Created by lorem-ipsum-42

Created on November 21, 2021

658 Bytes

def div_euc(a, b):
    q = 0
    if a > 0 and b > 0:
        while a >= b:
            a -= b
            q += 1
        return (q, a)
        temp_a = a
        temp_b = b
        if temp_a < 0:
            temp_a = - temp_a
        if temp_b < 0:
            temp_b = - temp_b
        while temp_a >= temp_b:
            temp_a -= temp_b
            q += 1
        if temp_a != 0:    
          q += 1
          temp_a = temp_b - temp_a
        if a < 0 and b < 0:
          return(q, temp_a)
        elif (a < 0 and not b < 0) or (b<0 and not a < 0):
            return(-q, temp_a)
            return(-q, temp_a)