Created by cent20

Created on December 15, 2024

4.93 KB

from kandinsky import *
from random import randint, choice
from time import sleep
from math import sqrt
from ion import keydown

carte = [[666] * 32 if i in {0, 19} else [666]+[0 for _ in range(30)]+[666] for i in range(20)]
# (255, 181, 49)  (148, 113, 222) (42, 197, 242) (0, 166, 118) (163, 22, 33)
# Orange          violet          bleu            vert          rouge
col = {"ui":(148, 113, 222), "p":(42, 142, 242), "h":(163, 22, 33), "w":(0, 166, 118), "l":(142,142,142)}

player = {"x":1, "y":5, "vie":3, "level":False}
game = {"L":1, "R":6, "E":1}

def wait(keys=(0,1,2,3,4)):  # input keyboard
    while True:
        for k in keys:
            if keydown(k):
                while keydown(k): True  # Fonction anti-rebond
                return k

def miner():
    for y in range(2,19,1):
        for x in range(2,31,1):
            carte[y][x] = 0     
    n = 21*game["L"]
    """Place n bombes sur la carte, win condition, start"""
    while n>0:
        y, x = randint(1,18), randint(2,29)
        if carte[y][x]!=666:
            n -= 1
    y , x = randint(1,18), 1
    player["x"], player["y"], = 1, y
    x, y = randint(10,28), choice((0,19))
    if x == 31:
        y = randint(3,17)
    draw_string(str(x)+" "+str(y), 0, 0, (242,)*3, (148, 113,222))
    draw_string(str(x)+" "+str(y), 180, 0, (242,)*3, (148, 113,222))

def count(y,x):
    """Nombre de bombe dans le voisinage"""
    b = 0
    for i in range(-1,2,1):
        for j in range(-1,2,1):
            if x+i<0 or x+i>31 or y+j<0 or y+j>19:
                b += 1
            if 0<=x+i<=31 and 0<=y+j<=19 and carte[y+j][x+i]==666:
                b += 1    
    return b

def color(y,x):
    if y in {0, 19}:        
    elif x in {0, 31}:
        if y in {1, 18}:

def grille():
    """debugage only"""
    for y in range(20):
        for x in range(32):

def ui():
    fill_rect(0, 200, 320, 22, (148, 113, 222))
    draw_string( "", 0, 202, (242,)*3, (148, 113,222))
    txt = ""
    for k in game.keys():
        txt += k+str(game[k])+" "
    draw_string(txt, 270-10*len(txt), 202, (242,)*3, (148, 113,222))
    draw_string(str(player["vie"]), 320-10*len(str(player["vie"])), 202, (242,)*3, (148, 113,222))

def heart(h="h",n=1):
    x,y = 0,0
    for i, j in enumerate((1,3,2,3,1,4,2,24,1,8,3,6,5,4,7,2,4)): #heart
        while j>0:
            c = col["ui"] if i % 2 == 0 else col[h]
            x,y,j = x+1, (x+1)//10, j-1

def go(y,x):
    """Augmente la couleur de chaque case et deplace le joueur"""
    print(player["x"], player["y"], x, y, carte[y][x])
    player["x"], player["y"] = x, y
    if x<0 or x>31 or y<0 or y>19 or carte[y][x] == 666:        
        return loose()
    if carte[y][x] == 42:        
        return win()
    for x0 in range(32):
        for y0 in range(20):
            c = max(0, get_pixel(10*x0,10*y0)[0]-24)
            fill_rect(x0*10, y0*10, 10, 10, (c,c,c))
def radar(p=1):
    for x in range(-p,p+1,1):
        for y in range(-p,p+1,1):
            if x == 0 and y == 0:
                fill_rect(player["x"]*10, player["y"]*10, 10, 10, col["p"])
            elif sqrt(abs(x)**2+abs(y)**2) <=p and player["y"]+y<20:
                c = 216-24*count(player["y"]+y,player["x"]+x)
                fill_rect((player["x"]+x)*10, (player["y"]+y)*10, 10, 10, (c,c,c))
def loose():
    player["vie"] -= 1
    print("Boom", player, carte[player["y"]][player["x"]])
    player["level"] = True

def win():
    print("WIN", player, carte[player["y"]][player["x"]])
    player["vie"] += 1
    player["level"] = True
    game["L"] += 1
    game["E"] += 1

def play():

def emp(p=1):
    for x in range(-p,p+1,1):
        for y in range(-p,p+1,1):
            xe = player["x"]+x
            ye = player["y"]+y
            if xe > 0 and ye > 0 and xe < 31 and ye < 19 and carte[ye][xe] != 42:
               carte[ye][xe] = 0
def init():
    n = game["L"]
    game["R"] = max(2,5-n//2) # Radar range
    #game["B"] = 21*game["L"] # Bomb nb
    #game["B"] = 15
    game["E"] = min(1+n, game["E"]+1) # EMP nb

while player["vie"]:
    player["level"] = False
    while not player["level"]:
        k = wait()
        if k == 4:
            player["x"], player["y"] = player["x"]-1*(k==0)+1*(k==3), player["y"]-1*(k==1)+1*(k==2)

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