a click speed test execute tt() and optionally add a time argument (in seconds) (8 seconds by default) you then have that much time to press the “x10” key as much as you can ! once finished, tt returns your score and your average click per second
from time import monotonic as mo, sleep from ion import keydown as kd, KEY_EE as ee def tt(s=8): print(s,"sec, key x10^") for i in ("1...","2...","3..."): print(i) sleep(1) print("Go!") a=mo() c=[0,False] while a+s > mo(): x=kd(ee) if x!=c[1]: c[0]+=1 c[1]=x print(round((c[0]//2)/s,2),"per s, tot:",c[0]//2) print("tt()")