Python Game for Numworks
By Vincent ROBERT. december 2024
Learn more about Expore, Escape : (FR)
Préparez-vous à plonger dans Explore Escape, un défi où chaque pas peut tout changer. Perdu sur une carte mystérieuse de 32 x 20 tuiles, vous devez déjouer des pièges invisibles et avancer dans l’inconnu. Votre seul allié ? Un radar capricieux qui vous laisse deviner les zones de danger. Attrapez des bonus, utilisez stratégiquement vos EMP pour désactiver les bombes, et explorez les 42 niveaux semés d’embûches. Chaque décision compte dans cette quête haletante. Serez-vous à la hauteur pour échapper à l’inévitable ? L’aventure commence maintenant avec Explore Escape.
# NumWorks Python Game # Explore Escape 2.0 # Vincent ROBERT 12/01/2025 from kandinsky import * txt, rec = draw_string, fill_rect from random import randint as r from random import choice from time import sleep from math import sqrt from ion import keydown carte = [[0] * 32 for _ in range(20)] # 640 tiles to explore col = {"b":(248,248,248),"ui":(148, 113, 222), "p":(42, 142, 242), "h":(242, 160, 176), "w":(40, 200, 140), "l":(242,142,142)} p = {"x":1, "y":5, "vie":3, "level":False} #Player game = {"L":1, "R":6, "E":0} # Level Radar EMP w = {"x":0, "y":0, "e":0, "v":0} #win, bonus def wait(keys=(0,1,2,3,4,52)): # arrows, ok, exe while True: for k in keys: if keydown(k): while keydown(k): True return k def reset(): for y in range(0,20): # Blank card for x in range(0,32): carte[y][x] = 600 if x in (0, 31) or y in (0, 19) else 0 m=22 # 22 trap while m: y, x = r(2,18), r(2,29) if carte[y][x]!=600: carte[y][x]=600 m -= 1 n = 10*game["L"]- 30 # trap level while n>0: y, x = r(1,18), r(2,29) if carte[y][x]!=600 and count(y,x)>0: carte[y][x]=600 n -= 1 y , x = r(1,18), 1 # start position p["x"], p["y"], = 1, y carte[y][x]=0 x, y = r(10,42), choice((0,19)) # win condition if x >= 28: x, y = 31, r(3,17) carte[y][x]=300 w["x"], w["y"] = x, y bonus() def bonus(): w["e"], w["v"] = r(1,5-game["L"]//10), r(1,5-game["L"]//8) t,e,v = 0, w["e"], w["v"] while t<4242 and (e>0 or v>0): y, x = r(1,18), r(2,29) if e>0 and count(y,x)==0 and carte[y][x]==0: carte[y][x]=200 e-=1 elif v>0 and count(y,x)==0 and carte[y][x]==0: carte[y][x]=100 v-=1 t +=1 w["e"], w["v"] = w["e"]-e, w["v"]-v def count(y,x): """Number of trap in the neighborhood""" b = 0 for i in range(-1,2): for j in range(-1,2): if x+i<0 or x+i>31 or y+j<0 or y+j>19: b += 1 if 0<=x+i<=31 and 0<=y+j<=19 and carte[y+j][x+i]//100==6: b += 1 return b def ui(): rec(0, 200, 320, 22, col["ui"]) txt( "", 10, 202, col["b"], col["ui"]) stats() draw_heart(27,20.7) def stats(): t = ""+" "*(game["E"]<10) for k in game.keys(): t += k+str(game[k])+" " txt(t, 270-10*len(t), 202, col["b"], col["ui"]) txt(str(p["vie"])+" ", 285, 202, col["b"], col["ui"]) def draw_heart(x,y,c=col["h"]): """heart Pixel Art 10x10""" xi,yi = 0,0 for i, j in enumerate((1,2,3,2,3,3,1,4,1,39,2,8,3,6,5,4,7,2)): #heart while j>0: if i % 2 == 1 : rec(int(10*x)+(xi%10),int(10*y)+yi,1,1,c) xi,yi,j = xi+1, (xi+1)//10, j-1 def draw_emp(x,y): """Plus sign Pixel Art 10x10""" rec(int(x*10+4), int(y*10+2), 2, 6, col["w"] ) rec(int(x*10+2), int(y*10+4), 6, 2, col["w"] ) def