Python with line numbers (Ordered List Python BASIC (Beginners’ All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)) is a new programming language with goto. Syntax and features will change without prior notice.
There are numbers before each line and the code runs in order, but execution can jump using goto or gosub with return. For each numbered line it uses Python’s exec()
function. That means it’s compatible with Python3 or MicroPython in each logical line. OLPyBASIC has the advantage that you can have tutorials where you add lines to the program. It will also be easy to implement single stepping and continue after stop. Another advantage is that you can run spaghetti code in Python. This means that you can easily convert old BASIC programs to run in a modern programming language that normally lacks goto. This buys you time while you try to figure out how to remove the gotos, or leave them in, if your customer accepts that. Gosubs are easy to replace with functions.
Example input (no need to input comments after #):
from olpybasic import *
P('10 print("OLPyBASIC")') # P is short for put.
run() # Run i.e. start program.
P('20 print("uPython")') # If difficult to enter single quote, try P(input())
P('30 x=30')
P('40 print(x)')
P('50 x+=1')
P('60 if x<=40:goto(40)')
PM() # PM is short for paste mode
70 stop()
90 print(11*x)
99 ret()
45 gosub(90) # Enter empty line to quit paste mode.
L() # L is short for list.
d(50) # D is short for delete.
P('50 x+=2')
tron() # trace on
troff() # trace off
Please create issues on GitHub if you have bug reports, suggestions for e.g. code improvements (I’m a Python/MicroPython beginner), or feature requests. This should be very light weight, but also comfortable to use.
Planned changes: for
loops might be imp
# OLPyBASIC from math import * from random import * _prog={} _pad={} def P(s): global _prog i=s.index(' ') _prog[int(s[:i])]=s[i+1:] def PM(): while True: s=input() if not s: break P(s) def D(n): global _prog,_pad _pad.clear() _pad[n]=_prog[n] del _prog[n] def clear(): global a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z a=b=c=d=e=f=g=h=i=j=k=l=m=n=o=p=q=r=s=t=u=v=w=x=y=z=0 def new(): global _prog,_pad,_running if _prog: _pad.clear() for i in _prog: _pad[i]=_prog[i] _prog.clear() _sort_prog() clear() stop() def R(n=-1): global _prog,_pad if n==-1: for i in _pad: _prog[i]=_pad[i] else: m=min(list(_pad)) for i in _pad: _prog[n+i-m]=_pad[i] _trace=False _lines=[] _labels={} _returns=[] _goto=-1 _gosub=-1 _i=-1 _running=False def _prtrace(): global _trace,_i,_lines,_prog if _trace: print('#',_lines[_i],_prog[_lines[_i]]) def tron(): global _trace _trace=True def troff(): global _trace _trace=False def _buffer_labels(): global _lines,_prog,_labels _labels.clear() for i in range(len(_lines)): if _prog[_lines[i]][:4]=='lbl(': _labels[_prog[_lines[i]][5:-2]]=_lines[i] def _sort_prog(): global _lines,_prog del _lines _lines=list(_prog) _lines.sort() _buffer_labels() def L(n=-1): global _lines,_prog _sort_prog() if n==-1: for i in range(len(_lines)): print(_lines[i],_prog[_lines[i]]) else: i=_lines.index(n) print(_lines[i],_prog[_lines[i]]) def run(): global _lines,_returns _returns.clear() _sort_prog() clear() goto(_lines[0]) def lbl(n): pass def goto(n): global _i,_lines,_labels,_running,_goto if type(n)!=int: n=_labels[n] if _running: _goto=n else: _sort_prog() _i=_lines.index(n) cont() def gosub(n): global _gosub if type(n)!=int: n=_labels[n] _gosub=n def ret(): global _i _i=_returns.pop() def stop(): global _running _running=False def cont(): global _i,_lines,_prog,_goto,_gosub,_returns,_running _running=True _sort_prog() while _i<len(_lines): _prtrace() if not _running: break exec(_prog[_lines[_i]], globals()) if _goto>-1 or _gosub>-1: if _goto>-1: _i=_lines.index(_goto) _goto=-1 elif _gosub>-1: _returns.append(_i) _i=_lines.index(_gosub) _gosub=-1 else: _i+=1 _running=False new()