from random import choice from kandinsky import fill_rect as rec, draw_string as txt from ion import keydown as k from time import sleep # Reversi 1.2.1 NumWorks, 27.04.2023 # Par Thomas S. & Vincent ROBERT # ai_lvl_list = ("Facile","Normal") mode_de_jeu = ("J-2","IA") directions = ([0, -1], [1, -1], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1], [-1, 1], [-1, 0], [-1, -1]) col = ((100,203,111),(220,)*3,(60,)*3,(148,113,222),(242,0,0),(255,183,52),(255,)*3,(60,139,72),(90,)*3,(180,)*3,(160,)*3,(242,)*3) len_x,len_y,c = 8,8,20 x_g = (320 - (1+len_x*(c+2))) // 2 y_g = (200 - (1+len_y*(c+2))) // 2 def grille(x, y, t_x, t_y, c, col): for w in range(t_x): for h in range(t_y): rec(1+x+w*(c+2), 1+y+h*(c+2), c, c, col) def cercle(x,y,col,s=0): for d in range(6): rec(x-d+(d==0)+2*s, y+d+(d==5)+2*s, 6+2*d-2*(d==0)-4*s, 16-2*d-2*(d==5)-4*s, col) def getCase(g_in, x, y, col_mode=False): if col_mode: if 0 <= g_in[y][x] <= 2: return col[g_in[y][x]] return None return -1 if x < 0 or x >= len_x or y < 0 or y >= len_y else g_in[y][x] def setCase(g_in_in, x, y, value): g_in_in[y][x] = value def wait(buttons=(0,1,2,3,4,5,52)): while True: for i in buttons: if k(i): while k(i): True return i def deplacement(pos_old=[], for_error=False): global c if not(for_error): if pos_old != []: x, y = pos_old if getCase(g,x,y) in (1,2): rec(x_g+1+x*(c+2),y_g+1+y*(c+2),c,c,col[0]) cercle(x_g+8+(c+2)*x,y_g+3+(c+2)*y,getCase(g,x,y,True)) else: rec(x_g+1+x*(c+2),y_g+1+y*(c+2),c,c,getCase(g,x,y,True)) x, y = pos rec(x_g+1+x*(c+2),y_g+1+y*(c+2),c,c,col[7]) cercle(x_g+8+(c+2)*x,y_g+3+(c+2)*y,col[1] if player_turn == 1 else col[2],1) case = getCase(g,x,y) if case != 0: cercle(x_g+8+(c+2)*x,y_g+3+(c+2)*y,getCase(g,x,y,True)) else: rec(x_g + 1 + pos[0]*(c+2),y_g + 1 + pos[1]*(c+2), c, c, col[4]) sleep(0.1542) affichage() def update(): global c for y in range(len_y): for x in range(len_x): if getCase(g,x,y) in (1,2): rec(x_g+1+x*(c+2), y_g+1+y*(c+2), c, c, col[0]) cercle(x_g+8+(c+2)*x, y_g+3+(c+2)*y, getCase(g, x, y, True)) else: rec(x_g+1+x*(c+2), y_g+1+y*(c+2), c, c, getCase(g, x, y, True)) deplacement() def affichage(): if param == 1: txt("<", 283-len(mode_de_jeu[ai_enable_indice])*5-15, y_g+2, col[10]) txt(">",283+len(mode_de_jeu[ai_enable_indice])*5+5, y_g+2, col[10]) elif param == 2: txt("<", 283-15, y_g+(c+2)*7+17, col[10]) txt(">",283+5,y_g+(c+2)*7+17,col[10]) txt("J-1",20,y_g+2,col[8]) cercle(32,y_g+c+2+3,col[2]) txt("Score",10,y_g+(c+2)*3+2,col[8]) rec(25,y_g+(c+2)*4+2,22,18,col[6]) txt(str(sc_noir),35-len(str(sc_noir))*5,y_g+(c+2)*4+2,col[9]) if not(no_round in (0,2)): rec(9,y_g+(c+2)*6+1,52,(c+2)*2, col[3]) txt("Tour",15,y_g+(c+2)*6+2, col[11], col[3]) txt("passé",10,y_g+(c+2)*7+2, col[11], col[3]) sleep(0.242) else: rec(9,y_g+(c+2)*6+1, 52, (c+2)*2, col[6]) txt(mode_de_jeu[ai_enable_indice],283-len(mode_de_jeu[ai_enable_indice])*5,y_g+2,col[8]) cercle(280,y_g+c+2+3,col[1]) txt("Score",258,y_g+(c+2)*3+2,col[8]) rec(273,y_g+(c+2)*4+2,22,18,col[6]) txt(str(sc_blanc),283-len(str(sc_blanc))*5,y_g+(c+2)*4+2,col[9]) if sets["ai_enable"]: txt("Niveau",253,y_g+(c+2)*6+2,col[8]) txt(ai_lvl_list[ai_lvl_indice],283-len(ai_lvl_list[ai_lvl_indice])*5,y_g+(c+2)*7+2,col[9]) if sc_noir == 42: txt("<3",25,y_g+(c+2)*5+2,(255,0,0)) else: rec(25,y_g+(c+2)*5+2,20,18,col[6]) if sc_blanc == 42: txt("<3",273,y_g+(c+2)*5+2,(255,0,0)) else: rec(273,y_g+(c+2)*5+2,20,18,col[6]) def do_pion(mode, pion_x, pion_y, directions_in, ai_ask=False): if getCase(g,pion_x, pion_y) != 0: return False result = [] if ai_ask: dist_totale = [] global sc_noir,sc_blanc pion_adverse = 1 if player_turn == 2 else 2 for d in directions_in: x,y,dir_x,dir_y = pion_x,pion_y,d[0],d[1] current = getCase(g, x + dir_x, y + dir_y) dist_parcourue = 1 while pion_adverse == current: x,y = x+dir_x,y+dir_y if mode == 1: sc_blanc += 1-2*(player_turn!=1) sc_noir += 1-2*(player_turn!