
Created by dan-tabet

Created on January 13, 2025

7.17 KB

from math import *
from kandinsky import *
from random import *
from time import monotonic, sleep
from ion import *
texte = "Vous êtes le président \n de la C.I.A.\n Des documents confidentiels \n ont été volés,\n votre mission,\n si toutefois vous l'acceptez,\n est d'envoyer vos agents \n a travers le monde \n afin de re mettre la main \n sur ces 10 documents. \n \n Attention, il faut etre rapide !\n Vous avez environ 3 sec pour \n deplacez a l'aide des flèches \n le pointeur afin de viser \n les villes ciblées "
y_position = 320
reponse = input("vous etes sur calculatrice ou sur emulateur ? \n ")
if reponse == "calculatrice":
  vitesse = 1
else : 
  vitesse = 3
couleur_texte = color(0, 128, 0)
point = 0
temps_a_faire = 3
emplacement_villes = {
    "Paris": (143, 45), "New York": (80, 60), "Mexico": (60, 95), "Moscou": (170, 43),
    "Tokyo": (265, 60), "Vancouver": (40, 50), "Mumbai": (213, 95), "Buenos Aires": (93, 160),
    "Lagos": (143, 107), "Johannesburg": (168, 145)
amerique = [(27, 18, 15, 37), (15, 37, 36, 35), (36, 35, 37, 80), (37, 80, 66, 105),
            (66, 105, 62, 123), (62, 123, 85, 195), (85, 195, 107, 125), (107, 125, 70, 100),
            (70, 100, 50, 77), (50, 77, 67, 75), (67, 75, 95, 40), (95, 40, 85, 19),
            (85, 19, 28, 18)]
ile1 = [(62, 79, 70, 79), (70, 79, 69, 88), (69, 88, 62, 88), (62, 88, 62, 79)]
ile2 = [(71, 83, 77, 83), (77, 83, 77, 90), (77, 90, 71, 90), (71, 90, 71, 83)]
angleterre = [(137, 31, 142, 42), (142, 42, 135, 45), (135, 45, 137, 31)]
grand_continent = [(205, 9, 162, 17), (162, 17, 137, 47), (137, 47, 139, 52),
                   (139, 52, 132, 52), (132, 52, 130, 60), (130, 60, 135, 62), (135, 62, 125, 95),
                   (125, 95, 132, 109), (132, 109, 150, 110), (150, 110, 160, 165),
                   (160, 165, 178, 138), (178, 138, 187, 98), (187, 98, 180, 100),
                   (180, 100, 170, 72), (170, 72, 152, 68), (152, 68, 150, 65),
                   (150, 65, 137, 63), (137, 63, 150, 52), (150, 52, 155, 62),
                   (155, 62, 160, 55), (160, 55, 163, 63), (163, 63, 164, 58),
                   (164, 58, 169, 57), (169, 57, 168, 63), (168, 63, 173, 65),
                   (173, 65, 173, 70), (173, 70, 185, 95), (185, 95, 195, 85),
                   (195, 85, 183, 73), (183, 73, 207, 84), (207, 84, 212, 107),
                   (212, 107, 225, 84), (225, 84, 239, 127), (239, 127, 258, 130),
                   (258, 130, 240, 120), (240, 120, 235, 97), (235, 97, 240, 104),
                   (240, 104, 240, 84), (240, 84, 251, 75), (251, 75, 247, 59),
                   (247, 59, 256, 67), (256, 67, 254, 56), (254, 56, 276, 20),
                   (276, 20, 205, 9)]
japon = [(267, 50, 273, 63), (273, 63, 265, 70), (265, 70, 258, 66), (258, 66, 267, 50)]
oceanie = [(245, 148, 244, 169), (244, 169, 270, 170), (270, 170, 285, 144),
           (285, 144, 278, 132), (278, 132, 275, 140), (275, 140, 268, 133), (268, 133, 245, 148)]

def afficher_texte_deroulant(texte, y_position, vitesse):
    nombre_de_lignes = texte.count('\n') + 1
    hauteur_texte = nombre_de_lignes * 20
    while y_position > -hauteur_texte:
        fill_rect(0, 0, 320, 222, color(0, 0, 0))
        draw_string(texte, 10, y_position, couleur_texte, color(0, 0, 0))
        y_position -= vitesse
        if keydown(2) :

def draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, c):
    width = x2 - x1
    height = y2 - y1
    if abs(width) >= abs(height):
        div = height / width
        for i in range(0, width, (width > 0) * 2 - 1):
            set_pixel(x1 + i, y1 + int(div * i + 0.5), c)
        div = width / height
        for i in range(0, height, (height > 0) * 2 - 1):
            set_pixel(x1 + int(div * i + 0.5), y1 + i, c)

def draw_circle(center_x, center_y, rayon, couleur):
    for x in range(center_x - rayon, center_x + rayon + 1):
        for y in range(center_y - rayon, center_y + rayon + 1):
            if (x - center_x) ** 2 + (y - center_y) ** 2 <= rayon ** 2:
                set_pixel(x, y, couleur)

def dessiner(continent):
    for line in continent:
        draw_line(line[0], line[1], line[2], line[3], (0, 255, 0))
def fond_ecran() :
  fill_rect(0, 0, 320, 222, (0, 0, 0))

def initialisation(etat=0):
        os = (192, 53, 53)
        os = (255, 183, 52)
    if etat == 0:
        fill_rect(1, 204, 320, 18, os)
        draw_string("vous avez environ 3 secondes", 2, 204, (255, 255, 255), os)
        fill_rect(1, 204, 320, 18, os)

def personnage(position, aff=0):
    color = (255, 0, 0) 
    if aff : 
        fill_rect(position[0] - 5, position[1] - 5, 10, 10, (0, 0, 0))

    else :
        color = (255, 0, 0)
        fill_rect(position[0] - 5, position[1] - 1, 10, 2, color)
        fill_rect(position[0] - 1, position[1] - 5, 2, 10, color)
def collision(point_rouge, position):
    return (point_rouge[0] >= position[0] - 5 and point_rouge[0] <= position[0] + 5 and
            point_rouge[1] >= position[1] - 5 and point_rouge[1] <= position[1] + 5)

def move(position, bordure, vitesse):
    mvt = position[:]
    is_key_pressed = False

    if keydown(1):  # Haut
        mvt[1] = max(position[1] - vitesse, bordure[2])
        is_key_pressed = True

    if keydown(2):  # Bas
        mvt[1] = min(position[1] + vitesse, bordure[3])
        is_key_pressed = True

    if keydown(3):  # Droite
        mvt[0] = min(position[0] + vitesse, bordure[1])
        is_key_pressed = True

    if keydown(0):  # Gauche
        mvt[0] = max(position[0] - vitesse, bordure[0])
        is_key_pressed = True
    return mvt if is_key_pressed else position

def jeu(point, temps_a_faire,fond_ecran):
    position = [160, 111]
    bordure = (5, 319, 5, 201)

    liste_villes = list(emplacement_villes.keys())
    index_aleatoire = randint(0, len(liste_villes) - 1)
    ville = liste_villes[index_aleatoire]
    point_rouge = emplacement_villes[ville]

    draw_circle(point_rouge[0], point_rouge[1], 3, (255, 0, 0))
    draw_string(ville, point_rouge[0] + 10, point_rouge[1] - 20, (255, 0, 0),(0,0,0))

    start_time = monotonic()#chronometre

    while True:
        position = move(position, bordure, vitesse)
        personnage(position, 1)

        if collision(point_rouge, position):
            end_time = monotonic()
            elapsed_time = end_time - start_time

            if elapsed_time <= temps_a_faire:
                point += 1
                temps_a_faire -=  0.1
                draw_string("Bravo, tu gagnes 1 point!", 100, 160, (0, 255, 0),(0,0,0))
                draw_string("Trop lent ! Essaie encore.", 100, 160, (255, 0, 0),(0,0,0))

            fill_rect(0, 180, 320, 20, (0, 0, 0))

    return point, temps_a_faire

afficher_texte_deroulant(texte, y_position, vitesse)

while point < 10:
    point, temps_a_faire = jeu(point, temps_a_faire,fond_ecran)
draw_string("Felicitations, vous avez gagne !", 10, 100, (255, 0, 0))

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