
Created by ews31415

Created on June 01, 2024

349 Bytes

Draw an ellipse given the length of x and y radii. If x and y are equal, a circle is drawn. The screen is set up to fit the proportion of the 320 x 220 screen. The vertical axis ranges from y = -44 to y = 44 while the horizontal axis ranges from x = -64 to x = 64. The ellipse is centered at (0,0).

from math import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *

print("Draw an ellipse\nusing pyplot")
a=eval(input("x axis? "))
b=eval(input("y axis? "))

# set axis

# set points
tl=[i/128*2*pi for i in range(129)]
xl=[a*cos(i) for i in tl]
yl=[b*sin(i) for i in tl]

# draw the ellipse