Created by numworks-italia

Created on April 10, 2020

742 Bytes

Questo script contiene una funzione che traccia un frattale di Mandelbrot con un certo numero di iterazioni come argomento. Per esempio, per 20 iterazioni, chiedere : mandelbrot(20).

# This script draws a Mandelbrot fractal set
# N_iteration: degree of precision
import kandinsky
def mandelbrot(N_iteration):
  for x in range(320):
    for y in range(222):
# Compute the mandelbrot sequence for the point c = (c_r, c_i) with start value z = (z_r, z_i)
      z = complex(0,0)
# Rescale to fit the drawing screen 320x222
      c = complex(3.5*x/319-2.5, -2.5*y/221+1.25)
      i = 0
      while (i < N_iteration) and abs(z) < 2:
        i = i + 1
        z = z*z+c
# Choose the color of the dot from the Mandelbrot sequence
      rgb = int(255*i/N_iteration)
      col = kandinsky.color(int(rgb),int(rgb*0.75),int(rgb*0.25))
# Draw a pixel colored in 'col' at position (x,y)