Script de Xavier Andréani ( pour tester les performances des calculatrices en python.
# # seuil(0.008) et isprimep(10000019) from time import monotonic def hastime(): try: monotonic() return True except: return False def seuil(d): timed,n=hastime(),0 start,u=0 or timed and monotonic(),2. d=d**2 while (u-1)**2>=d: u=1+1/((1-u)*(n+1)) n=n+1 return [(timed and monotonic() or 1)-start,n,u] def nodivisorin(n,l): for k in l: if n//k*k==n: return False return True def isprimep(n): t=hastime() s,l,k=0 or t and monotonic(),[3],7 if n==2 or n==5:return True if int(n)!=n or n//2*2==n or n//5*5==5: return False if n<k:return n in l while k*k<n: if nodivisorin(k,l):l.append(k) k+=2+2*((k+2)//5*5==k+2) r=nodivisorin(n,l) return (t and monotonic() or 1)-s,r