Created by frablock

Created on September 26, 2021

2.42 KB

Une adaptation de GeMa pour le jeu dokidoki_fast

Si vous voulez utiliser GeMa pour votre script, nous vous recommandons la version GeMaMIN

_C,_B,_A='Score : ','white','[OK]'
try:from os import *
except:print('Omega est requis')
from random import *;from kandinsky import *;from ion import *;from time import *
def p(a):print(a)
def fr(a,b,c,d,e):fill_rect(a,b,c,d,e)
def rch(a):return choice(a)
def ra(a,b):return randint(a,b)
def i(a):return input(a)
def re(a,b):rename(a,b)
def ds(a,b,c):draw_string(a,b,c)
def gm_err():gm_w('#>_< - err','',1)
def gm_i(im,pal,t=4,po=0,py=0):
 while r<len(im):
  while r<len(im)and'9'>=im[r]>='0':n+=im[r];r+=1
  nb=1 if n==''else int(n);c=pal[ord(s)-65]
  for j in range(nb):fr(po+t*(i%80),py+t*(i//80),t,t,(c[0],c[1],c[2]));i+=1
def gm_tp(txt,ma=32,st=""):
 a,b,A,d=list(txt)+[''],'','\n'+st,[" ","'",",","."];l=len(a)
 if l>ma:
  for j in range(l//ma):
   for i in range(1,ma//4):
    if d.count(a[mb-i])>=1:a[mb-i]=A;mb+=mb-i;nl=False;break
   if nl:a.insert(mb,A);mb+=mb
  for i in range(l):b+=a[i]
 return b,l//ma
def gm_w(txt,perso,rw=0):a=gm_tp(txt);ds(str(perso),0,180-a[1]*20);ds(str(a[0]),0,200-a[1]*20)
def gm_t(txt,perso,img=0,pal=0,a=4,b=0,c=0):
 if img==0:gm_w(txt,perso)
def gm_a(a,b,c,d,e,a5='#err:str?'):
 if e>=2:ds('[down]'+str(b),0,18)
 if e>=3:ds('[left]'+str(c),0,36)
 if e>=4:ds('[right]'+str(d),0,54)
 if e>=5:ds(_A+str(a5),0,72)
def gm_wi(win,sco):
 p('***GeMa - Vous avez gagné');gm_r();ds('Félicitations, vous avez gagné\nVous êtes vainqueur :\n'+str(win),0,80);p(_C+str(sco))
 if sco!=0:gm_sco(sco)
def gm_r():fr(0,0,320,225,_B)
def sl(a):sleep(a)
def gm_s():co=[(0,0,0),_B];fr(0,0,320,255,co[0]);fr(130,70,60,60,co[1]);fr(140,80,50,40,co[0]);fr(180,100,10,30,co[1]);fr(180,100,-20,10,co[1]);ds('eMa',192,112);ds('Engine',130,132);sl(2.8);fr(0,0,320,255,'grey');sl(0.1);gm_r();ds(_A,0,0)
def gm_sco(sco):ds(_C+str(sco),200,0)
def tr(a=''):
 for i in range(32):a=a+choice(['_','-','(',')','@','O','D','{','}','#','%','&','=','[]','|',';','!','?','H','>','<','*',"'",'.','/'])
 return a
def tt(b,c,x=0,y=0):
 for i in range(len(b)):c+=b[i];ds(c,x,y);sl(0.05)
def gm_c(a,b,c,d,e,a5=0):
 while True:
  if keydown(1)and e>=1:return a
  if keydown(2)and e>=2:return b
  if keydown(0)and e>=3:return c
  if keydown(3)and e>=4:return d
  if keydown(4)and e>=5:return a5
def pu(a,x=106,y=75,w=106,h=75):fr(x,y,w,h,(0,0,0));fr(x+1,y+1,w-2,h-2,_B);ds(a,x+2,y+2);ds(_A,x+2,y+h-20);gm_c(1,1,1,1,5,1)

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