English below
Script très simple d’utilisation permettant de trouver n’importe quelle coordonée de l’écran avec un pixel qui se déplace. Les controles d’affichent au début du programme. Le script ne marche pas dans l’émulateur
Super easy to use script that helps finding any coordinate on the screen with a moving pixel. Controls show up when you start the program. The script doesn’t work in the emulator
print("input 0 to skip") x = 0 y = 0 x = input("x = ") y = input("y = ") x = int(x) y = int(y) num = 1 from math import * from kandinsky import * from ion import * from time import * print(""" arrows : move pixel exe : print coordinates (x, y) in console (with counter) 0 : quit shift : update screen/start when pixel reach the side of the screen, it tp to the other side""") def update(): fill_rect(0,0,320,222,color(255,255,255)) draw_string("x = {}".format(x),235,15) draw_string("y = {}".format(y),235,35) draw_string("Num = {}".format(num),235,55) # set_pixel(x,y,color(255,0,0)) fill_rect(x-1,y-1,2,2,color(255,0,0)) def delay(time=0.01): sleep(time) while True: if keydown(KEY_LEFT): x -= 1 delay() update() if keydown(KEY_RIGHT): x += 1 delay() update() if keydown(KEY_UP): y -= 1 delay() update() if keydown(KEY_DOWN): y += 1 delay() update() if keydown(KEY_EXE): print("Number {} :".format(num)) num += 1 print("{}, {}".format(x, y)) update() delay(0.5) if keydown(KEY_ZERO): fill_rect(0,0,320,222,color(255,255,255)) draw_string("press ok",120,100) break if keydown(KEY_SHIFT): update() if x < 0: x = 320 update() if x > 320: x = 0 update() if y < 0: y = 222 update() if y > 222: y = 0 update()