draw_robot(x,y, c=col["p"]): """Robot head Pixel Art 10x10""" rec(x*10,y*10,10,10, c) rec(x*10+2, y*10+2, 2, 2, col["b"] ) rec(x*10+6, y*10+2, 2, 2, col["b"] ) rec(x*10+2, y*10+6, 6, 2, col["b"] ) rec(x*10+4, y*10+6, 2, 1, c ) def go(y,x): """Darken each square """ p["x"], p["y"] = x, y if x<0 or x>31 or y<0 or y>19: return restart() else: c = carte[y][x]//100 if c == 6: carte[y][x] = 16 p["vie"] -= 1 for i in range(2): draw_heart(27,20.7,c=col["ui"]) sleep(0.21) draw_heart(27,20.7,c=col["h"]) sleep(0.21) stats() if p["vie"]==0: p["level"] = True stats() elif c == 3: return finish() elif c == 1: carte[y][x] = 16 p["vie"] += 1 elif c == 2: carte[y][x] = 16 game["E"] += 1 radar() darken(x,y) def darken(x,y): for x0 in range(32): for y0 in range(20): if distance(x,y,x0,y0) > game["R"]+0.50: c = carte[y0][x0] carte[y0][x0] = max(100*(c//100),c-1) if c != carte[y0][x0]: g = 16*(carte[y0][x0]%100) rec(x0*10, y0*10, 10, 10, (g,g,g)) def radar(d=1): x, y = p["x"], p["y"] for i in range(-d,d+1,1): for j in range(-d,d+1,1): if i == 0 and j == 0: draw_robot(x,y) elif distance(i,j) <= d+0.5 and 0<=y+j<20 and 0<=x+i<32: c = carte[y+j][x+i] carte[y+j][x+i]= 100*(c//100)+16-count(y+j,x+i) g = 16*(carte[y+j][x+i]%100-1) if c != carte[y+j][x+i] or i+j<1.1: rec((x+i)*10, (y+j)*10, 10, 10, (g,g,g)) if carte[y+j][x+i]//100==2: draw_emp(x+i,y+j) if carte[y+j][x+i]//100==1: draw_heart(x+i,y+j) out() def out(): "If the exit is within a reasonable distance from the player it is displayed" if distance(w["x"],w["y"],p["x"],p["y"]) <= game["R"]+1.9: rec(w["x"]*10, w["y"]*10, 10, 10, col["w"]) def restart(): p["vie"] -= 1 p["level"] = True def finish(): p["vie"] += 1 p["level"] = True game["L"] += 1 def emp(d=1): game["E"] -= 1 for x in range(-d,d+1,1): for y in range(-d,d+1,1): xe, ye = p["x"]+x, p["y"]+y if distance(x,y)<d+0.5 and 0<xe<31 and 0<ye<19 and carte[ye][xe]//100!=1: carte[ye][xe] = 0 radar(max(game["R"],d) +3) def init(): rec(0,0,320,200,(0,0,0)) game["R"] = max(2,5-game["L"]//8) game["E"] = max(game["E"], min(game["L"],9)) reset() ui() if game["L"]%2==1 and 2<game["L"]<10 and p["vie"]>0: for y in range(0,20): for x in range(0,32): if carte[y][x]==600: rec(10*x,10*y,10,10,col["l"]) sleep(4.2-0.42*game["L"]) rec(0,0,320,200,(0,0,0)) radar(game["R"]) level() def distance(a,b,c=0,d=0): return sqrt((a-c)**2+(b-d)**2) def level(): n = game["L"] end = False if n>42 or p["vie"]<1: end = True ui,b = col["ui"], col["b"] rec(80,40,160,120,ui) txt( "EXPLORE ESCAPE", 90, 50, b, ui) txt( "lvl "+str(min(n,42)), 90+40*(not 9<n<31), 80, b, ui) if 9<n<31: txt( str(bin(w["x"]))[1:], 170, 80, b, ui) if not end: txt( str(w["e"])+" XMP Bonus", 90, 110, b, ui) txt( str(w["v"])+" life Bonus", 90, 130, b, ui) draw_heart(10.5,13.3) draw_emp(10.5,11.3) wait() rec(80,40,160,120,(0,0,0)) elif n==43: txt( "GAME COMPLETE", 90, 120, b, ui) q() else: txt( "GAME OVER", 110, 120, b, ui) q() def q(): wait() p["vie"]=-1 while p["vie"]>-1: p["level"] = False init() while not p["level"] and p["vie"]>0: k = wait() if k == 4 or k == 52: if game["E"]>0: emp(int(-0.00657*game["L"]**2+0.27619*game["L"]+2.1)) else: go(p["y"]-1*(k==1)+1*(k==2), p["x"]-1*(k==0)+1*(k==3)) radar(game["R"]) stats()