") print("Secret =",secret) break print("Vos tests :","".join(tests)) print("Secret :","".join(trouve)) go()