#script par Aubin Chambounaud #441 lignes de code from math import * from kandinsky import fill_rect as f from time import sleep as s from ion import keydown as k,KEY_LEFT as kl, KEY_OK as ko, KEY_RIGHT as kr, KEY_UP as ku, KEY_DOWN as kd, KEY_EXE as ke from kandinsky import * play=1 def page(): fill_rect(0,0,320,280,color(173,216,230)) fill_rect(65,60,190,60,'white') fill_rect(0,212,320,5,'green') fill_rect(0,217,320,5,'brown') fill_rect(0,0,320,5,'green') fill_rect(0,5,320,5,'brown') draw_string("Jeu par Aubin",95,30,'black',color(173,216,230)) page() selection=1 while play==1: if k(ku): selection=1 if k(kd): selection=2 if selection==1: draw_string("> comment jouer? <",70,70,'red') draw_string(" Jouer ",70,90,'orange') else: draw_string(" comment jouer? ",70,70,'orange') draw_string("> Jouer <",70,90,'red') if k(ko) and selection==1: draw_string("- fleches pour bouger",55,125,'black',color(173,216,230)) draw_string("- OK pour sauter",55,145,'black',color(173,216,230)) draw_string("- essaie de monter sur",55,165,'black',color(173,216,230)) draw_string(" le nuage au niveau 4 ",55,185,'black',color(173,216,230)) if k(ko) and selection==2: play=0 go=1 #definition des variables x=0 y=100 xn=-30 yn=20 cloud_sens=1 fall=1 jump=-1 ground=1 background=1 xs=0 ys=0 jump_nb=0 note=0 time=0 death=0 fjc=0 #ciel f(0,0,320,280,color(173,216,230)) #creation des piques def spikes(xs,xy): f(xs,ys,10,1,'gray') f(xs,ys-1,10,1,'gray') f(xs+1,ys-2,8,1,'gray') f(xs+2,ys-3,6,1,'gray') f(xs+2,ys-4,6,1,'gray') f(xs+3,ys-5,4,1,'gray') f(xs+4,ys-6,2,1,'gray') f(xs+5,ys-7,1,1,'gray') while go==1: #arriere plan if background==1: f(0,110,200,150,'green') f(100,210,250,50,'green') f(314,199,7,12,'orange') f(315,200,5,10,'yellow') f(50,70,10,40,'brown') f(30,50,40,20,'green') f(40,40,20,20,'green') f(40,80,10,10,'green') if background==2: f(0,150,40,80,'green') f(40,170,60,60,'green') f(100,150,120,80,'green') f(220,130,20,100,'green') f(240,150,100,80,'green') f(314,139,7,12,'orange') f(315,140,5,10,'yellow') xs=140 ys=150 spikes(xs,ys) xs=150 spikes(xs,ys) xs=230 ys=130 spikes(xs,ys) if background==3: f(0,190,20,5,'green') f(60,170,20,5,'green') f(120,150,30,5,'green') f(185,170,10,5,'green') f(230,170,5,20,'green') f(280,170,5,20,'green') f(310,170,10,5,'green') f(0,195,20,5,'brown') f(60,175,20,5,'brown') f(120,155,30,5,'brown') f(185,175,10,5,'brown') f(230,175,5,20,'brown') f(280,175,5,20,'brown') f(310,175,10,5,'brown') f(314,159,7,12,'orange') f(315,160,5,10,'yellow') if background==4: f(0,180,20,5,'green') f(40,160,20,5,'green') f(80,140,20,5,'green') f(120,120,20,5,'green') f(120,90,20,5,'green') f(120,60,20,5,'green') f(120,20,20,5,'green') f(180,40,20,5,'green') f(220,40,20,5,'green') f(300,160,20,5,'green') f(0,185,20,5,'brown') f(40,165,20,5,'brown') f(80,145,20,5,'brown') f(120,125,20,5,'brown') f(120,95,20,5,'brown') f(120,65,20,5,'brown') f(120,25,20,5,'brown') f(180,45,20,5,'brown') f(220,45,20,5,'brown') f(300,165,20,5,'brown') f(260,80,60,5,'green') f(260,85,60,5,'brown') xs=260 ys=80 spikes(xs,ys) xs=270 ys=80 spikes(xs,ys) xs=280 ys=80 spikes(xs,ys) xs=290 ys=80 spikes(xs,ys) xs=300 ys=80 spikes(xs,ys) xs=310 ys=80 spikes(xs,ys) f(314,149,7,12,'orange') f(315,150,5,10,'yellow') #personnage f(x-1,y-1,12,12,color(173,216,230)) f(x,y,10,10,'black') f(x+2,y+3,2,2,'white') f(x+6,y+3,2,2,'white') f(x+2,y+7,6,1,'white') #nuage if cloud_sens>0 and cloud_sens<=351: xn=xn+1 cloud_sens=cloud_sens+1 if cloud_sens>351: cloud_sens=-1 if cloud_sens<0 and cloud_sens>=-351: cloud_sens=cloud_sens-1 xn=xn-1 if cloud_sens<-351: cloud_sens=1 f(xn-1,yn-1,32,12,color(173,216,230)) f(xn+9,yn-11,12,12,color(173,216,230)) f(xn,yn,30,10,'white') f(xn+10,yn-10,10,10,'white') #saut if jump>=0: y=y-1 jump=jump-1 #contrainte du bord if x<0: x=x+1 if x>310: x=x-1 #contraintes du terrain 1 if background==1: #resistance du sol et gravite if jump==-1: if 0<=x<200 and y<100: y=y+fall if x>=200 and y<200: y=y+fall if y==100 and x<200: ground=1 elif y==200: ground=1 else: ground=0 #resistance du mur if x<=200 and y>100 and k(kl): x=x+1 #niveau suivant if y>190 and x>315-10: f(0,0,320,280,color(173,216,230)) background=2 