Tir au but.
from math import * from random import * from ion import * from time import * print("Bienvenu dans foot v3.2!\nDirige la balle ou le bassin du goal\navec les fleches et appuie sur OK\nquand tu es sur la bonne position.\nBon courage et attention au vent!") solo=int(input("Jeu a 1 ou 2? ")) def goal(joueur): from kandinsky import * fill_rect(0,0,320,218,color(20,200,10)) from turtle import * goto(0,0) if solo==1 and joueur==2:a,b=randint(-140,140),randint(-80,85) else: from kandinsky import * draw_string("balle",140,105) if solo==2 and joueur==1:draw_string("joueur 1",128,130) if solo==2 and joueur==2:draw_string("joueur 2",128,130) sleep(1) fill_rect(128,100,80,40,color(20,200,10)) from turtle import * penup(),color("black"),showturtle() arret=False while not arret: if keydown(KEY_UP):setheading(90),forward(2) if keydown(KEY_LEFT):setheading(180),forward(2) if keydown(KEY_RIGHT):setheading(0),forward(2) if keydown(KEY_DOWN):setheading(-90),forward(2) if keydown(KEY_OK): hideturtle() a,b=position() arret=True a,b=a+randint(-20,20),b+randint(-18,18) from turtle import * speed(300),pensize(30),penup(),goto(0,0) if solo==1 and joueur==1: if a<=-10: v=randint(1,10) if v>4:n=randint(-140,0) else:n=randint(0,110) m=randint(-83,38) if a>-10: if a<10: z=randint(1,3) if z>1:n,m=randint(-20,20),randint(-80,35) else:n,m=randint(-60,60),randint(-80,35) if a>=10: v=randint(1,10) if v>4:n=randint(0,140) else: n=randint(-110,0) m=randint(-80,35) else: from kandinsky import * draw_string("goal",140,110) if solo==2 and joueur==1:draw_string("joueur 2",128,130) if solo==2 and joueur==2:draw_string("joueur 1",128,130) sleep(1) fill_rect(128,100,80,40,color(20,200,10)) from turtle import * color("black"),penup(),showturtle() arret=False while not arret: if keydown(KEY_UP):setheading(90),forward(2) if keydown(KEY_LEFT):setheading(180),forward(2) if keydown(KEY_RIGHT):setheading(0),forward(2) if keydown(KEY_DOWN):setheading(-90),forward(2) if keydown(KEY_OK): hideturtle() n,m=position() arret=True from turtle import * goto(n,m),pendown(),setheading(0) if joueur==1:color("red") else:color("blue") if a<=-10:left(randint(90,180)) if a>-10: if a<10:left(randint(75,105)) if a>=10:left(randint(1,90)) forward(90),backward(30),left(90),forward(45),backward(90),penup(),goto(n,m),pendown(),color("black"),left(60),forward(60),backward(60),left(60),forward(60),penup(),color("white"),goto(a,b),pendown(),pensize(32),forward(1),penup() sleep(1) if a>150 or a<-150 or b>99:draw_string("la balle est dehors",50,200) hideturtle(),forward(500),setheading(0) def comptage(): if w<x:print("2 gagne ",x," a ",w) if w>x:print("1 gagne ",w," a ",x) if w==x:print("egalite (",w,"-",x,")") l=int(input("nombre de tour:")) w,x=0,0 for i in range(l): u=0 goal(1) t=int(input("gagne:1 ,perdu:2 ,doute 3:")) if t==1:w+=1 if t==3: t=randint(1,2) print(t) if t==1:w+=1 if solo==1:goal(2) else:goal(1) u=int(input("gagne:1 ,perdu:2 ,doute 3:")) if u==1:x+=1 if u==3: u=randint(1,2) print(u) if u==1:x+=1 comptage() stop=False if w==x: while not stop: goal(1) n=int(input("gagne: 1 perdu: 2 doute: 3:")) if n==3:n=randint(1,2) if solo==1:goal(2) else:goal(1) o=int(input("gagne 1 perdu: 2 doute: 3:")) if o==3: o=randint(1,2) if o>n: print("1 gagne!") t+=1 stop=True if o<n: t+=1 print("2 gagne!") stop=True