try: from time import * except: pass def hastime(): try: monotonic() return True except: return False def seuil(d): d=d**2 timed,n=hastime(),0 start,u=0 or timed and monotonic(),2. while (u-1)**2>=d: u=1+1/((1-u)*(n+1)) n=n+1 return [(timed and monotonic() or 1) - start,n,u] def seuilmoy(d=.008): s0 = 2*10**-3 s = s0 tt, t, c = 0, 0, 0 while c<2 or abs((tt + t)/c-tt/(c-1))>=s/c: tt += t t = seuil(d)[0] c += 1 return (tt+t)/c