=2) setCase(g, x, y, player_turn) current = getCase(g, x + dir_x, y + dir_y) dist_parcourue += 1 if mode == 0 and dist_parcourue > 1 and current == player_turn: if not(ai_ask): result.append(d) else: dist_totale.append(dist_parcourue) result.append(d) else: continue if mode == 1: if player_turn == 1: sc_blanc += 1 else: sc_noir += 1 setCase(g,pion_x,pion_y,player_turn) else: if ai_ask: result.append(sum(dist_totale)) return result def has_legal_hit(): legal_hits = [] for y in range(len_y): for x in range(len_x): if do_pion(0,x,y,directions): legal_hits.append([x,y]) return legal_hits def ai(lvl): if lvl == 0: return choice(has_legal_hit()) elif lvl == 1: legal_hits = has_legal_hit() temp = [] plus_grand = [[],0] for i in range(len(legal_hits)): legal_hits[i] = [legal_hits[i],do_pion(0,legal_hits[i][0],legal_hits[i][1],directions,True)] for i in legal_hits: if i[1][-1] > plus_grand[1]: plus_grand = [[i[0]],i[1][-1]] elif i[1][-1] == plus_grand[1]: plus_grand[0].append(i[0]) return choice(plus_grand[0]) def action(position): global player_turn result = do_pion(0,position[0],position[1],directions) if result != [] and result != False: do_pion(1,position[0],position[1],result) player_turn = 1 if player_turn == 2 else 2 update() else: deplacement(for_error=True) def gameover(): rec(0,200,320,22,col[5]) txt("Terminé ! Relancer avec OK",30,202,col[11],col[5]) while 1: key_pressed = wait() if key_pressed in (4,52): break init() def init(): global sets,g,player_turn,sc_noir,sc_blanc,no_round,pos,ai_enable_indice,ai_lvl_indice,param sets = {"player_choice": 2,"ai_enable": False, "ai_lvl": 0} g = [[1 for i in range(len_x)] for i in range(len_y)] g[3][3],g[3][4],g[4][3],g[4][4] = 1,2,2,1 g = [[0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0], [1,2,1,1,1,2,2,2], [1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2], [1,2,1,2,1,2,2,2], [0,2,2,2,1,2,0,0], [0,0,1,2,1,2,2,2], [0,0,0,2,1,1,0,0], [0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0], ] player_turn,sc_noir,sc_blanc,no_round = 2,0,0,0 pos = [2,3] rec(0,0,320,200,col[6]) rec(0,200,320,22,col[3]) txt("Code by",45,202,col[11],col[3]) grille(x_g,y_g,len_x,len_y,c,col[0]) param = 1 ai_enable_indice = 1 ai_lvl_indice = 0 affichage() while 1: key_pressed = None key_pressed = wait() if key_pressed == 0: if param == 1: ai_enable_indice = (ai_enable_indice-1) % 2 elif param == 2: ai_lvl_indice = (ai_lvl_indice-1) % 2 elif key_pressed == 3: if param == 1: ai_enable_indice = (ai_enable_indice+1) % 2 elif param == 2: ai_lvl_indice = (ai_lvl_indice+1) % 2 if key_pressed in (4,52): if param == 1: if ai_enable_indice == 1: sets["ai_enable"] = True param += 1 else: sets["ai_enable"] = False param = 0 rec(248,y_g+2,71,18,col[6]) break else: if sets["ai_enable"]: sets["ai_lvl"] = 0 if ai_lvl_indice == 0 else 1 param = 0 rec(248,y_g+(c+2)*7+17,71,18,col[6]) break if key_pressed == 5 and param == 2: param -= 1 sets["ai_enable"] = False rec(248,y_g+(c+2)*6+2,71,55,col[6]) if key_pressed != None: rec(248,y_g+2,71,18,col[6]) rec(248,y_g+(c+2)*7+2,71,18,col[6]) affichage() play() def play(): global player_turn,sc_noir,sc_blanc,no_round sc_noir,sc_blanc = 20,22 update() while 1: key_pressed = None pos_old = list(pos) if has_legal_hit() == []: player_turn = 1 if player_turn == 2 else 2 no_round += 1 if no_round == 2: affichage() break affichage() continue else: no_round = 0 if sets["ai_enable"] and player_turn != sets["player_choice"]: sleep(0.242) pos_ai = ai(sets["ai_lvl"]) action(pos_ai) continue key_pressed = wait() if key_pressed == 1: pos[1] = (pos[1]-1) % 8 elif key_pressed == 2: pos[1] = (pos[1]+1) % 8 elif key_pressed == 3: pos[0] = (pos[0]+1) % 8 elif key_pressed == 0: pos[0] = (pos[0]-1) % 8 elif key_pressed in (4,52): if sets["ai_enable"] and player_turn == sets["player_choice"]: action(pos) elif not(sets["ai_enable"]): action(pos) if key_pressed != None: deplacement(pos_old) gameover() init()