Created by naul

Created on May 02, 2023

5.2 KB

Un jeu créé entièrement par ChatGPT OpenAI

import math
import kandinsky
import turtle
import time
import ion

# Set up the game window

# Set up the player
player_size = 16
player_hitbox_size = 14
player_x = 104
player_y = 190
player_dx = 0
player_dy = 0
player_speed = 2

# Set up the player bullet
player_bullet_size = 4
player_bullet_x = None
player_bullet_y = None
player_bullet_dx = None
player_bullet_dy = None
player_bullet_speed = 5

# Set up the boss
boss_size = 64
boss_hitbox_size = 60
boss_x = 79
boss_y = 10
boss_dx = 1
boss_dy = 1
boss_speed = 1

# Set up the boss bullet
boss_bullet_size = 8
boss_bullet_x = None
boss_bullet_y = None
boss_bullet_dx = None
boss_bullet_dy = None
boss_bullet_speed = 2

# Set up the boss health
boss_health = 100

# Define a function to draw a rectangle
def draw_rect(x, y, width, height, color):
    kandinsky.fill_rect(x, y, width, height, color)
    kandinsky.draw_rect(x, y, width, height, color)

# Define a function to draw the player
def draw_player():
    draw_rect(player_x, player_y, player_size, player_size, (255, 255, 0))
    draw_rect(player_x + (player_size - player_hitbox_size) // 2, player_y + (player_size - player_hitbox_size) // 2, player_hitbox_size, player_hitbox_size, (0, 0, 0))

# Define a function to draw the player bullet
def draw_player_bullet():
    if player_bullet_x is not None:
        draw_rect(player_bullet_x, player_bullet_y, player_bullet_size, player_bullet_size, (255, 255, 255))

# Define a function to draw the boss
def draw_boss():
    draw_rect(boss_x, boss_y, boss_size, boss_size, (255, 0, 0))
    draw_rect(boss_x + (boss_size - boss_hitbox_size) // 2, boss_y + (boss_size - boss_hitbox_size) // 2, boss_hitbox_size, boss_hitbox_size, (0, 0, 0))

# Define a function to draw the boss bullet
def draw_boss_bullet():
    if boss_bullet_x is not None:
        draw_rect(boss_bullet_x, boss_bullet_y, boss_bullet_size, boss_bullet_size, (0, 0, 255))

# Define a function to check for hitbox collision
def hitbox_collision(x1, y1, size1, x2, y2, size2):
    return x1 + size1 > x2 and x2 + size2 > x1 and y1 + size1 > y2 and y2 + size2 > y1

# Define a function to move the player
def move_player():
    global player_x, player_y, player_dx, player_dy
    # Set the player's velocity based on input
    player_dx = 0
    if ion.keyboard.is_pressed("LEFT"):
        player_dx = -player_speed
    if ion.keyboard.is_pressed("RIGHT"):
        player_dx = player_speed
    # Move the player
    player_x += player_dx
    player_y += player_dy
    # Keep the player within the game window
    if player_x < 0:
        player_x = 0
    if player_x > 208:
        player_x = 208
    if player_y < 0:
        player_y = 0
    if player_y > 208:
        player_y = 208

# Define a function to move the player bullet
def move_player_bullet():
    global player_bullet_x, player_bullet_y, player_bullet_dx, player_bullet_dy
    # Move the player bullet
    if player_bullet_x is not None:
        player_bullet_x += player_bullet_dx
        player_bullet_y += player_bullet_dy
        # Check if the player bullet is out of bounds
        if player_bullet_x < 0 or player_bullet_x > 208 or player_bullet_y < 0 or player_bullet_y > 208:
            player_bullet_x = None
            player_bullet_y = None
            player_bullet_dx = None
            player_bullet_dy = None
        # Check if the player bullet hits the boss
        if hitbox_collision(player_bullet_x, player_bullet_y, player_bullet_size, boss_x, boss_y, boss_hitbox_size):
            global boss_health
            boss_health -= 10
            player_bullet_x = None
            player_bullet_y = None
            player_bullet_dx = None
            player_bullet_dy = None
# Define a function to move the boss
def move_boss():
    global boss_x, boss_y, boss_dx, boss_dy
    # Move the boss
    boss_x += boss_dx
    boss_y += boss_dy
    # Reverse direction if the boss hits a wall
    if boss_x < 0 or boss_x > 158:
        boss_dx = -boss_dx
    if boss_y < 0 or boss_y > 118:
        boss_dy = -boss_dy
# Define a function to move the boss bullet
def move_boss_bullet():
    global boss_bullet_x, boss_bullet_y, boss_bullet_dx, boss_bullet_dy
    # Move the boss bullet
    if boss_bullet_x is not None:
        boss_bullet_x += boss_bullet_dx
        boss_bullet_y += boss_bullet_dy
        # Check if the boss bullet is out of bounds
        if boss_bullet_x < 0 or boss_bullet_x > 208 or boss_bullet_y < 0 or boss_bullet_y > 208:
            boss_bullet_x = None
            boss_bullet_y = None
            boss_bullet_dx = None
            boss_bullet_dy = None
        # Check if the boss bullet hits the player
        if hitbox_collision(boss_bullet_x, boss_bullet_y, boss_bullet_size, player_x, player_y, player_hitbox_size):
            global player_health
            player_health -= 10
            boss_bullet_x = None
            boss_bullet_y = None
            boss_bullet_dx = None
            boss_bullet_dy = None

# Define a function to check for collisions between hitboxes
def hitbox_collision(x1, y1, size1, x2, y2, size2):
    distance = math.sqrt((x1-x2)**2 + (y1-y2)**2)
    if distance < size1/2 + size2/2:
        return True
        return False