x=5 y=140 if background==2: if jump==-1: #resistance du sol et gravite if x<40 and y<140: y=y+fall if y==140 and x<40: ground=1 if x>=40 and x<=90 and y<160: y=y+fall if x>=40 and x<90 and y==160: ground=1 if x>40 and x<90 and y<160 : ground=0 if x>=90 and x<210 and y<140: y=y+fall if y==140 and x<=40: ground=1 if y==140 and x>90 and x<210: ground=1 if x>=210 and x<240 and y<120: y=y+1 if x>=210 and x<=240 and y==120: ground=1 if x>=240 and y<140: y=y+1 if x>240 and y==140: ground=1 #resistance du mur if x<=40 and y<=160 and y>140 and k(kl): x=x+1 if x>=90 and y<=160 and y>140 and k(kr): x=x-1 if x>=210 and x<=220 and y<=140 and y>120: x=x-1 if x<=240 and x>=220 and y<=140 and y>120 and k(kl): x=x+1 #detection des piques if x>130 and x<150 and y<=140 and y>132: f(x-2,y-2,14,14,color(173,216,230)) x=10 y=120 death=death+1 if x>140 and x<160 and y<=140 and y>132: f(x-2,y-2,14,14,color(173,216,230)) x=10 y=120 death=death+1 if x>220 and x<240 and y<=120 and y>112: f(x-2,y-2,14,14,color(173,216,230)) x=10 y=120 death=death+1 #niveau suivant if y>130 and x>305: f(0,0,320,280,color(173,216,230)) background=3 x=0 y=180 if background==3: #lave f(0,200,320,100,'red') if jump==-1: if x>=0 and x<=20 and y==180: ground=1 elif x>=50 and x<=80 and y==160: ground=1 elif x>=110 and x<=150 and y==140: ground=1 elif x>=175 and x<=195 and y==160: ground=1 elif x>=220 and x<=235 and y==160: ground=1 elif x>=270 and x<=285 and y==160: ground=1 elif x>=300 and x<=330 and y==160: ground=1 else: ground=0 if ground==0: y=y+fall #niveau suivant if x>300 and y==160: background=4 x=0 y=150 f(0,0,320,280,color(173,216,230)) #detection de la lave if y==190: f(x-2,y-2,14,14,color(173,216,230)) x=0 y=160 death=death+1 if background==4: #lave f(0,200,320,100,'red') if y<=100 and y>=85 and x>=110 and x<=140: jump=-1 if y<=70 and y>=55 and x>=110 and x<=140: jump=-1 if y==30 and x>=110 and x<=140: jump=-1 if jump==-1: if x>=0 and x<=20 and y==170: ground=1 elif x>=30 and x<=60 and y==150: ground=1 elif x>=70 and x<=100 and y==130: ground=1 elif x>=110 and x<=140 and y==110: ground=1 elif x>=110 and x<=140 and y==80: ground=1 elif x>=110 and x<=140 and y==50: ground=1 elif x>=110 and x<=140 and y==10: ground=1 elif x>=170 and x<=200 and y==30: ground=1 elif x>=210 and x<=240 and y==30: ground=1 elif x>=290 and x<=310 and y==150: ground=1 elif x>=xn-10 and x<=xn+30 and y==yn-10: ground=1 else: ground=0 if ground==0: y=y+fall #rencontre avec nuage if x>xn-10 and x<xn+30 and y==yn-10: ground=1 y=yn-10 if cloud_sens>0: x=x+1 else: x=x-1 #colision avec piques et lave if x>=250 and x<=320 and y>=62 and y<=80: f(x-2,y-2,14,14,color(173,216,230)) x=0 y=150 death=death+1 if y>190: f(x-2,y-2,14,14,color(173,216,230)) x=0 y=150 death=death+1 #fin if x>=300 and y==150: go=0 #definition des touches de controle #saut if k(ko) and ground==1 or k(ke) and ground==1: if fjc>10: jump=30 if background>1: jump_nb=jump_nb+1 ground=0 #avancer if k(kr): x=x+1 #reculer if k(kl): x=x-1 #pause s(0.01) time=time+1 fjc=fjc+1 print(" ") print("x=",x,",","y=",y) print("temps=",time) print("nb de saut=",jump_nb) print("morts=",death) if death==0: death=6.6 elif death==1: death=5.5 elif death==2: death=5 elif death==3: death=4 elif death<5: death=3 elif death<8: death=2 elif death<=10: death=1 elif death>10: death=0 if jump_nb<16: jump_nb=6.6 elif jump_nb<20: jump_nb=6 elif jump_nb<25: jump_nb=5.5 elif jump_nb<60: jump_nb=5 elif jump_nb<80: jump_nb=4 elif jump_nb<=120: jump_nb=2 elif jump_nb>120: jump_nb=0 if time<1600: time=6.6 elif time<1700: time=6 elif time<1900: time=5 elif time<2100: time=4 elif time<3000: time=3 elif time<4000: time=2 elif time<=5000: time=1 elif time>5000: time=0 note=round(death+jump_nb+time) f(0,0,320,280,color(173,216,230)) draw_string("Bravo!",130,80,'black',color(173,216,230)) draw_string("Tu as reussi les 4 niveaux",50,100,'black',color(173,216,230)) draw_string("jeu par Aubin",100,120,'black',color(173,216,230)) draw_string("performance:"+str(note)+"/20",70,140,'black',color(173,216,230)) fill_rect(0,212,320,5,'green') fill_rect(0,217,320,5,'brown') fill_rect(0,0,320,5,'green') fill_rect(0,5,320,5,'brown')