Zero series: Start and learn to code in python on the NumWorks. A script, a demo. [EN]
Série zéro: Débuter et apprendre à coder en python sur la NumWorks. Un script, une démo. [FR]
from kandinsky import * from time import sleep def bij(r,g,b,y): fill_rect(1,y,42,42,(r,g,b)) fill_rect(43,y,280,42,(255,255,255)) draw_string("set_pixel =" + str((r,g,b)),50,y) draw_string("get_pixel =" + str(get_pixel(1,y)),50,y+20) bij(120,121,122,1) bij(80,80,80,41) bij(44,44,44,81) bij(255,255,255,121) draw_string(" saut : R=8, G=4, B=8",1,200) for i in range(128): bij(0+i,64+i,128+i,161) sleep(1)