Created by schraf

Created on July 07, 2022

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D’autres jeux pour la NUMWORKS sur ma chaine Youtube : Rubika, solitaire, Mission missile, démineur, carré magique, TRON, défis de blanche…

Explications en vidéo

from kandinsky import *
from time import *
from random import *
from ion import *

JX = [60,140,214]
PX = [0,25,44,53,58,67,78,82,92,107,123,129,134,147,158,163,180,200,207,221,237,256,268]
PY = [40,40,85,110,136,160,134,110,82,64,82,110,135,160,136,105,80,106,133,160,134,116,136]
RO, VE, BL, NR, BE = (255,0,0), (70,160,70), (255,255,255), (70,70,70), (120,160,250)
MAXVIES, DELAI = 10, 0.3
BAS, DRT = max(PY), max(PX)
fr, aff = fill_rect, draw_string

def dep_sauveurs(j, d):
  aff("   ", JX[j], 174,BL,BE)
  j += d
  aff("o_o", JX[j], 174,BL,BE)
  return j

def dep_pers(p):
  aff(" ", PX[p], PY[p],BL,BE)
  p += 1
  aff("P", PX[p], PY[p],BL,BE)
  return p

def decors():
  for i in range(4):
def go():
  score, vies = 0, MAXVIES
  t = monotonic()
  j = dep_sauveurs(0, randint(0,2))
  pp = []
  rebond = []
  while vies >= 0:
    if monotonic() - t > DELAI:
      futur = []
      for (i, p) in enumerate(pp):
        if PY[p] == BAS and p not in rebond:
          vies -= 1
          aff("=", PX[p], PY[p])
          aff("*"*(MAXVIES - vies), 0, 0, NR, RO)
          p = dep_pers(p)
          if PX[p] == DRT: 
            score +=1
            aff(str(score), 268, 135, NR, VE)
          else: futur.append(p)
      t = monotonic()
      rebond = []
      pp = futur
      if random() < 0.1: pp.append(0)
    if keydown(KEY_LEFT) and j > 0:
      j = dep_sauveurs(j, -1)
    if keydown(KEY_RIGHT) and j < 2:
      j = dep_sauveurs(j, 1)
    for p in pp:  
      if PY[p] == BAS and JX[j] == PX[p] - 7 and p not in rebond:
  aff("GAME OVER !", 100, 203, RO, NR)

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