Représentation d’une adresse IPv4.
#!/usr/bin/env python3 def binaire(n): """ donne une liste de bits exprimant n """ b = [] while n > 1: b = [n % 2] + b n //= 2 b = [n % 2] + b b = [0] * 8 + b b = b[-8:] return "".join([str(c) for c in b]) def adresseIP(ip): a = [int(x) for x in ip.split('.')] b = [binaire(x) for x in a] return b def adresse(ip=''): print(ip) a = adresseIP(ip) # print(a) for b in a: print(b) def classe(ip): a = [int(x) for x in ip.split('.')] o = a[0] if 1 <= o and o <= 127: return 'classe A' if 128 <= o and o <= 191: return 'classe B' if 192 <= o and o <= 223: return 'classe C' return 'classe D ou E' def prive(ip): a = [int(x) for x in ip.split('.')] o1 = a[0] o2 = a[1] if o1 == 10: return "reseau prive" if o1 == 172: if 16 <= o2 and o2 <= 31: return "reseau prive" if o1 == 192 and o2 == 168: return "reseau prive" return "reseau public" ip = str(input("adresse IPv4 ? ")) if len(ip) == 0: ip = '' adresse(ip) print(classe(ip)) print(prive(ip))