English below
Script facile à utiliser pour convertir n’importe quelle couleur en rgb/rgb en couleur. Les contrôles s’affichent quand vous démarrez le script. Le script est en anglais. Pour me contacter, envoyez moi un DM sur discord, mon nom d’utilisateur est philipou (le script ne marche pas dans l’émulateur)
Easy to use script to convert any color to rgb/rgb to color. Controls show up when you start the script. The script is in english. To contact me, DM me on discord, my username is philipou (the script doesn’t work in the emulator)
print(""" """) if input("Press 1 and EXE/OK to load a color\npress EXE/OK to load normally : ") == "1": r = input("Red : ") g = input("Green : ") b = input("Blue : ") try: r = int(r) g = int(g) b = int(b) except Exception: while True: print("ERROR DETECTED, CHECK IF INPUT IS CORRECT") else: r = 0 g = 0 b = 0 print(""" /------------CONTROLS/HELP--------------\ | ( : Red - -> : All colors + | | ) : Red + <- : All colors - | | * : Green - shift:update screen/start| | / : Green + 9:reset Red | | + : Blue - 6:reset Green | | - : Blue + 3:reset Blue | | OK : reset color to black (RGB 0 0 0) | | EXE : close and print RGB in console | | Press/hold shift to start | | | | Script by Philipou | | Discord : philipou | \---------------------------------------/""") from math import * from kandinsky import * from ion import * from time import * def update(): fill_rect(235,0,210,87,color(255,255,255)) draw_string("R = {}".format(r),235,15) draw_string("G = {}".format(g),235,35) draw_string("B = {}".format(b),235,55) fill_rect(0,0,210,222,color(r,g,b)) # fill_rect(210,88,200,200,color(r,g,b)) fill_rect(220,100,80,20,color(r,0,0)) fill_rect(220,140,80,20,color(0,g,0)) fill_rect(220,180,80,20,color(0,0,b)) def delay(time=0.05): sleep(time) while True: if keydown(KEY_LEFTPARENTHESIS): r -= 1 update() delay() if keydown(KEY_RIGHTPARENTHESIS): r += 1 update() delay() if keydown(KEY_MULTIPLICATION): g -= 1 update() delay() if keydown(KEY_DIVISION): g += 1 update() delay() if keydown(KEY_PLUS): b -= 1 update() delay() if keydown(KEY_MINUS): b += 1 update() delay() if keydown(KEY_RIGHT): r += 1 g += 1 b += 1 update() delay() if keydown(KEY_LEFT): r -= 1 g -= 1 b -= 1 update() delay() if r < 0: r = 255 update() if r > 255: r = 0 update() if g < 0: g = 255 update() if g > 255: g = 0 update() if b < 0: b = 255 update() if b > 255: b = 0 update() if keydown(KEY_SHIFT): update() if keydown(KEY_NINE): r = 0 update() if keydown(KEY_SIX): g = 0 update() if keydown(KEY_THREE): b = 0 update() if keydown(KEY_EXE): print(""" """) print("RGB :") print(r,g,b) fill_rect(0,0,320,322,color(255,255,255)) draw_string("Press OK to quit",80,100) break if keydown(KEY_OK): r = 0 g = 0 b = 0 update()