
Created by frablock

Created on September 12, 2021

1.7 KB


Concevez vos sprites directement depuis votre calculatrice

Voir la documentation

from gemamin import *;lett,im,pal,x,y="0123456789ABCDE","",[[255,255,255]],0,0
for im100 in range(100):im+="0"
def save(a):open(a,"w").write('###pik_maker\nclass pik:p=(["pikt","'+im+'",'+str(pal)+',(10,10)],print("1sprite"))')
def gr():
 for i in range(11):draw_line(10*i+50,50,10*i+50,150,(0,0,0))
 for i in range(11):draw_line(50,10*i+50,150,10*i+50,(0,0,0))
def col(a):
 while True:
  fr(150,10,20,20,a);ds(cy[b],180,10);ds(str(a)+"  ",150,40)
  gm_w("alpha=choisir dans palette","shift=input ("+cy[b]+")")
   if kd(KEY_ALPHA):a=pal[int(i(str(pal)+"[0;"+str(len(pal)-1)+"]"))]
   if kd(KEY_SHIFT):a[b]=int(i(cy[b]+" : "))
  except:gm_err("input invalide")
  for e in range(5):
   if kd(e):
    if e==1:a[b]+=1;sl(0.1)
    if e==2:a[b]-=1;sl(0.1)
    if e==3 and b!=2:b+=1;sl(0.5)
    if e==0 and b!=0:b-=1;sl(0.5)
    if e==4:return a
def edit(a):
 global pal
 global im
 if c.count(pal)==0 and len(pal)<=16:pal.append(c)
 except:gm_err("trop de couleur dans palette")
 for e in l:r+=e
def po(a,b):fr(a*10+50,b*10+50,5,5,(ra(0,255),ra(0,255),ra(0,255)))
while True:
 gm_w("EXE pour valider","OK pour selectionner")
 if kd(KEY_EXE):p('class pik:p=(("pikt","'+im+'",'+str(pal)+',(10,10)),print("1sprite"))\nsave("nom_du_fichier.pik")\npour sauvegarder');break
 for e in range(5):
  if kd(e):
   if e==1:y-=1
   if e==2:y+=1
   if e==3:x+=1
   if e==0:x-=1
   if e==4:sl(0.5);edit(ca);gr()
 if x==10:x,y=0,y+1
 if x==-1:x,y=10,y-1
 if y==10:y,x=0,x+1
 if y==-1:y,x=10,x-1

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