
Created by jouanard-barnabe

Created on December 13, 2022

894 Bytes

a race game created by chatgpt

# Import the keypad module
from keypad import *

# Start the race
print("Welcome to the Numworks race game!")

# Set the starting position for the two players
player1_position = 0
player2_position = 0

# Set the finish line
finish_line = 10

# Create a keypad object
kp = keypad()

# Start the game loop
while True:
    # Move player 1
    if kp.check_pressed("down"):
        player1_position += 1
        print("Player 1 is at position", player1_position)
    # Check if player 1 has crossed the finish line
    if player1_position >= finish_line:
        print("Player 1 wins!")

    # Move player 2
    if kp.check_pressed("right"):
        player2_position += 1
        print("Player 2 is at position", player2_position)
    # Check if player 2 has crossed the finish line
    if player2_position >= finish_line:
        print("Player 2 wins!")