traduit en syntaxe Xcas pour tenir dans la memoire disponible
// Solar v.1.01 NW 23/10/2020 sw:=320;sh:=222;font_h:=16; systeme := [["Soleil","centre du syteme solaire",0,1.989e30,696340, 0], ["Mercure",88,57,3.285e23,2439.7, "0"], ["Venus",225,104,4.867e24,6051.8, 0], ["Terre",365,150,5.972e24,6371, "Lune"], ["Mars",687,220 ,6.39e23 ,3389,5,2], ["Jupiter",12,780 ,1.898e27,69911,3], ["Saturne",29,1,493,5.683e26,58232,"~ 200"], ["Uranus",84,2,9592,8.681e25,25362,27], ["Neptune",165,4,4762,1.024e26,24622,14]]:; coord := [[160,111,16], [180,110,6], [185,95,8], [120,100,9], [160,160,9], [115,150,15], [200,50,12], [170,20,9], [55,80,8]]:; couleur1 := [[255,255,0], [251,136,7], [190,183,150], [30,160,173], [245,0,0], [162,125,105], [200,169,133], [191,209,232], [0,33,240]]:; couleur2 := [[235,128,0], [106,73,32], [121,104,83], [6,67,29], [101,12,12], [134,56,32], [189,138,80], [117,163,224], [5,15,81]]:; c_blanc:=65535:; anneau(x0,y0,r,c,E):={ local j,rt; for j in range(2*E) do rt := max(0,r-j*0.5); if rt>=1 then draw_circle(x0,y0,floor(rt),c) fi; od; }:; degrade(c1,c2,k):=[c1[0]+floor(k*c2[0]), c1[1]+floor(k*c2[1]),c1[2]+floor(k*c2[2])]:; cercled(x0,y0,R,c1,c2):={ local j; for j in range(R) do anneau(x0,y0,j,degrade(c1,c2-c1,j/R),1); od; }:; tirage(n):={ local j,c,x,y,d,di,Coeff; c:=[rgb(235,128,0),rgb(13,89,175),rgb(13,89,175), rgb(44,122,211),rgb(207,230,230),rgb(207,230,230)]; c.append(c[0]); Coeff:=1.0/(sw/10.0+.5); for j in range(n) do x:=randint(0,sw); y:=randint(0,sh); d:=sqrt((x-sw/2.0)**2+(y-sh/2.0)**2)*Coeff; di:=floor(d); fill_rect(x,y,2,2,c[di]+floor((d-di)*(c[di+1]-c[di]))); od; }:; solar_systeme_dessine(n, Degrade=1):={ local cn:=coord[n]; if Degrade then cercled(cn[0], cn[1], cn[2], couleur1[n], couleur2[n]); else draw_circle(cn[0], cn[1], cn[2], filled+c_blanc); fi; }:; solar_systeme_texte(n=42, t=0):={ local os,s; os:=rgb(255,183,52); if n == 42 then fill_rect(1,sh-font_h,sw,font_h,os); return draw_string(2,sh-font_h," par Emmy & Jil ",c_blanc,os); fi; fill_rect(1,sh-font_h,sw,font_h,os); s := systeme[n,t]; if t==1 and n then s := "periode de revo: " + s + ((n <=4)?" jours":" ans"); elif t==2 then s := "dis soleil: " + s + " milli" + ((n <= 5 )?"on":"ard") + "s km"; elif t==3 then s := "masse: " + s + " kg"; elif t==4 then s := "rayon: " + str(s) + " km"; elif t==5 then s := "satellites connus: " + str(s); fi; draw_string(2,sh-font_h,s,c_blanc,os); }:; navigation():={ local Position,avant,texte,key; Position := 0; texte := 0 ; key := 0; while key != 9 and key!=5 do show(); key := get_key(); if key>=0 and key<=3 then if key==0 or key==3 then avant := Position; Position := min(max(Position+2*(key==3)-1, 0), 8); if avant != Position then solar_systeme_dessine(avant); fi; solar_systeme_dessine(Position, 0); elif key==1 or key==2 then texte := max(min(texte + 2*(key==2) - 1, 5), 0); fi; solar_systeme_texte(Position,texte); fi; od; }:; main():={ local j,k,ck; fill_rect(0,0,sw,sh,0); cercled(sw/2,sh/2,197*sw/320,[0,35,143],[0,0,0]) cercled(sw/2,sh/2,40*sw/320,couleur2[0],[0,35,143]) cercled(sw/2,sh/2,coord[0,2],couleur1[0],couleur2[0]); tirage(250); for j in [22,32,42,52,62,76,92,109] do anneau(sw/2,sh/2,j,[119,135,135],1); od; solar_systeme_texte(); solar_systeme_dessine(0,0); solar_systeme_dessine(0); for k in range(1,9) do ck:=coord[k]; cercled(ck[0],ck[1],ck[2],couleur1[k],couleur2[k]); od; navigation(); }:; main()