“Ahl’s Simple Benchmark” from the magazine Creative Computing. The last result is the average of the earlier 10. Before that are 10 runs, because it speeds up when you run it a few times. I got accuracy 6.821210263296962e-13, random 12.58937371239872, time 00:00:00.92350 on my Numworks N0110 version 21.0.0. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Computing_Benchmark.
from math import * from random import * from time import * def dhasimplebench(): # Ahl's Simple Benchmark r=0 s=0 for n in range(1,101): a=n for i in range(1,11): a=sqrt(a); r=r+random() for i in range(1,11): a=a**2; r=r+random() s=s+a print(abs(1010-s/5)) print(abs(1000-r)) return (abs(1010-s/5),abs(1000-r)) def benchmark10(): ran=0 acc=0 for i in range(10): t0=monotonic() b=dhasimplebench() acc+=b[0] ran+=b[1] print("%08.5f s"%(monotonic()-t0)) return (acc,ran) seed() benchmark10() t0=monotonic() (acc,ran)=benchmark10() print("Average of 10:") print(acc/10) print(ran/10) print("%08.5f s"%((monotonic()-t0)/10))