Colors v1.1.
Python Util for Numworks, all models.
By Ilyas R. & Vincent ROBERT. June 2022.
Learn more about Colors on: (FR)
Colors v1.0 - 10/06/2022:
- Initial util
Colors v1.1 - 19/09/2022:
- The [Ans] key is now used to exit the program cleanly
from kandinsky import fill_rect as rec, draw_string as txt from ion import keydown # Colors 1.1 NumWorks, 19.09.2022 # Par Ilyas R. & Vincent ROBERT # <3 bar = 1 rgb = [148,113,222] black,grey,red,green,blue = ((42,)*3),(184,188,184),(255,0,0),(0,255,0),(0,0,255) rgb_t = (red,green,blue) chrs,numpad = (234063,252783,234057,252783,186351,248271,66706),(30,31,32,36,37,38,42,43,44,48) cuts = (42,0,20,54,86,132,177,210,242,255) def rgb_to_hex(clr): return ("{:0>2}".format(hex(clr[0])[2:])+"{:0>2}".format(hex(clr[1])[2:])+"{:0>2}".format( hex(clr[2])[2:])).upper() def gui(): clrs=((42*3,42/3,42*5),(42*2,42/7,42*4),(42,42*2,42*5),(42/2,42*5,42*2), (42*6,42*5,42),(42*6,42*3,42),(42*6,42,42)) for k in range(7): for j in range(19): if chrs[k]>>j&1==1: rec(24+12*k+(j%3)*3,10+(j//3)*3,3,3,clrs[k]) txt("24 bits",28,50,black) for n in range(3): rec(28,115+(n+1)*20,255,6,grey) rec(28,115+(n+1)*20,rgb[n],6,(255*(n+1==bar),42,42)) rec(22+rgb[n],112+(n+1)*20,12,12,(255*(n+1==bar),42,42)) txt("R G B", 209,5) rgb_txt=("R:","G:","B:") for i in range(3): txt(str(rgb_txt[i]),3,109+(i+1)*20,black) for i in range(9): txt(str(i+1),12+(33*i)+12*(i==4)+24*(i>4),103,black) update_info_display() def contrast(clr): lum=(299*clr[0]+587*clr[1]+114*clr[2])/1000 if lum>125: return black else: return "white" def update_info_display(): for i in range(3): txt(str("%03d"%rgb[i]),288,109+20*(i+1),black) txt("("+str("%03d"%rgb[0])+","+str("%03d" % rgb[1])+","+str("%03d"%rgb[2])+")",189,30) txt("#"+str(rgb_to_hex(rgb)),220,55) rec(132,0,56,100,rgb) for i in range(4): rec(0+33*i,80,33,20,(rgb[0]+int((255-rgb[0])*(4-i)/5), rgb[1]+int((255-rgb[1])*(4-i)/5),rgb[2]+int((255-rgb[2])*(4-i)/5))) for i in range(4): rec(188+33*i,80,33,20,(rgb[0]*(4-i)//5,rgb[1]*(4-i)//5,rgb[2]*(4-i)//5)) rec(0,200,320,22,rgb) txt("Colored by",33,202,contrast(rgb),rgb) def number_key(k): return 7*(k==30)+8*(k==31)+9*(k==32)+4*(k==36)+5*(k==37)+6*(k==38)+1*( k==42)+2*(k==43)+3*(k==44)+0*(k==48) def sliding_bars_updater(old): if not old: for i in range(3): rec(28,115+(i+1)*20,255,6,grey) rec(rgb[i]+22,112+(i+1)*20,12,12,rgb_t[i]) rec(28,115+(i+1)*20,rgb[i],6,rgb_t[i]) else: for i in range(3): rec(rgb[i]+22,112+(i+1)*20,12,12,"white") def selected_sliding_bar(selected): rec(28,115+bar*20,255,6,grey) color_s=rgb_t[bar-1] if selected else black rec(28,115+bar*20,rgb[bar-1],6,color_s) rec(22+rgb[bar-1],112+bar*20,12,12,color_s) def keyboard_listener(current): for i in numpad: if keydown(i): return i return current def keyboard_shade_listener(num): if num==5: return rgb elif num<5: return [rgb[0]+int((255-rgb[0])*(5-num)/5),rgb[1]+int((255-rgb[1])*(5-num)/5), rgb[2]+int((255-rgb[2])*(5-num)/5)] else: return [rgb[0]*(10-num)//5,rgb[1]*(10-num)//5,rgb[2]*(10-num)//5] def update_slide_bar(old, bar_type, bar_color, cursor): rec(old+19,112+bar_type*20,18,12,"white") rec(28,115+bar_type*20,255,6,grey) rec(28,115 + bar_type * 20, cursor, 6, bar_color) rec(cursor + 22, 112 + bar_type * 20, 12, 12, bar_color) def slide_bar_interaction(bar_type, bar_color, cursor): last_key, interaction = None, None key_sum, num, old = 0, 120, 0 while not (keydown(1) or keydown(2)): num = keyboard_listener(num) if keydown(3) and cursor < 255: if key_sum == 0 or key_sum == 30 or key_sum > 60: old = cursor cursor += 1 interaction = True key_sum += 1 if keydown(0) and cursor > 0: if key_sum == 0 or key_sum == -30 or key_sum < -60: old = cursor cursor -= 1 interaction = True key_sum -= 1 if keydown(num) and last_key != num: old = cursor cursor = cuts[number_key(num)] interaction = True last_key = num if interaction: update_slide_bar(old, bar_type, bar_color, cursor) rgb[bar_type - 1] = cursor update_info_display() interaction = False if not (keydown(0) or keydown(3) or keydown(num)): key_sum, num = 0, 120 last_key = None def menu(): global rgb num, old = 120, 0 last_key, interaction = None, None rec(154, 84, 12, 12, contrast(rgb)) while not keydown(2): num = keyboard_listener(num) if keydown(3) and last_key != 3: old = rgb rgb = [rgb[0] * 4 // 5, rgb[1] * 4 // 5, rgb[2] * 4 // 5] interaction = True last_key = 3 if keydown(0) and last_key != 0: old = rgb rgb = [rgb[0] + int((255 - rgb[0]) / 5), rgb[1] + int((255 - rgb[1]) / 5), rgb[2] + int((255 - rgb[2]) / 5)] interaction = True last_key = 0 if keydown(num) and last_key != num: old = rgb rgb = keyboard_shade_listener(number_key(num)) interaction = True last_key = num if interaction: for i in range(3): update_slide_bar(old[i], i + 1, black, rgb[i]) update_info_display() rec(154, 84, 12, 12, contrast(rgb)) interaction = False if not (keydown(0) or keydown(3) or keydown(num)): num = 120 last_key = None def colors(): global bar last_key, num = None, 42 gui() while not keydown(51): if keydown(2) and bar < 3 and last_key != 2: if bar != 0: selected_sliding_bar(0) bar += 1 selected_sliding_bar(1) last_key = 2 if keydown(1) and bar > 0 and last_key != 1: selected_sliding_bar(0) bar -= 1 if bar != 0: selected_sliding_bar(1) last_key = 1 if keydown(3) or keydown(0) or keydown(keyboard_listener(num)): slide_bar_interaction(bar, rgb_t[bar - 1], rgb[bar - 1]) if bar == 0: menu() update_info_display() if not (keydown(1) or keydown(2)): last_key = None colors()