Flappy Bird Calculator edition :)
''' Thanks for choosing my Flappy Bird game! I made this during high school, because I was bored :) Have fun playing this (not so) beautiful game! Merci d'avoir choisi mon jeu de Flappy Bird ! J'ai fait ce jeu pendant le lycee parce que je m'ennuyais :) Amuse-toi bien en jouant ce jeu (pas tres) beau ! ''' from ion import * from kandinsky import * from random import * from time import * def flap(): x=100 y=116 gra=0.1 vel=0 crash=0 flag=0 count1=0 count2=0 wp2=173 score=0 fill_rect(100,106,10,10,'black') draw_string("START",135,140) sleep(1) fill_rect(135,140,50,15,'white') while crash!=1: fill_rect(x,int(round(y,0))-10,10,10,'white') if y-vel>=10: y-=vel if get_pixel(100,int(round(y,0)))==(0,0,0) or get_pixel(110,int(round(y,0)))==(0,0,0): crash=1 if get_pixel(100,int(round(y-10,0)))==(0,0,0) or get_pixel(110,int(round(y-10,0)))==(0,0,0): crash=1 fill_rect(x,int(round(y,0))-10,10,10,'black') if count1==0: yp1=randint(60,162) count1=336 fill_rect(count1-16,0,1,yp1-40,'black') fill_rect(count1-16,yp1+40,1,320-(yp1+40),'black') fill_rect(count1-1,0,1,320,'white') count1-=1 if wp2==0: if count2==0: yp2=randint(60,162) count2=336 fill_rect(count2-16,0,1,yp2-40,'black') fill_rect(count2-16,yp2+40,1,320-(yp2+40),'black') fill_rect(count2-1,0,1,320,'white') count2-=1 else: wp2-=1 if count1==86 or count2==86: score+=1 draw_string("Score: "+str(score),0,0) if keydown(4) and flag==0: vel=3 flag=1 else: vel-=gra if not keydown(4): flag=0 if y>=222: crash=1 sleep(0.01) draw_string("GAME OVER",115,101)