Demonstration of how to import a custom module. This must have loaded to the calculator.
# 2020-02-03 EWS # import file import extf print("Import any py file.") print("The source file must") print("be in memory.") # \n new line print("\n") print("extf.radius(a,b)=abs(a+bi)") print("extf.angle(a,b=arg(a+bi) in degrees") print("a=11.25, b=13.36") print(extf.radius(11.25,13.36)) # other functions print("\n") print("extf.pchg: percent change") print("old,new") print("pchg(78.95,96.95") print("a =22.52,b=29") print(extf.pchg(22.52,29)) print("\n") print("present value annuity factor") print("extf.pvaf(n,i%)") print("pv = pmt*pvaf") print("pmt=250, n=24, i%=4.5") print(extf.pvaf(24,4.5)*250) # more to discover print("\n") print("More to discover!")