Version 4ko. Beta à tester.Presque pep8. Version 01/01/2020 10h20
# , Arthur Jacquin, Kevin Fedyna, Vincent Robert. from math import sqrt a = b = c = d = 0 P, I = print, input def entete(): global a P("\n"*9) P("Polynome (equation) degre 2"+"\nP(x)=ax^2+bx+c (=0)"*(a==0)+"\nP(x)={}{}{} (=0)".format(M(a, a="x^2", r=4), M(b, s=1, a="x", r=4, n=1), M(c, s=1, r=4, n=1))*(a!=0)+"\n") if a == 0: menu1() ; entete() def menu(): entete() P("1. Changer les valeurs a,b,c") P("2. Discriminant d = ",M(d, r=4),"<"*(d<0)+">"*(d>0)+"="*(d==0)+" 0") P("3. Racine"+"s"*(d!=0)+" reelle"*(d>=0)+"s"*(d>0)+" double"*(d==0)+" complexes conj"*(d<0)+" :"+" 1"*(d==0)+" 2"*(d!=0)) P("4. Signe : "+"-"*(d<0 and a<0)+"+"*(d<0 and a>0)+"- 0 -"*(d==0 and a<0)+"+ 0 +"*(d==0 and a>0)+"- 0 + 0 -"*(d>0 and a<0)+"+ 0 - 0 +"*(d>0 and a>0)) P("5. Factorisation dans "+"C"*(d<0)+"R"*(d>=0)) P("6. Quitter\n\n") choix = In("Choix",1,6) if choix != 6: entete() ; eval("menu{}()".format(int(choix))) ; menu() def menu1(): global a, b, c, d, e, nb, x, y, x1, x2 a = 0 ; P("\n"*3) while a == 0:a = M(In("a")) b, c = M(In("b")), M(In("c")) d = M(float(b**2-4*a*c)) e = M(float(a*(-b/(2*a))**2+b*(-b/(2*a))+c)) nb = d and 2 or 1 x, y = M((-b)/(2*a)), M((sqrt(abs(d)))/(2 * a)) x1, x2 = M(min(x+y,x-y)), M(max(x-y,x+y)) def menu2(): P("2. Calcul du discriminant :\n") P("d = b^2 - 4*a*c") P(" = {}^2 - 4*{}*{}".format(M(b,p=1),M(a,p=1),M(c,p=1))) P(M(-4*a*c,b=" = ")*(b==0 and c!=0)+(" = {}{}".format(M(b**2),M(-4*a*c,s=1,n=1)))*(not(b==0 and c!=0))) P(M(d,b="d = ")+(" < "*(d<0)+" > "*(d>0)+"0")*(d!=0)+"\n\n") I() def menu3(): m="3. Calcul des racines :\n" P(m,"d "+"<"*(d<0)+"="*(d==0)+">"*(d>0)+" 0 donc il existe") P("2"*(d!=0)+"1"*(d==0)+" racine"+"s"*(d!=0)+" reelle"*(d>=0)+"s"*(d>0)+" double"*(d==0)+" complexes conjugees"*(d<0)+" :") P("\n"+"z1"*(d<0)+"x1"*(d>=0)+" = x2"*(d==0)+" = -b/2a","+ sqrt(|d|)/2a"*(d!=0)+" i"*(d<0)) P("\n"+"z2"*(d<0)+"x2"*(d>0)+" = -b/2a"*(d!=0),"- sqrt(|d|)/2a"*(d!=0)+" i"*(d<0)+"\n") I() ; entete() ; P(m) s = ["+", "-"] if d < 0: for i in [0,1]: P("z"+str(i+1)+" = -b/2a "+s[i]+" sqrt(|d|)/2a i") P(" = (-{0})/(2*{1}) {3} sqrt(|{2}|)/(2*{1}) i".format(M(b, p=1, r=4),M(a, p=1,r=4),M(d, r=4),s[i])) P(" = {} {} {} i".format(x,s[i],M(y,p=1))) elif d == 0: P("x1 = x2 = -b/2a") P(" = (-{})/(2*{})".format(M(b, p=1, r=5), M(a, p=1, r=5))) P(M(x,b=" = ")) P("\n"*2) elif d > 0: for i in [0, 1]: P("x"+str(i+1)+" = (-b"+s[i-1*(a>0)]+"sqrt(d))/(2a)") P(" = (-{}{}sqrt({}))/(2*{})".format(M(b, p=1, r=4), s[i-1*(a>0)], M(d, r=4), M(a, p=1, r=4))) P(M(eval("x"+s[i-1*(a>0)]+"abs(y)"),b=" = ")) I() def menu4(): if d <= 0: P(" x | -b/(2a) |"+"\n"+"-"*21) P("P(x)| "+"+ m +"*(a>0)+"- M -"*(a<0)+" |\n"+"-"*21) else: P(" x | x1 -b/(2a) x2 |"+"\n"+"-"*27) P("P(x)| "+"+ 0 - m - 0 +"*(a>0)+"- 0 + M + 0 -"*(a<0)+" |\n"+"-"*27) P("Extremum :\n"+" (", M(-b / (2 * a), r=4), ";", M(e, r=4), ")\n\n") I() def menu5(): if d >= 0: P("P(x) = a (x-x1)^2"*(d==0)+"P(x) = a (x-x1) (x-x2)"*(d>0)+"\nAvec:") P(M(a, "a = ")) P(M(-x1, "x-x1 = x", r=4, n=2, s=1)) P(M(-x2, "x-x2 = x", r=4, n=2, s=1)*(d!=0)) P("P(x) = "+str(a)*(a!=1)+("x^2"*(x1==0)+("(x"+M(-x1, s=1)+")^2")*(x1!=0))*(d==0)+("(x"+M(-x1, s=1, n=1)+")(x"+M(-x2, s=1, n=1)+")")*(d>0)+"\n"*2) else: P("P(z) = a(z-z1)(z-z2)\nAvec:") P(M(a, " a = ")) P(M(-x, "z-z1 = z", M(y, a="i", r=4, n=1, s=1), r=4, n=2, s=1)) P(M(-x, "z-z2 = z", M(-y, a="i", r=4, n=1, s=1), r=4, n=2, s=1)+"\n"*3) I() def M(v, b="", a="", s=0, r=8, n=0, p=0): # Magie ! value, before, after, signe, round, null, par if not v and n in [1, 2, 3]: return (str(b)+str(a)*(n!=3))*(n!=1) if v == int(v): v = int(v) else: v = round(v, r) if (b, a, s, p) == ("", "", 0, 0): return v if s and v > 0: v = "+"+str(v) if p and v < 0: v = "("+str(v)+")" return str(b) + str(v) + str(a) def In(t, m=-2**30, M=2**30): # str, min, Max r = v = 2**31 while not(m <= v <= M): try: v = float(input("\t"+t+" = ")) except: v = r return v menu()