Mod pour Scoretab :
Comptez vos points au bowling avec cette bibliothèque !
Vous ne pouvez pas vous déplacer dans cette bibliothèque, l’ajout de joueurs se fait avec la touche OK et chaque joueur doit entrer 2 valeurs par tour : le 1er et le 2ème tir
from scoretab import * round=1 shots=0 turn=0 global scores scores=[] v="" while not v: v=input("Joueur 1 > ") scores.append([v,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) def move(): global scores global turn global shots global round if turn>len(scores)-1: turn=0 round+=1 sleep(1) draw() if turn!=len(scores): if round>10: stop=1 def add(): global shots global turn global round global scores if shots: if round==11: v=input("3eme tir >") else: v=input("2eme tir > ") if v: if int(scores[turn][round])+int(v)<=10: if int(scores[turn][round])+int(v)==10: scores[turn][round]="/" if round==10: scores[turn].append(0) round+=1 shots=1 elif round==11: scores[turn][round]="X" if turn==len(scores)-1: round=12 else: round=10 else: scores[turn][round]=str(int(scores[turn][round])+int(v)) if round==10 or round==11: if turn==len(scores)-1: round=12 else: round=10 if round!=11: shots=0 turn+=1 else: e() v=input("1er tir > ") if v: if int(v)==10: scores[turn][round]="X" if round==10: scores[turn].append(0) round+=1 shots=1 else: turn+=1 elif int(v)<10 and int(v)>-1: scores[turn][round]=v shots=1 draw() def rem(): global scores if len(scores)!=1: v=input("Supprimer joueur... > ") if v: scores.pop(int(v)-1) turn-=1 def edit(): global scores e() v=input("Joueur "+str(len(scores)+1)+" > ") if v: scores.append([v,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) draw() def draw(): global scores global turn global round width=68 height=18 fill_rect(0,0,320,222,(255,255,255)) j=-1 for j in range(len(scores)): player=scores[j] draw_string((player[0]+" "*8)[0:7],-1,100+(j-turn)*height,(255,255,255),(100,100,100)) if 1<len(player): for i in range(1,len(player)): if j-turn==0 and i==round: sel=(255,0,0) else: sel=(255,255,255) fill_rect(width+20*(i-1)+1,100+(j-turn)*height+1,19,height-1,sel) draw_string(str(player[i]),width+20*(i-1)+5,100+(j-turn)*height,(0,0,0),sel) fill_rect(width+20*(i),100+(j-turn)*height,1,height,(0,0,0)) fill_rect(0,100+(j-turn)*height+height,320,1,(0,0,0)) tot=0 for i in range(1,len(player)): if player[i]=="/": tot+=10 elif player[i]=="X": if i!=11: if player[i+1]=="/" or player[i+1]=="X": tot+=20 else: tot+=10+int(player[i+1]) else: tot+=10 else: tot+=int(player[i]) draw_string((str(tot)+" "*120)[0:int(width/10)],320-31,100+(j-turn)*height,(0,0,0),(200,100,0)) fill_rect(width+1,100-turn*height,1,height,(0,0,0)) fill_rect(320-32,100+(j-turn)*height,1,height,(0,0,0)) fill_rect(0,100+(j-turn)*height,320,1,(0,0,0)) fill_rect(0,100+(j-turn)*height+height,320,1,(0,0,0)) #deplacement avec haut et bas #barre de details tout en haut