Another smarter numeral base converter
### v3 # chglogs: # v2 correct dec() support even with bases > 36 # v3 dec() now uses a table of ints def dec(m, b, s=False, p=False): ### dec - convert to base 10 # # NEEDED arguments: # m: str/int/list/tuple # number in entered base # !!! must contain ONLY digits (no a/b/c/etc) # => use tuples/lists for bases bigger than 10 # ex: 1AC base 16 -> [1, 10, 12] # dec() automatically converts values if receives correct ones # b:int, base to convert from # OPTIONNAL arguments: # s:bool, True means silent mode # p:bool, porcelene mode, don't use manually # True to return table, False to print it # porcelene mode returns a ttuple: # - the sum (in base 10) of the # gotten nb in base 10 # - an int containing the base to convert to (always 10) # - ex: dec(20,16) => ([1,0], 10) (for 32) n=[] if type(m) == int: m=str(m) for i in range(len(m)): n.append(int(m[i])) if not s: print("table", n, "\n") o=0 for i in range(len(n)): if n[i] < b: v=n[i] * (b ** (len(n)-1-i)) o+=v if not s: print("+", n[i], "x", str(b) + "^" + str((len(n)-1-i)), "( = " + str(v) + ")") else: print("err/dec:", n[i], ">=", b) return print() print(o) if p: return (o, b) def cov(n, b=16, i=True, s=False, p=False): ### cov - convert from base 10 to others # # NEEDED arguments: # n:int, number in base 10 # OPTIONNAL arguments: # b:int, base to convert to (default 16) # i:bool, intelligent, aka convert table to real hex # (if happens to be hex) # s:bool, True means silent mode # p:bool, porcelene mode, don't use manually # True to return table, False to print it # porcelene mode returns a ttuple: # - a table w/ digits (in base 10) of the # gotten nb in the wanted base # - an int containing the base to convert to # aka th ebase of the nb in the table # - ex: cov(32) => ([2,0], 16) (for 0x20) n=int(n) rest=1 out=[] if not s: print("base", b, "\n") while n > 0: rest=n%b n//=b out.insert(0, rest) if not s: print(n, "x", b, "+", rest) if b == 16 and not s: print(str(out) + "." + str(b)) for i in range(len(out)): out[i] = hex(out[i]).split('x')[-1] print() print("hex (base 16):", "".join(map(str,out))) elif b < 10 and not s: print(str(out) + "." + str(b)) print() print("base", str(b) + ":", "".join(map(str,out))) else: print() print(str(out) + "." + str(b)) if p: return (out, b) def aide(t="none"): if t == "none": print("liste des commandes :") print("(exécuter la commande donnée") print("pour l'aide)") print(" cov() : aide('cov')") print(" dec() : aide('dec')") if t == "cov": print("cov(n, b)") print(" calcule n, de base 10 vers b") print(" n et b peuvent être int") print(" ou string") print(" ex: 12 (base 10) => base 8") print(" cov(12, 8)") print(" cov('12', 8)") if t == "dec": print("dec(n, b)") print(" calcule n, de base b vers 10") print(" n et b peuvent être int") print(" ou string") print(" n peut être liste/tuple :") print(" chaque item est un chiffre") print(" donné en base 10") print() input("[appuyer sur exe]") print() print(" ex: 12 (base 16) => base 10") print(" dec(12, 16)") print(" dec([1, 2], 16)") print(" dec(('1', 2), '16')") print(" ex: 1A (base 16) => base 10") print(" note! dec() ne connait pas") print(" les lettres") print(" dec([1, 10],16) # car A=10") print("afficher de l'aide:") print(" exécuter aide()")