from turtle import * from ion import * from kandinsky import * from time import* speed(100) draw_string("Appuyez sur EXE pour continuer",20,40,(255,128,0)) draw_string("Règles du jeu : \n\n ·Chaques joueurs possèdent un \n symbole différent.\n ·Le premier avec 3 symboles\n sur une ligne gagne.",0,75,(0, 0,0)) while not (keydown(KEY_EXE)): True fill_rect(0,25,350,190,'white') draw_string("TOUCHES :",95,0,(255, 0, 0)) draw_string("-Chaques cases est numérotée de\n 1 à 9,la première est en bas\n à gauche, la 9 ème en haut \n à droite, appuyez sur ces\n chiffres pour poser\n votre symbole. \n-Le joueur1 commence la partie",0,20,(0,0,0)) draw_string("Appuyez sur OK pour commencer",15,200,(255,128,0)) while not (keydown(KEY_OK)): True fill_rect(0,0,400,250,'white') def cercle(): #dessin du cercle penup() forward(20) pendown() left(90) circle(20) setheading(0) penup() left(90) penup() backward(20) def croix(): #dessin de la croix pensize(3) right(45) pendown() for i in range(4): right(90) forward(40) penup() backward(40) pendown() setheading(90) penup() def victoire_cercle(): draw_string("Joueur2 a gagné la partie",50,0,(255,0,0)) def victoire_croix(): draw_string("Joueur1 a gagné la partie",50,0,(255,0,0)) def verification_cercle(): for i in range (3): if matrice[i][0] == matrice[i][1] == matrice[i][2] == 2: gagnant = 2 victoire_cercle() for i in range(3): if matrice[0][i] == matrice[1][i] == matrice[2][i] == 2: gagnant = 2 victoire_cercle() if matrice[0][0] == matrice[1][1] == matrice[2][2] == 2: gagnant = 2 victoire_cercle() if matrice[0][2] == matrice[1][1] == matrice[2][0] == 2: gagnant = 2 victoire_cercle() elif ' ' not in [case for ligne in matrice for case in ligne]: draw_string("Match nul !", 100, 0, (255, 0, 0)) fin_partie = 1 else: fin_partie = 0 def verification_croix(): for i in range (3): if matrice[i][0] == matrice[i][1] == matrice[i][2] == 1: gagnant = 1 victoire_croix() for i in range(3): if matrice[0][i] == matrice[1][i] == matrice[2][i] == 1: gagnant = 1 victoire_croix() if matrice[0][0] == matrice[1][1] == matrice[2][2] == 1: gagnant = 1 victoire_croix() if matrice[0][2] == matrice[1][1] == matrice[2][0] == 1: gagnant = 1 victoire_croix() elif ' ' not in [case for ligne in matrice for case in ligne]: draw_string("Match nul !", 100, 0, (255, 0, 0)) fin_partie = 1 else: fin_partie = 0 fin_partie = 0 while 1: # script pour la grille et def trait trouvé chez Schraf : Maths-info H, L =320 , 222 def trait(x, y, a, d): penup() goto(x, y) pendown() setheading(a) forward(d) def grille(nb): # mise en forme de la grille de jeu case = min(H,L) // nb H_m, L_m = -nb * case / 2, -nb * case /2 for i in range(1,nb): trait(L_m, H_m + case * i, 0, nb * case) trait(L_m + case * i, H_m, 90, nb * case) return case, H_m, L_m grille(3) penup() goto(0,0) penup() matrice = [[' ', ' ', ' '], [' ', ' ', ' '], [' ', ' ', ' ']] #création de la matrice j = 1 # joueur numéro 1 commence à jouer while fin_partie == 0: #partie indice = 9 while indice == 9: #tour if j == 1: if keydown(KEY_ONE) and matrice[0][0] == " ": indice = 0 goto(-75,-74) croix() matrice[0][0] = j j = 2 verification_croix() if keydown(KEY_TWO) and matrice[0][1] == " ": indice = 1 goto(0,-74) croix() matrice[0][1] = j j = 2 verification_croix() if keydown(KEY_THREE) and matrice[0][2] == " ": indice = 2 goto(75,-74) croix() matrice[0][2] = j j = 2 verification_croix() if keydown(KEY_FOUR) and matrice[1][0] == " ": indice = 3 goto(-75,0) croix() matrice[1][0] = j j = 2 verification_croix() if keydown(KEY_FIVE) and matrice[1][1] == " ": indice = 4 goto(0,0) croix() matrice[1][1] = j j = 2 verification_croix() if keydown(KEY_SIX) and matrice[1][2] == " ": indice = 5 goto(75,0) croix() matrice[1][2] = j j = 2 verification_croix() if keydown(KEY_SEVEN) and matrice[2][0] == " ": indice = 6 goto(-75,74) croix() matrice[2][0] = j j = 2 verification_croix() if keydown(KEY_EIGHT) and matrice[2][1] == " ": indice = 7 goto(0,74) croix() matrice[2][1] = j j = 2 verification_croix() if keydown(KEY_NINE) and matrice[2][2] == " ": indice = 8 goto(75,74) croix() matrice[2][2] = j j = 2 verification_croix() if j == 2: if keydown(KEY_ONE) and matrice[0][0] == " ": indice == 0 goto(-75,-74) cercle() matrice[0][0] = j j = 1 verification_cercle() if keydown(KEY_TWO) and matrice[0][1] == " ": indice == 1 goto(0,-74) cercle() matrice[0][1] = j j = 1 verification_cercle() if keydown(KEY_THREE) and matrice[0][2] == " ": indice == 2 goto(75,-74) cercle() matrice[0][2] = j j = 1 verification_cercle() if keydown(KEY_FOUR) and matrice[1][0] == " ": indice == 3 goto(-75,0) cercle() matrice[1][0] = j j = 1 verification_cercle() if keydown(KEY_FIVE) and matrice[1][1] == " ": indice == 4 goto(0,0) cercle() matrice[1][1] = j j = 1 verification_cercle() if keydown(KEY_SIX) and matrice[1][2] == " ": indice == 5 goto(75,0) cercle() matrice[1][2] = j j = 1 verification_cercle() if keydown(KEY_SEVEN) and matrice[2][0] == " ": indice == 6 goto(-75,74) cercle() matrice[2][0] = j j = 1 verification_cercle() if keydown(KEY_EIGHT) and matrice[2][1] == " ": indice == 7 goto(0,74) cercle() matrice[2][1] = j j = 1 verification_cercle() if keydown(KEY_NINE) and matrice[2][2] == " ": indice == 8 goto(75,74) cercle() matrice[2][2] = j j = 1 verification_cercle()