Created by julien-bernon

Created on October 31, 2022

1.98 KB

from kandinsky import *
from random import randint, random

def distance(xa, ya, xb, yb):
 return ((xa - xb) ** 2+ (ya - yb) ** 2) ** .5

def val(t):
  t %= 180
  if (t<120): return int((1/14.1) * t * (120-t))
  else : return 0
def couleur(pos):
 return (val(pos+60),val(pos+120),val(pos))

def arc_en_ciel(xc,yc,R,e):
 for x in range(xc - R, xc + R):
  for y in range(yc - R, yc):
   dist=distance(x, y, xc, yc)
   if (1-e) * R <= dist <= R:
    if get_pixel(x,y) == (248,252,248):
     value=(dist - (1 - e) * R)/( e * R)
     set_pixel(x,y,nmToRGB(380 + 400 * value))

def nmToRGB(wavelength):
 Gamma = 0.80
 IntensityMax = 255
 if((wavelength >= 380) and (wavelength<440)):
  R,V,B = -(wavelength - 440) / (440 - 380), 0, 1
 elif((wavelength >= 440) and (wavelength<490)):
  R,V,B = 0, (wavelength - 440) / (490 - 440), 1
 elif((wavelength >= 490) and (wavelength<510)):
  R, V, B = 0, 1, -(wavelength - 510) / (510 - 490)
 elif((wavelength >= 510) and (wavelength<580)):
  R,V,B = (wavelength - 510) / (580 - 510), 1, 0
 elif((wavelength >= 580) and (wavelength<645)):
  R, V, B = 1.0, -(wavelength - 645) / (645 - 580), 0.0
 elif((wavelength >= 645) and (wavelength<781)):
  R, V, B = 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
 else :
  R, V, B = 0, 0, 0

 # Let the intensity fall off near the vision limits
 if((wavelength >= 380) and (wavelength<420)):
  factor = 0.3 + 0.7*(wavelength - 380) / (420 - 380)
 elif((wavelength >= 420) and (wavelength<701)):
  factor = 1.0
 elif((wavelength >= 701) and (wavelength<781)):
  factor = 0.3 + 0.7*(780 - wavelength) / (780 - 700)
 else : factor = 0.0

 if (R != 0) : R = round(IntensityMax * (R * factor) ** Gamma)

 if (V != 0) : V = round(IntensityMax * (V * factor) ** Gamma)

 if (B != 0) : B = round(IntensityMax * (B * factor) ** Gamma)

 return (R,V,B)

def motif(R):
 compteur = 1
 for x in range(320 // (2*R)):
  for y in range(224 // (1 + R)):
   arc_en_ciel(2 * x * R, (y * R), R, compteur / ((320 // (2*R))*(224 // (1 + R))))
   compteur += 1
